
Terrain World Debugger Component

The Terrain World Debugger component offers a number of terrain debugging features. These visualizations are entirely optional, and can be toggled on or off individually.

You must add this component to the Level entity, the parent of all entities in an Open 3D Engine (O3DE) level.


Terrain Gem


Terrain World


Terrain World Debugger component interface.

Show WireframeDisplays a wireframe representation of the Terrain World.BooleanEnabled
Show World BoundsDisplays the Terrain World bounds.BooleanEnabled
Show Dirty RegionDisplays the most recent dirty region for the terrain.BooleanDisabled
Show Terrain QueriesDisplays terrain query visualizations.BooleanDisabled

Terrain Queries Configuration

SamplerThe type of query sampler to use for querying the terrain values.Exact, Clamp, or BilinearBilinear
Point countThe number of points in each direction to visualize.1.0 - 64.032.0
Spacing (m)Determines how far apart the query results should be drawn in meters.0.001 - 10000.00.5
Draw HeightsEnables visualization of terrain height queries.BooleanEnabled
Height Point Size (m)Determines the size of the height point in meters.0.0 - 10000.00.0625 (1.0f / 16.0f)
Draw NormalsEnables visualization of terrain normal queries.BooleanEnabled
Normal Height (m)Determines the height of the normal line in meters.0.0 - 10000.01.0
Use Camera PositionDetermines whether to use the current camera position or a specified position.BooleanEnabled
World PositionCenter of the area to draw query results in.Vector3: -Infinity to InfinityX:0.0, Y:0.0, Z:0.0