Open 3D Engine EMotionFX Gem API Reference
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
This is the complete list of members for EMotionFX::Mesh, including all inherited members.
AddSharedVertexAttributeLayer(VertexAttributeLayer *layer) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
AddSubMesh(SubMesh *subMesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
AddVertexAttributeLayer(VertexAttributeLayer *layer) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Allocate(uint32 numVerts, uint32 numIndices, uint32 numPolygons, uint32 numOrgVerts) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_BITANGENTS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_NORMALS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_ORGVTXNUMBERS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_POSITIONS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_TANGENTS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ATTRIB_UVCOORDS enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcAabb(AZ::Aabb *outBoundingBox, const Transform &transform, uint32 vertexFrequency=1) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcMaxNumInfluences() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcMaxNumInfluences(AZStd::vector< size_t > &outVertexCounts) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcMaxNumInfluencesForFace(uint32 startIndexOfFace) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcNormals(bool useDuplicates=false) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcNumAttributeLayers(uint32 type) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcNumTriangles() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcNumUVLayers() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CalcTangentAndBitangentForFace(const AZ::Vector3 &posA, const AZ::Vector3 &posB, const AZ::Vector3 &posC, const AZ::Vector2 &uvA, const AZ::Vector2 &uvB, const AZ::Vector2 &uvC, AZ::Vector3 *outTangent, AZ::Vector3 *outBitangent) | EMotionFX::Mesh | static |
CalcTangents(uint32 uvLayer=0, bool storeBitangents=false) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CheckIfIsQuadMesh() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
CheckIfIsTriangleMesh() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ClassifyMeshType(size_t lodLevel, Actor *actor, size_t nodeIndex, bool forceCPUSkinning, uint32 maxInfluences, uint32 maxBonesPerSubMesh) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Clone() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ConvertTo16BitIndices() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Create() | EMotionFX::Mesh | static |
Create(uint32 numVerts, uint32 numIndices, uint32 numPolygons, uint32 numOrgVerts, bool isCollisionMesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | static |
CreateFromModelLod(const AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::RPI::ModelLodAsset > &sourceModelLod, const AZStd::unordered_map< AZ::u16, AZ::u16 > &skinToSkeletonIndexMap) (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | static |
DecreaseReferenceCount() | MCore::RefCounted | |
Delete() (defined in MCore::RefCounted) | MCore::RefCounted | protectedvirtual |
Destroy() | MCore::RefCounted | |
EMeshType enum name | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ExtractOriginalVertexPositions(AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &outPoints) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindOriginalVertexData(uint32 layerID, size_t occurrence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindOriginalVertexDataByName(uint32 layerID, const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindSharedVertexAttributeLayer(uint32 layerTypeID, size_t occurence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindSharedVertexAttributeLayerIndexByName(const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindSharedVertexAttributeLayerIndexByNameID(uint32 nameID) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindSharedVertexAttributeLayerIndexByNameString(const AZStd::string &name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindSharedVertexAttributeLayerNumber(uint32 layerTypeID, size_t occurrence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayer(uint32 layerTypeID, size_t occurence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerByName(uint32 layerTypeID, const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerIndexByName(const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerIndexByNameID(uint32 nameID) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerIndexByNameString(const AZStd::string &name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerNumber(uint32 layerTypeID, size_t occurrence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexAttributeLayerNumberByName(uint32 layerTypeID, const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexData(uint32 layerID, size_t occurrence=0) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
FindVertexDataByName(uint32 layerID, const char *name) const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GatherBonesForFace(uint32 startIndexOfFace, AZStd::vector< Node * > &outBones, Actor *actor) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetHighestJointIndex() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetIndices() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetIsCollisionMesh() const (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | inline |
GetNumIndices() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumOrgVertices() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumPolygons() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumSharedVertexAttributeLayers() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumSubMeshes() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumUniqueJoints() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumVertexAttributeLayers() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetNumVertices() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetPolygonVertexCounts() const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetReferenceCount() const | MCore::RefCounted | |
GetSharedVertexAttributeLayer(size_t layerNr) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetSubMesh(size_t nr) const | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
GetVertexAttributeLayer(size_t layerNr) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
IncreaseReferenceCount() | MCore::RefCounted | |
InsertSubMesh(size_t insertIndex, SubMesh *subMesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Intersects(const Transform &transform, const MCore::Ray &ray) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Intersects(const Transform &transform, const MCore::Ray &ray, AZ::Vector3 *outIntersect, float *outBaryU=nullptr, float *outBaryV=nullptr, uint32 *outIndices=nullptr) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Log() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
m_highestJointIndex | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_indices | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_isCollisionMesh | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_numIndices | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_numOrgVerts | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_numPolygons | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_numUniqueJoints | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_numVertices | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_polyVertexCounts | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_sharedVertexAttributes | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_subMeshes | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
m_vertexAttributes | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
MEMORYBLOCK_ID enum value (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Mesh() | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
Mesh(uint32 numVerts, uint32 numIndices, uint32 numPolygons, uint32 numOrgVerts, bool isCollisionMesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
MESHTYPE_CPU_DEFORMED enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
MESHTYPE_GPU_DEFORMED enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
MESHTYPE_STATIC enum value | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RefCounted() | MCore::RefCounted | |
ReleaseData() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveAllSharedVertexAttributeLayers() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveAllVertexAttributeLayers() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveEmptySubMeshes(bool onlyRemoveOnZeroVertsAndTriangles=true) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveSharedVertexAttributeLayer(size_t layerNr) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveSubMesh(size_t nr, bool delFromMem=true) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveVertexAttributeLayer(size_t layerNr) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
RemoveVertices(uint32 startVertexNr, uint32 endVertexNr, bool changeIndexBuffer=true, bool removeEmptySubMeshes=false) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ReserveVertexAttributeLayerSpace(uint32 numLayers) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
ResetToOriginalData() | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
Scale(float scaleFactor) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
SetHighestJointIndex(uint16 highestJointIndex) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
SetIsCollisionMesh(bool isCollisionMesh) (defined in EMotionFX::Mesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | inline |
SetNumSubMeshes(size_t numSubMeshes) | EMotionFX::Mesh | inline |
SetNumUniqueJoints(uint16 numUniqueJoints) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
SetSubMesh(size_t nr, SubMesh *subMesh) | EMotionFX::Mesh | inline |
SwapVertex(uint32 vertexA, uint32 vertexB) | EMotionFX::Mesh | |
~Mesh() | EMotionFX::Mesh | protected |
~RefCounted() | MCore::RefCounted | virtual |