
UI Scrollbar Component

You can use a ScrollBar component to add a scrollable bar, or handle, for manipulating settings or scrolling within a scroll box.

To see in-game examples of completed canvases with the ScrollBar component, open the level UiFeatures in the project SamplesProject. Press Ctrl+G to play the game, and then choose Components, Interactable Components, ScrollBar. You can view examples of different types of scroll bar positioning and handles, scroll bars paired with scroll boxes, and visibility options. Press Esc to exit the game.

To view these same canvases in the UI Editor, navigate to the \Gems\LyShineExamples\Assets\UI\Canvases\LyShineExamples\Comp\ScrollBar directory. You can open the following canvases:

  • ScrollBoxes.uicanvas - Examples of scroll bars paired with scroll boxes
  • Simple.uicanvas - Examples of scroll bar with simple logic
  • Visibility.uicanvas - Examples of scroll bar visibility options when paired with scroll boxes

This is a horizontal scroll bar:

Animation of horizontal scroll bar

This is an image within a scroll box with both a horizontal and a vertical scroll bar:

Animation of image scrolling with scroll bars

The scroll bar can also fade automatically when not in use:

Example of auto fade scroll bar.

You can add a prefabricated horizontal or vertical scroll bar element. When you do this, a handle is automatically created and nested in your Hierarchy pane.

You can add a prebuilt ScrollBarHorizontal or ScrollBarVertical element from the slice library. When you do this, the scroll bar and its handle is automatically created in your Hierarchy pane.

To add a ScrollBar element from the slice library

  • In the UI Editor, choose New, Element from Slice Library, ScrollBarHorizontal or ScrollBarVertical.

To edit a scroll bar component

In the Properties pane of the UI Editor, expand ScrollBar and do the following, as appropriate:


See Properties to edit the common interactive component settings.

Elements, Handle

Select an element from the list to provide the movable handle of the scroll bar.

Values, Orientation

Select the scroll bar’s orientation: + Horizontal - Scrollbar’s handle moves left and right. + Vertical - Scrollbar’s handle moves up and down.   Values, Value

Enter the initial value of the scroll bar (0.0 to 1.0).

Values, Handle size

Enter the size of the handle relative to the scroll bar (0.0 to 1.0).

Values, Min handle size

Enter the minimum size of the handle in pixels.

Actions, Change

Enter a text string. This string is sent as an action on the UI canvas when the scroll bar changes values.

Actions, End Change

Enter a text string. This string is sent as an action on the UI canvas when the scroll bar has finished changing values.

Fade, Auto Fade When Not In Use

Select the check box to enable the scrollbar to fade to transparency after it is not used for a set amount of time. Specify the delay time in Fade Delay.

Fade, Fade Delay

Enter the delay in seconds before the scrollbar begins fading to transparency. Requires Auto Fade When Not In Use to be checked.

Fade, Fade Speed

Enter the time in seconds that it will take for the scrollbar to completely fade to transparency. Requires Auto Fade When Not In Use to be checked.