Open 3D Engine ROS2 Gem API Reference
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
►NAZStd | |
Chash< ROS2::LidarId > | |
Citerator_traits< typename std::vector< sdf::v13::Error >::iterator > | |
Citerator_traits< typename std::vector< sdf::v13::Error >::const_iterator > | |
►NROS2 | |
NCameraConstants | |
NCameraUtils | Namespace contains utility functions for camera |
►NControllers | |
CPidConfiguration | |
NDetails | |
NLidarTemplateUtils | Utility class for Lidar model computations |
NPrefabMakerUtils | Common utils for Prefab Maker classes |
NROS2Conversions | Utility class for conversions between ROS2 types and O3DE (AZ::) types |
NROS2Names | Utility class for handling ROS2 naming rules |
►NSDFormat | |
NHooksUtils | |
NROS2ModelPluginHooks | |
NROS2SensorHooks | |
CModelPluginImporterHook | |
CSensorImporterHook | |
►NURDF | |
NTypeConversions | Common types conversion between urdf and AZ formats |
►NUrdfParser | |
CParseResult | Functions for parsing URDF/SDF data |
►NUtils | |
NGeodeticConversions | |
NSDFormat | |
►Nxacro | |
CExecutionOutcome | Structure that keeps all artifacts of xacro execution |
CJointStateData | |
CMissingInertia | |
CIncompleteInertia | |
CDuplicatedJoint | |
CUrdfModifications | |
CAvailableAsset | |
CUrdfAsset | The structure contains a mapping between URDF's path to O3DE asset information |
CImportedAssetsDest | Structure contains paths to the temporary and destination directories for imported assets |
►NVehicleDynamics | |
NUtilities | |
CVehicleInputControlRequests | |
CAxleConfiguration | An axle has one or more wheels attached. Axle configuration is abstracted form the physical object |
CDriveModel | Abstract class for turning vehicle inputs into behavior of wheels and steering elements |
CAckermannDriveModel | A simple Ackermann system implementation converting speed and steering inputs into wheel impulse and steering element torque |
CSkidSteeringDriveModel | A simple skid steering system implementation converting speed and steering inputs into wheel rotation |
CManualControlSingleEventHandler | A handler for a single input event |
CManualControlEventHandler | Registers to "steering" and "acceleration" input events, and translates them into vehicle inputs |
CAckermannVehicleModelComponent | |
CSkidSteeringModelComponent | |
CAckermannModelLimits | A structure holding limits of vehicle, including speed and steering limits |
CSkidSteeringModelLimits | A structure holding limits of skid-steering robot |
CVehicleConfiguration | Drive and steering configuration for a vehicle. The class only holds axle information now but it is meant to be expanded |
CInputZeroedOnTimeout | Inputs with an expiration date - effectively is zero after a certain time since update |
CVehicleInputs | Structure defining the most recent vehicle inputs state |
CVehicleInputDeadline | |
CVehicleModelComponent | A central vehicle (and robot) dynamics component, which can be extended with additional modules |
CVehicleModelLimits | A structure holding limits of vehicle, including speed and steering limits |
CWheelControllerComponent | A component responsible for control (steering, forward motion) of a single wheel |
CWheelDynamicsData | Data structure to pass wheel dynamics data for a single wheel entity |
CSteeringDynamicsData | Data structure to pass steering dynamics data for a single steering entity |
►NWGS | |
CWGS84Coordinate | |
CVector3d | |
CCameraCalibrationRequest | Interface allows to obtain intrinsic parameters of the camera. To obtain extrinsic parameters use TransformProviderRequestBus |
CCameraPostProcessingRequests | |
CITimeSource | |
CRealTimeSource | |
CROS2Clock | |
CROS2TimeSource | |
CSimulationTimeSource | |
CPublisherConfiguration | |
CQoS | |
CTopicConfiguration | A structure for a single ROS2 topic, a part of publisher or subscriber configuration |
CNamespaceConfiguration | |
CROS2FrameComponentRequests | |
CROS2FrameComponentNotifications | |
CJsonFrameComponentConfigSerializer | |
CROS2FrameComponent | |
CROS2FrameConfiguration | |
CROS2FrameEditorComponent | |
CROS2Transform | |
CGeoreferenceRequests | Interface that allows to convert between level and WGS84 coordinates |
CGeoreferenceRequestsTraits | |
CGNSSPostProcessingRequests | |
CGripperRequests | |
CStronglyTypedUuid | |
CRaycastResult | Bitwise operators for RaycastResultFlags |
CLidarRaycasterRequests | Interface class that allows for communication with a single Lidar instance |
CLidarRaycasterBusTraits | |
CLidarSystemMetaData | Structure used to hold LidarSystem's metadata |
CLidarRegistrarRequests | Interface class that allows for communication with the LidarRegistrarSystemComponent |
CLidarRegistrarBusTraits | |
CLidarSystemRequests | Interface class that allows for communication with a given Lidar System (implementation) |
CLidarSystemBusTraits | |
CJointsPositionControllerRequests | Interface for controllers that execute the simple movement between two positions one step at a time |
CJointInfo | |
CJointsManipulationRequests | |
CJointsTrajectoryRequests | Interface for commanding a system of joints such as robotic arm (manipulator) through FollowJointTrajectory actions |
CJointMotorControllerComponent | |
CJointMotorControllerConfiguration | |
CManualMotorControllerComponent | |
CPidMotorControllerRequests | |
CPidMotorControllerComponent | |
CAckermannNotifications | |
CAckermannCommandStruct | Abstracted from ROS message: |
CControlConfiguration | |
CIControlSubscriptionHandler | Component extension enabling polymorphic use of generics |
CControlSubscriptionHandler | |
CTwistNotifications | |
CRobotImporterRequest | |
CROS2Requests | |
CROS2BusTraits | |
CEventSourceAdapter | |
CPhysicsBasedSource | |
CSensorEventSource | |
CTickBasedSource | |
CROS2SensorComponentBase | |
CSensorConfiguration | |
CSensorConfigurationRequest | Interface that allows to get sensor configuration and switch publish state |
CSpawnerRequests | Interface class allowing requesting Spawner interface from other components |
CSpawnPointInfo | |
CCameraPublishers | |
CCameraSensor | |
CCameraDepthSensor | Implementation of camera sensors that runs pipeline which produces depth image |
CCameraColorSensor | Implementation of camera sensors that runs pipeline which produces color image |
CCameraRGBDSensor | Implementation of camera sensors that runs pipeline which produces color image and readbacks a depth image from pipeline |
CCameraSensorConfiguration | A structure capturing configuration of a single camera sensor with up to two image sources (color and depth) |
CCameraSensorDescription | Structure containing all information required to create the camera sensor |
CEncodingConversion | |
CROS2ImageEncodingConversionComponent | Change image format |
CROS2CameraSensorComponent | |
CROS2CameraSensorEditorComponent | |
CROS2SystemCameraComponent | System Component for Camera simulation in ROS 2 |
CROS2EditorCameraSystemComponent | Editor system component for ROS2 camera simulation |
CROS2ContactSensorComponent | |
CROS2FrameSystemRequests | |
CROS2FrameSystemBusTraits | |
CROS2FrameSystemTransformHandler | |
CROS2FrameSystemComponent | |
CGeoReferenceLevelConfig | |
CGeoReferenceLevelController | |
CGeoReferenceLevelComponent | |
CGeoReferenceLevelEditorComponent | |
CROS2GNSSSensorComponent | |
CFingerGripperComponent | This component implements finger gripper functionality |
CGripperActionServer | |
CGripperActionServerComponent | |
CVacuumGripperComponent | |
CImuSensorConfiguration | A structure capturing configuration of a IMU sensor |
CROS2ImuSensorComponent | |
CLidarCore | A class for executing lidar operations, such as data acquisition and visualization |
CLidarRaycaster | A class for executing lidar raycast |
CLidarRegistrarEditorSystemComponent | |
CLidarRegistrarSystemComponent | A Component that manages LidarSystems' registration and storage of their metadata |
CLidarSensorConfiguration | A structure capturing configuration of a lidar sensor (to be used with LidarCore) |
CLidarSystem | A class for managing Lidar |
►CLidarTemplate | |
CNoiseParameters | |
CROS2Lidar2DSensorComponent | |
CROS2LidarSensorComponent | |
CJointsArticulationControllerComponent | Handles position control commands for joints using Articulations |
CJointsPIDControllerComponent | Handles position control commands for joints |
CFollowJointTrajectoryActionServer | |
CJointPositionsSubscriptionHandler | |
CJointsManipulationComponent | |
CJointsManipulationEditorComponent | Editor Component responsible for a hierarchical system of joints such as robotic arm with Articulations or Hinge Joints |
CJointsPositionsComponent | This component implements finger gripper functionality |
CJointsPositionsEditorComponent | Editor Component responsible for a hierarchical system of joints such as robotic arm with Articulations or Hinge Joints |
CJointStatePublisherContext | |
CJointStatePublisher | |
CJointsTrajectoryComponent | Component responsible for execution of commands to move robotic arm (manipulator) based on set trajectory goal |
CROS2OdometryCovariance | |
CROS2OdometrySensorComponent | |
CROS2WheelOdometryComponent | |
CAckermannSubscriptionHandler | |
CAckermannControlComponent | A simple component which translates ackermann commands to vehicle dynamics inputs |
CRigidBodyTwistControlComponent | |
CSkidSteeringControlComponent | Component that contains skid steering model |
CROS2RobotControlComponent | |
CTwistSubscriptionHandler | |
CCheckAssetPage | |
CFileSelectionPage | |
CIntroPage | |
CModifiedURDFWindow | |
CPrefabMakerPage | |
CRobotDescriptionPage | |
CXacroParamsPage | Wizard page that allows user to modify Xacro parameters |
CRobotImporterWidget | Handles UI for the process of URDF importing |
CROS2RobotImporterEditorSystemComponent | Editor component for RobotImporter widget |
CROS2RobotImporterSystemComponent | |
CArticulationsMaker | Populates the entity with contents of the <inertial> and <joint> tag in the robot description |
CCollidersMaker | Populates a given entity with all the contents of the <collider> tag in robot description |
CInertialsMaker | Populates the entity with contents of the <inertial> tag in robot description |
CJointsMaker | |
CRobotControlMaker | |
CSensorsMaker | |
CURDFPrefabMaker | Encapsulates constructive mapping of SDF elements to a complete prefab with entities and components |
CVisualsMaker | Populates a given entity with all the contents of the <visual> tag in robot description |
CROS2ModuleInterface | |
CSdfAssetBuilder | |
CSdfAssetPathResolverSettings | |
CSdfAssetBuilderSettings | |
CSdfAssetBuilderSystemComponent | System component for registering and managing the SdfAssetBuilder |
CFollowingCameraComponent | |
CFollowingCameraConfiguration | A structure capturing configuration of Following Camera |
CROS2SpawnerComponent | |
CROS2SpawnerServiceNames | |
CROS2SpawnerComponentConfig | |
CROS2SpawnerComponentController | |
CROS2SpawnerEditorComponent | |
CROS2SpawnPointComponent | SpawnPoint indicates a place which is suitable to spawn a robot |
CROS2SpawnPointComponentConfig | |
CROS2SpawnPointComponentController | SpawnPoint indicates a place which is suitable to spawn a robot |
CROS2SpawnPointEditorComponent | |
CROS2EditorSystemComponent | System component for ROS2 editor |
CROS2SystemComponent | Central singleton-like System Component for ROS2 Gem |