
Deferred Fog Component

The Deferred Fog component creates a screen space fog effect that can be used as scene fog or layered/ground fog. You can add optional cloud turbulence to the fog using a noise texture.

Cloud turbulence is implemented by ray marching along the fog layer and combining two moving noise octaves, creating a “cloudy” fog look. You can configure each octave by scaling the UV coordinates of the noise texture and defining the velocity of the texture’s movement. You can also specify the amount of blend between the two octaves.

At this time, Deferred Fog does not interact with lighting.

Example of fog layer with turbulence


Atom Gem


PostFX Layer component


Deferred Fog component interface

Fog ColorThe color of the fog that gradually blends with the scene. The color becomes more opaque as the fog blends towards the Fog End Distance.ColorR: 115, G: 115, B: 153
Fog Start DistanceThe distance from the viewer, measured in meters, at which the fog starts. At this distance, the fog begins to gradually blend with the scene until it completely masks the background scene at the Fog End Distance.Float: 0.0 - 5000.01.0
Fog End DistanceThe distance from the viewer, measured in meters, at which the fog completely masks out the background scene. From the Fog Start Distance to the Fog End Distance, the fog blends with the scene, creating a gradual transition between the scene and the masked layer of fog. At and beyond this distance, the scene appears a solid color, completely masked by the fog layer.Float: 0.0 - 5000.05.0
Fog Bottom HeightThe height of the bottom of the fog layer, measured in meters, when Enable Fog Layer is activated.Float: -5000.0 - 5000.00.01
Fog Max HeightThe height of the top of the fog layer, measured in meters, when Enable Fog Layer is activated.Float: -5000.0 - 5000.01.0
Noise TextureA single-channel noise texture that defines the appearance of the fog turbulence, when Enable Turbulence Properties is activated.A .streamingimage product asset.textures/cloudnoise_01.jpg.streamingimage
Noise Texture First OctaveScales the UV coordinates of the Noise Texture for the first octave.Vector2: -Infinity to InfinityX: 0.01, Y: 0.01
Noise Texture First Octave VelocityThe velocity of the noise texture’s movement for the first octave, measured in meters per second.Vector2: -Infinity to InfinityX: 0.002, Y:0.0032
Noise Texture Second OctaveScales the UV coordinates of the Noise Texture for the second octave.Vector2: -Infinity to InfinityX: 0.0239, Y: 0.0239
Noise Texture Second Octave VelocityThe velocity of the noise texture’s movement for the second octave, measured in meters per second.Vector2: -Infinity to InfinityX: 0.00275, Y: -0.004
Octaves Blend FactorThe amount of blend between the first and second octaves. A value of 1 displays only the first octave, while a value of 0 displays only the second octave.Float: 0.0 - 1.00.4
Enable Fog LayerIf enabled, the fog is constrained between two points along the Z-axis, from Fog Bottom Height to Fog Max Height.BooleanFalse
Enable Deferred FogIf enabled, activates the fog effect in the scene.BooleanFalse
Enable Turbulence PropertiesIf enabled, creates cloud turbulence in the fog by using Noise Texture. Generate variations of cloud turbulence by configuring the first and second octaves.BooleanFalse