
O3DE Project Configuration CLI Reference

Use the o3de Python script to configure your O3DE environment and its objects, including engines, projects, and Gems, from a command line interface (CLI). The script aggregates all of the functions from lower-level scripts in Open 3D Engine (O3DE), so you can access them from a single point. Find the script in your engine directory at /scripts/

You can use the o3de Python script for the following tasks:


To use the o3de Python script, you must set up the Python runtime, which you download when you set up the engine. For instructions on downloading the runtime, refer to the Register the engine section of the Setting up O3DE from GitHub topic for Windows or Linux.

Quick start

To run the O3DE Python runtime and a command, at a command prompt, do either of the following:

  • Run the o3de.bat batch file directly.

    <engine>\scripts\o3de.bat <command>
  • Launch Python and run the script.

    <engine>\python\python.cmd <engine>\scripts\ <command>
Replace <engine> with the path to your engine.

For example, to register the engine, enter the following command:

<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat register --this-engine

To run the O3DE Python runtime and a command, in a terminal window, do either of the following:

  • Run the shell script file directly.

    <engine>/scripts/ <command>
  • Launch Python and run the script.

    <engine>/python/ <engine>/scripts/ <command>
Replace <engine> with the path to your engine.

For example, to register the engine, enter the following command:

<engine>/scripts/ register --this-engine


The o3de Python script contains the following commands, with further details in the following sections.

get-global-projectGets the global project that is registered to the engine.
set-global-projectSets the specified project as the engine’s global project.
create-templateCreates a template out of the specified source path.
create-from-templateCreates an instance from a generic template.
create-projectCreates a new project.
create-gemCreates a new Gem.
registerRegisters an O3DE object.
register-showShows the registered O3DE objects.
get-registeredShows the path to the registered O3DE object with the specified name.
enable-gemEnables/Activates the Gem in your project.
disable-gemDisables/Deactivates the Gem in your project.
edit-engine-propertiesEdits the engine’s properties.
edit-project-propertiesEdits the project’s properties.
edit-gem-propertiesEdits the Gem’s properties.
downloadDownload content from remote repositories.
repoActivate and deactivate remote repositories and update metadata.
sha256Creates a hash value for an O3DE object using SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256).


Gets the global project that is registered to the engine. By default, reads the global project from <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/bootstrap.setreg. You can also specify a file path using -i.


get-global-project [-h] [-i INPUT_PATH]


Reads the global project from <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/bootstrap.setreg.

o3de.bat get-global-project

Reads the global project from a specified file.

o3de.bat get-global-project -i <USER_DIRECTORY>\.o3de\Registry\my-custom.setreg

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -i INPUT_PATH, --input-path INPUT_PATH

    A path to the input file that you want to read the /Amazon/AzCore/Bootstrap/project_path key from. If not supplied, then this command uses the input file <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/bootstrap.setreg instead.


Sets the specified project as the engine’s global project. By default, sets this in <USER_DIRECTORY>\.o3de\Registry\bootstrap.setreg. You can also specify a file path using -o.

If you set a global project, then O3DE tools (such as Asset Processor and O3DE Editor) use the global project when you launch them from an installed engine. To override the global project, specify a project with the project-path parameter when you launch the O3DE tools from the command line.


set-global-project [-h] (-pp PROJECT_PATH | -pn PROJECT_NAME)
                                  [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-f]


Sets the specified project as the global project in <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/bootstrap.setreg.

o3de.bat set-global-project -pp PROJECT_PATH

Sets the specified project as the global project in the specified path.

o3de.bat set-global-project -pp PROJECT_PATH -o <USER_DIRECTORY>\.o3de\Registry\my-custom.setreg

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to the project. The path must contain the project manifest file (project.json) unless you also use the --force parameter.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of the project. You can find the name in the project’s project.json file.

  • -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH

    The path and filename where the project_path key is written. The file should be located in <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/ and have the file extension .setreg. If you don’t use this parameter, o3de writes the key to <USER_DIRECTORY>/.o3de/Registry/bootstrap.setreg.

  • -f, --force

    Forcibly sets the project path in the supplied .setreg file.


Creates a template out of the specified source path and registers the template in the O3DE manifest. Users can then create custom source content from this template using the create-from-template command.


create-template [-h] [-v] -sp SOURCE_PATH [-tp TEMPLATE_PATH]
                [-sn SOURCE_NAME]
                [-kr] [-kl] [-r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]]
                [-f] [--no-register]


Creates a template named StandardGem from the source folder and saves it in the default_templates_folder specified in the O3DE manifest. Also registers the template in the O3DE manifest.

o3de.bat create-template -sp C:\MyGems\StandardGem

Creates a template named StandardGem from the source folder and saves it in C:\MyTemplates, without registering the template.

o3de.bat create-template -sp C:\MyGems\StandardGem -tp C:\MyTemplates\StandardGem --no-register

Creates a template named StandardGem from the source folder and saves it in the default templates folder. Additionally, it replaces any part of a file or path in the source folder containing the word Standard with the placeholder name ${Name}, and any appearance of the word Standard in the source file content with ${SanitizedCppName}.

o3de.bat create-template -sp C:\MyGems\TestGem -tp StandardGem -sn Standard

Creates a template named StandardComponent from the source folder and saves it in the default templates folder. Additionally, it does the following:

  • Replaces any part of a file or path in the source folder containing the word Standard with the placeholder name ${Name}.
  • Replaces any appearance of the word Standard in the source file content with ${SanitizedCppName}.
  • Replaces any appearance of the word MyGem with ${GemName}. This particular example is useful when creating a template where the Gem name serves as a C++ namespace.
  • Replaces the UUID cd2c4950-7ee3-49b9-b356-51a3b6bb2373 with ${Random_Uuid}. When the create-from-template command encounters ${Random_Uuid} in a template, it replaces this placeholder with a randomly-generated UUID.
  • Keeps all licensing text in the source files that begins with {BEGIN_LICENSE} and ends with {END_LICENSE}.
o3de.bat create-template -sp C:\MyComponent -tp StandardComponent -sn Standard -kl -r MyGem ${GemName} cd2c4950-7ee3-49b9-b356-51a3b6bb2373 ${Random_Uuid}
When using the replace parameter in Windows PowerShell, you must use a single quote around any $ replacement variables. For example: -r MyGem '${GemName}'.

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -v

    If specified, provides additional logging verbosity.

  • -sp SOURCE_PATH, --source-path SOURCE_PATH

    The path to the source folder that you want to use as a template.

  • -tp TEMPLATE_PATH, --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

    The path where you want to create the template. The path can be absolute or relative to the default_templates_folder specified in the O3DE manifest. If not supplied, the template path is set to the default template path concatenated with SOURCE_NAME. If SOURCE_NAME is not specified, the last component of SOURCE_PATH is used in its place.

  • -srp SOURCE_RESTRICTED_PATH, --source-restricted-path SOURCE_RESTRICTED_PATH

    The path to the source’s restricted folder.

  • -srn SOURCE_RESTRICTED_NAME, --source-restricted-name SOURCE_RESTRICTED_NAME

    The name of the source’s restricted folder. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --source-restricted-path parameter.


    The path to the template’s restricted folder.


    The name of the template’s restricted folder. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-restricted-path parameter.

  • -sn SOURCE_NAME, --source-name SOURCE_NAME

    Substitutes any file and path entries that match SOURCE_NAME with ${Name}, and any file content that matches SOURCE_NAME with ${SanitizedCppName}.

    An example of substitution: --source-name Foo replaces the source file FooBus.h -> ${Name}Bus.h, and the source content class FooRequests -> class ${SanitizedCppName}Requests.


    A path to append to SOURCE_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>/, which contains the restricted source. For example: --source-restricted-path C:/restricted --source-restricted-platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<source_name>.


    A path to append to TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, which contains the restricted template source. For example: --template-restricted-path C:/restricted --template-restricted-platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<template_name>.

  • -kr, --keep-restricted-in-template

    If included, creates the restricted platforms in the template folder. By default, creates the restricted files in the restricted folder located at TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH.

  • -kl, --keep-license-text

    If included, keeps all of the lines of license text, starting at {BEGIN_LICENSE} and ending at {END_LICENSE}. By default, the license text isn’t included.

  • -r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]], --replace [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]

    Add A to B replacement pairs. For example: -r MyUsername ${User} 1723905 ${id}. This replaces MyUsername with ${User}, and 1723905 with ${id}.

    When using the replace parameter in Windows PowerShell, you must use a single quote around any $ replacement variables. For example: -r MyUsername '${User}'.
  • -f, --force

    Forces the new template directory to override the existing one, if one exists.

  • --no-register

    Prevents registration of the template path in the O3DE manifest.


Creates an instance of a generic template based on the specified template.


create-from-template [-h] [-v] -dp DESTINATION_PATH
                                    (-tp TEMPLATE_PATH | -tn TEMPLATE_NAME)
                                    [-dn DESTINATION_NAME]
                                    [-drp DESTINATION_RESTRICTED_PATH | -drn DESTINATION_RESTRICTED_NAME]
                                    [-trp TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH | -trn TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_NAME]
                                    [-drprp DESTINATION_RESTRICTED_PLATFORM_RELATIVE_PATH]
                                    [-trprp TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PLATFORM_RELATIVE_PATH]
                                    [-kr] [-kl] [-r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]]
                                    [-f] [--no-register]


Instantiates an object based on the template that is located in the specified template path and saves it in the specified destination path.

o3de.bat create-from-template -dp DESTINATION_PATH -tp TEMPLATE_PATH

Instantiates an object based on the template named DefaultComponent and saves it in the directory NewComponent in the current path. Additionally, it replaces all occurrences of ${GemName} in the template with MyGem.

o3de.bat create-from-template -dp NewComponent -dn MyTest -tn DefaultComponent -kr -r ${GemName} MyGem
When using the replace parameter in Windows PowerShell, you must use a single quote around any $ replacement variables. Example: -r '${GemName}' MyGem.

To create the component in an existing directory, such as the Code directory of a Gem that’s in progress, add the -f option to the create-from-template command to force the creation of the component files there.

For example, to create a component called MyTestComponent in the MyGem namespace in the Gem’s Code directory, do the following:

scripts\o3de.bat create-from-template -dp C:\Gems\MyGem\Code -dn MyTest -tn DefaultComponent -kr -r ${GemName} MyGem -f

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -v

    If specified, provides additional logging verbosity.

  • -dp DESTINATION_PATH, --destination-path DESTINATION_PATH

    The path to instantiate the new template in. The path can be absolute or relative to the O3DE development source folder. For example: DESTINATION_PATH = C:/o3de/NewTemplate.

  • -tp TEMPLATE_PATH, --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

    The path to the template that you want to instantiate. The path can be absolute or relative to the O3DE development source folder. For example: TEMPLATE_PATH = C:/o3de/Template/SomeTemplate.

  • -tn TEMPLATE_NAME, --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME

    The name of the registered template to instantiate. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-path parameter.

  • -dn DESTINATION_NAME, --destination-name DESTINATION_NAME

    The name to replace ${Name} with in the instantiated template. The name must be alphanumeric, though it can contain underscores (_) and hyphens (-). If you don’t provide the destination name, this command uses the last component of the destination path.


    The path where o3de writes the restricted files.


    The name of the registered restricted path where o3de writes the restricted files. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --destination-restricted-path parameter.


    The path to the restricted directory that o3de adds restricted platform sources to, if any.


    The name of the restricted directory that o3de adds restricted platform sources to, if any. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-restricted-path parameter.


    A path to append to DESTINATION_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, which contains the restricted destination. For example: --destination-restricted-path C:/instance --destination-restricted-platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/instance/<platform>/some/folder/<destination_name>.


    A path to append to TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, which contains the restricted template. For example: --template-restricted-path C:/restricted --template-restricted-platform-relaive-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<template_name>.

  • -kr, --keep-restricted-in-instance

    If specified, creates the restricted platforms in the new template folder. If not specified, creates the restricted files in the restricted folder located at TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH.

  • -kl, --keep-license-text

    If specified, keeps all license text found in the template files. If not specified, the license text isn’t included. License text includes all of the lines of text starting on a line containing {BEGIN_LICENSE} and ending on the line containing {END_LICENSE}.

  • -r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]], --replace [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]

    Add A to B replacement pairs. For example: -r ${User} MyUsername ${id} 1723905. This replaces ${User} with MyUsername, and ${id} with 1723905. Note: <DestinationName> is the last component of the DESTINATION_PATH. The following replacement pairs already exist: ${Name} to <DestinationName>, ${NameLower} to <destinationname>, ${NameUpper} to <DESTINATIONNAME>.

    When using the replace parameter in Windows PowerShell, you must use a single quote around any $ replacement variables. For example: -r '${User}' MyUsername.
  • -f, --force

    Overwrites files in the destination directory if they already exist.

  • --no-register

    Prevents registration of the project in the O3DE manifest.


Creates a new project at the specified path and registers it to the o3de_manifest.json file. However, if you create the project in the engine directory, this command registers the project to the engine’s engine.json file instead.


create-project [-h] -pp PROJECT_PATH [-pn PROJECT_NAME]
                    [-tp TEMPLATE_PATH | -tn TEMPLATE_NAME]
                    [-kr] [-kl] [-r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]]
                    [--system-component-class-id SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID]
                    [--editor-system-component-class-id EDITOR_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID]
                    [--module-id MODULE_ID] [-f]


Creates a new project at the specified path using the “DefaultProject” template.

o3de.bat create-project -pp PROJECT_PATH

Creates a new project at the specified path using the specified project template. The template must have a valid project.json file.

o3de.bat create-project --project-path PROJECT_PATH --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to your newly created project. The project’s path can be absolute or relative to the O3DE development source folder. For example: PROJECT_PATH = C:/o3de/TestProject.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of your new project. The name must be alphanumeric, though it can contain underscores (_) and hyphens (-). If you don’t provide the project name, this command uses the last component of the project path. For example: New_Project-123.

  • -tp TEMPLATE_PATH, --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

    The path to the template that you want to create a new project from. The path can be absolute or relative to the default template’s path.

  • -tn TEMPLATE_NAME, --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME

    The name of the template that you want to create a new project from. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-path parameter.


    The path to the project’s restricted folder. The path can be absolute or relative to restricted="projects".


    The name of the project’s restricted path. If supplied, you do not need to use the --project-restricted-path parameter.


    The path to the template’s restricted folder. The path can be absolute or relative to restricted="templates".


    The name of the template’s restricted path. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-restricted-path parameter.


    A path to append to PROJECT_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, and that contains the restricted project. For example: --project-restricted-path C:/restricted --project- restricted-platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<project_name>.


    A path to append to TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, and that contains the restricted template source. For example: --template-restricted-path C:/restricted --template-restricted-platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<template_name>.

  • -kr, --keep-restricted-in-project

    If true, creates the restricted platforms in the project folder. If false, creates the restricted files in the restricted folder located at TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH. By default, this parameter is false.

  • -kl, --keep-license-text

    If true, keeps the license text (located in the template.json file) in the new project’s project.json file. If false, the license text isn’t included. By default, this parameter is false. The license text is all of the lines of text, starting at {BEGIN_LICENSE} and ending at {END_LICENSE}.

  • -r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]], --replace [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]

    Add A to B replacement pairs. o3de automatically infers ${Name} and all of the other standard project replacements from the project name. These replacements supersede all inferred replacements. For example: --replace MyUsername ${User} 1723905 ${id}. This replaces MyUsername with ${User}, and 1723905 with ${id}. Note: <ProjectName> is the last component of the template_path. The following replacement pairs already exist: ${Name} to <ProjectName>, ${NameLower} to <projectname>, ${NameUpper} to <PROJECTNAME>.

  • --system-component-class-id SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate with the system class component. The default is a random UUID. For example, {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • --editor-system-component-class-id EDITOR_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate with the editor system class component. The default is a random UUID. For example, {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • --module-id MODULE_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate with the module. The default is a random UUID. For example, {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • -f, --force

    Forces the new project directory to override the existing one, if one exists.


Creates a new Gem at the specified path.


create-gem [-h] -gp GEM_PATH [-gn GEM_NAME]
                    [-tp TEMPLATE_PATH | -tn TEMPLATE_NAME]
                    [-grp GEM_RESTRICTED_PATH | -grn GEM_RESTRICTED_NAME]
                    [-grprp GEM_RESTRICTED_PLATFORM_RELATIVE_PATH]
                    [-r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]] [-kr] [-kl]
                    [--system-component-class-id SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID]
                    [--editor-system-component-class-id EDITOR_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID]
                    [--module-id MODULE_ID] [-f]


Create a new Gem at the specified path using the “DefaultGem” template.

o3de.bat create-gem -gp GEM_PATH

Create a new Gem at the specified path using the specified Gem template. The template must have a valid gem.json file.

o3de.bat create-gem -gp GEM_PATH --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -gp GEM_PATH, --gem-path GEM_PATH

    The path to create a new Gem at. The Gem’s path can be absolute or relative to the default Gems path.

  • -gn GEM_NAME, --gem-name GEM_NAME

    The name of your new Gem. The name must be alphanumeric, though it can contain underscores (_) and hyphens (-). If you don’t provide the Gem name, this command uses the last component of the Gem path. For example: New_Gem.

  • -tp TEMPLATE_PATH, --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

    The path to the template that you want to create a new Gem from. The path can be absolute or relative to the default template’s path.

  • -tn TEMPLATE_NAME, --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME

    The name of the template that you want to create a new Gem from. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-path parameter.

  • -grp GEM_RESTRICTED_PATH, --gem-restricted-path GEM_RESTRICTED_PATH

    The path to the Gem’s restricted folder, if any. The path can be absolute or relative to the O3DE development source folder. The default is <o3de-development-source>/restricted.

  • -grn GEM_RESTRICTED_NAME, --gem-restricted-name GEM_RESTRICTED_NAME

    The name of the Gem’s restricted path, if any. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --gem-restricted-path parameter.


    The path to the template’s restricted folder. The path can be absolute or relative to restricted="templates".


    The name of the template’s restricted path. If supplied, you don’t need to use the --template-restricted-path parameter.


    A path to append to GEM_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, which contains the restricted template. For example: --gem-restricted-path C:/restricted --gem-restricted- platform-relative-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<gem_name>.


    A path to append to TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH/<platform>, which contains the restricted template. For example: --template-restricted-path C:/restricted --template-restricted-platform-relaive-path some/folder => C:/restricted/<platform>/some/folder/<template_name>.

  • -r [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]], --replace [REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]

    Add A to B replacement pairs. o3de automatically infers ${Name} and all of the other standard Gem replacements from the Gem name. These replacements supersede all inferred replacement pairs. For example: --replace ${DATE} 1/1/2020 ${id} 1723905. This replaces ${DATE} with 1/1/2020, and ${id} with 1723905. Note: <GemName> is the last component of the GEM_PATH. The following replacement pairs already exist: ${Name} to <GemName>, ${NameLower} to <gemname>, ${NameUpper} to <GEMNAME>.

  • -kr, --keep-restricted-in-gem

    If true, creates the restricted platforms in the Gem folder. If false, creates the restricted files in the restricted folder located at TEMPLATE_RESTRICTED_PATH. By default, this parameter is false.

  • -kl, --keep-license-text

    If true, keeps the license text (located in the template.json file) in the new Gem’s gem.json file. If false, the license text isn’t included. By default, this parameter is false. The license text is all of the lines of text, starting at {BEGIN_LICENSE} and ending at {END_LICENSE}.

  • --system-component-class-id SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate the system class component with. The default is a random UUID. For example: {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • --editor-system-component-class-id EDITOR_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_CLASS_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate with the editor system class component. The default is a random UUID. For example: {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • --module-id MODULE_ID

    A UUID that you want to associate with the module. The default is a random UUID. For example: {b60c92eb-3139-454b-a917-a9d3c5819594}.

  • -f, --force

    Forces the new Gem directory to override the existing one, if one exists.


Registers O3DE objects to the o3de_manifest.json file.


register [-h]
                        [-r] [-f | -dry]


Registering engines

Registers this engine to the o3de_manifest.json file. This command maps the engine’s name to its path in JSON.

o3de.bat register --this-engine

Registers the specified engine to the o3de_manifest.json file. This command maps the engine’s name to its path in JSON.

o3de.bat register --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

Registers all of the engines in the specified path to the o3de_manifest.json file. This command recursively scans the specified path and registers all of the paths that have a valid engine.json file. It maps each engine’s name to its path in JSON.

o3de.bat register --all-engines-path ALL_ENGINES_PATH

Registering projects

Registers the specified project to the engine. This command does two things: it adds the project’s path to the o3de_manifest.json file, and it sets engine to the engine’s name in each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register -pp PROJECT_PATH

Registers the specified project to the specified engine. This command does two things: it adds the project’s path to the o3de_manifest.json file, and it sets engine to the engine’s name in each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register -pp PROJECT_PATH --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

Registers all of the projects in the specified path. This command recursively scans the specified path and registers all of the paths that have a valid project.json file. This command does two things: it adds each project’s path to the o3de_manifest.json file, and it sets engine to the engine’s name in each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register --all-projects-path ALL_PROJECTS_PATH

Registering Gems

Registers the Gem to the nearest o3de object manifest file above the location where the Gem is. Before registering the Gem, this command verifies that the Gem has a valid gem.json file. Then, it adds the Gem’s path to the external_subdirectories list in the nearest o3de object manifest file above the Gem location.

o3de.bat register --gem-path GEM_PATH

For example given the following filesystem layout of using o3de, the manifest file where the Gem will be registered changes based on the location of the Gem being registered."

    /o3de <-- engine source code
    /project  <-- project
    /anothergem <-- A random gem
  • If GemToRegister is inside anothergem at /home/user/repo1/anothergem/GemToRegister, then it will be registered in the /home/user/repo1/anothergem/gem.json manifest.
  • If GemToRegister is inside the project’s Gems folder at /home/user/repo1/project/Gems/GemToRegister, then it will be registered in the /home/user/repo1/project/project.json manifest.
  • If GemToRegister is inside the engine Gems folder at /home/user/repo1/o3de/Gems/GemToRegister, then it will be registered in the /home/user/repo1/o3de/engine.json manifest.
  • Finally, if GemToRegister is outside of any engine, project or any other gem directory then it will be registered with the o3de_manifest.json. i.e /home/user/MyGems/GemToRegister will register the gem in /home/user/.o3de/o3de_manifest.json

Registers the Gem to the project’s project.json file. Before registering the Gem, this command verifies that the Gem has a valid gem.json file. Then, it adds the Gem’s path to the external_subdirectories list in the project.json file. This adds the Gem to the project’s build solution, so the project can recognize the Gem.

o3de.bat register -gp GEM_PATH -espp PROJECT_PATH

Registers the Gem to the engine’s engine.json file. Before registering the Gem, this command verifies that the Gem has a valid gem.json file. Then, it adds the Gem’s path to the external_subdirectories list in the engine.json file. This adds the Gem to the engine’s build solution, so the engine can recognize the Gem.

o3de.bat register -gp GEM_PATH -espp ENGINE_PATH

Registers all of the Gems in the specified path. This command recursively scans the specified path and registers all of the paths that have a valid gem.json file. This command adds each Gem to the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --all-gems-path ALL_GEMS_PATH

Registering external subdirectories

Registers the specified subdirectory path to the external_subdirectories list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --external-subdirectory EXTERNAL_SUBDIRECTORY

Registers the specified subdirectory path into external_subdirectories in the specified engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register --external-subdirectory EXTERNAL_SUBDIRECTORY --external-subdirectory-engine-path ENGINE_PATH

Registers the specified subdirectory path into external_subdirectories in the specified project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register --external-subdirectory EXTERNAL_SUBDIRECTORY --external-subdirectory-project-path PROJECT_PATH

Registering templates

Registers the specified template to the templates list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --template-path <template-path>

Registers the specified template to the templates list in the specified engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

Registers all of the templates in the specified path. This command recursively scans the specified path and registers all of the paths that have a valid template.json file. This command adds each template to the templates list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --all-templates-path ALL_TEMPLATES_PATH

Registering restricted paths

Registers the specified restricted path to the restricted list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --restricted-path RESTRICTED_PATH

Registers all of the restricted paths in the specified path to the restricted list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --all-restricted-path ALL_RESTRICTED_PATH

Registering repositories

Registers the specified repository uniform resource identifier (URI) to the repos list in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --repo-uri REPO_URI

Registers all of the repositories in the specified URI. This command recursively scans the specified path and registers all of the repositories that have a valid repo.json file. This command adds each repository to the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --all-repo-uri ALL_REPO_URI

Registering default folders

Registers the specified folder as the default engines directory in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register --default-engines-folder ENGINES_FOLDER_PATH

Registers the specified folder as the default projects directory in the o3de_manifest.json file. When creating a project by using the create-project command, if you provide a relative path, the project saves in the default project folder.

o3de.bat register --default-projects-folder PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH

Registers the specified folder as the default Gems directory in the o3de_manifest.json file. When creating a Gem by using the create-gem command, if you provide a relative path, the Gem saves in the default Gems folder.

o3de.bat register --default-gems-folder GEMS_FOLDER_PATH

Registers the specified folder as the default templates directory in the o3de_manifest.json file. When creating a template by using the create-template command, if you provide a relative path, the template saves in the default template folder.

o3de.bat register --default-templates-folder TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH

Registers the specified folder as the default restricted directory in the o3de_manifest.json file. The commands–create-from-template, create-project, and create-gem–use the default restricted directory when instantiating a template.

o3de.bat register --default-restricted-folder RESTRICTED_FOLDER_PATH

Registers the specified folder as the default third-party directory in the o3de_manifest.json file. Project Manager uses the default third-party directory to set the LY_3RDPARTY_PATH option when configuring the CMake build solution.

o3de.bat register --default-third-party folder THIRD_PARTY_FOLDER_PATH

Updating the o3de_manifest.json file

Updates the o3de_manifest.json file. This command validates all of the registered objects, and then removes invalid objects.

o3de.bat register --update

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • --this-engine

    The engine running this O3DE Python script.

  • -ep ENGINE_PATH, --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

    The path to the engine that you want to register or deregister.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to the project that you want to register or deregister.

  • -gp GEM_PATH, --gem-path GEM_PATH

    The path to the Gem that you want to register or deregister.


    The path to the external subdirectory that you want to register or deregister.

  • -tp TEMPLATE_PATH, --template-path TEMPLATE_PATH

    The path to the template that you want to register or deregister.

  • -rp RESTRICTED_PATH, --restricted-path RESTRICTED_PATH

    The path to the restricted folder that you want to register or deregister.

  • -ru REPO_URI, --repo-uri REPO_URI

    The path to the repository that you want to register or deregister.

  • -aep ALL_ENGINES_PATH, --all-engines-path ALL_ENGINES_PATH

    All of the engines that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -app ALL_PROJECTS_PATH, --all-projects-path ALL_PROJECTS_PATH

    All of the projects that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -agp ALL_GEMS_PATH, --all-gems-path ALL_GEMS_PATH

    All of the Gems that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -atp ALL_TEMPLATES_PATH, --all-templates-path ALL_TEMPLATES_PATH

    All of the templates that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -arp ALL_RESTRICTED_PATH, --all-restricted-path ALL_RESTRICTED_PATH

    All of the restricted folders that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -aru ALL_REPO_URI, --all-repo-uri ALL_REPO_URI

    All of the repositories that you want to register or deregister in the specified folder.

  • -def DEFAULT_ENGINES_FOLDER, --default-engines-folder DEFAULT_ENGINES_FOLDER

    The path to the default engines folder that you want to register or deregister.


    The path to the default projects folder that you want to register or deregister.

  • -dgf DEFAULT_GEMS_FOLDER, --default-gems-folder DEFAULT_GEMS_FOLDER

    The path to the default Gems folder that you want to register or deregister.


    The path to the default templates folder that you want to register or deregister.


    The path to the default restricted folder that you want to register or deregister.

  • -dtpf DEFAULT_THIRD_PARTY_FOLDER, --default-third-party-folder DEFAULT_THIRD_PARTY_FOLDER

    The path to the default third-party folder that you want to register or deregister.

  • -u, --update

    Refreshes the repository cache.

  • -r, --remove

    Deregisters the specified entry.

  • -f, --force

    Forces the registration information to update, if you made any modifications.

  • -dry, --dry-run

    Performs a dry run, reporting the result, but does not actually change anything.

Use the following parameters with the --external-subdirectory option.


    If supplied, registers the external subdirectory with the engine.json file at the specified engine path.


    If supplied, registers the external subdirectory with the project.json file at the specified project path.


    If supplied, registers the external subdirectory with the gem.json at the gem-path location.

  • -frwom, --force-register-with-o3de-manifest

    When set, forces the registration of the external subdirectory with the ~/.o3de/o3de_manifest.json.


Shows the O3DE objects that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.


register-show [-h]
                             [-te | -e | -p | -g | -t | -r | -rs | -ep | -eg | -et | -ers | -ees | -pg | -pt | -prs | -pes | -ap | -ag | -at | -ares | -aes]
                             [-v] [-pp PROJECT_PATH | -pn PROJECT_NAME]
                             [-ohf OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER]


Outputs the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register-show

Showing registered engines

Outputs the current engine that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, this command also outputs the contents of the current engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --this-engine -v

Outputs the list of engines that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engines -v

Showing registered projects

Outputs the list of projects that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --projects -v

Outputs the list of projects that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engine-projects -v

Outputs the list of projects that are registered in both the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --all-projects -v

Showing registered Gems

Outputs the list of Gems that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each Gem’s gem.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --gems -v

Outputs the list of Gems that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each Gem’s gem.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engine-gems -v

Outputs the list of Gems that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each Gem’s gem.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --project-gems --project-path PROJECT_PATH -v

Outputs the list of Gems that are registered in both the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each Gem’s gem.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --all-gems -v

Showing registered templates

Outputs the list of templates that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each template’s template.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --templates -v

Outputs the list of templates that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each template’s template.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engine-templates -v

Outputs the list of templates that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each template’s template.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --project-templates --project-path PROJECT_PATH -v

Outputs the list of templates that are registered in both the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each template’s template.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --all-templates -v

Showing registered restricted directories

Outputs the list of restricted directories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each restricted directory’s restricted.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --restricted -v

Outputs the list of restricted directories that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each restricted directory’s restricted.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engine-restricted -v

Outputs the list of restricted directories that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each restricted directory’s restricted.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --project-restricted --project-path PROJECT_PATH -v

Outputs the list of restricted directories that are registered in both the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file. If you use -v, then this command outputs each restricted directory’s restricted.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --all-restricted -v

Showing registered external subdirectories

Outputs the list of external subdirectories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --external-subdirectories

Outputs the list of external subdirectories that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --engine-external-subdirectories

Outputs the list of external subdirectories that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --project-external-subdirectories --project-path PROJECT_PATH

Outputs the list of external subdirectories that are registered in both the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --all-external-subdirectories

Showing registered repositories

Outputs the list of repositories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat register-show --repos

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -te, --this-engine

    Outputs the current engine’s path.

  • -e, --engines

    Outputs a list of the engines that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -p, --projects

    Outputs a list of the projects that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -g, --gems

    Outputs a list of the Gems that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -t, --templates

    Outputs a list of the templates that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -r, --repos

    Outputs a list of the repos that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -rs, --restricted

    Outputs a list of the restricted directories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

  • -ep, --engine-projects

    Outputs a list of the projects that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -eg, --engine-gems

    Outputs a list of the Gems that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -et, --engine-templates

    Outputs a list of the templates that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -ers, --engine-restricted

    Outputs a list of the restricted directories that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -ees, --engine-external-subdirectories

    Outputs a list of the external subdirectories that are registered in the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -pg, --project-gems

    Outputs a list of the Gems that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. You must specify the project using the -pp or -pn options.

  • -pt, --project-templates

    Outputs a list of the templates that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. You must specify the project using the -pp or -pn options.

  • -prs, --project-restricted

    Outputs a list of the restricted directories that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. You must specify the project using the -pp or -pn options.

  • -pes, --project-external-subdirectories

    Outputs a list of the external subdirectories that are registered in the specified project’s project.json file. You must specify the project using the -pp or -pn options.

  • -ap, --all-projects

    Outputs all of the projects that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -ag, --all-gems

    Outputs all of the Gems that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -at, --all-templates

    Outputs all of the templates that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -ares, --all-restricted

    Outputs all of the restricted directories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -aes, --all-external-subdirectories

    Outputs all of the external subdirectories that are registered in the o3de_manifest.json file and the current engine’s engine.json file.

  • -v, --verbose

    If specified, outputs the contents of the listed files.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to a project.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of a project.

  • -ohf OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER, --override-home-folder OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER

    Overrides the default home folder with the specified folder. By default, the home folder is the user folder.


Shows the path to the registered O3DE object with the specified name.


get-registered [-h]
                    (-en ENGINE_NAME | -pn PROJECT_NAME | -gn GEM_NAME | -tn TEMPLATE_NAME | -df {engines,projects,gems,templates,restricted} | -rn REPO_NAME | -rsn RESTRICTED_NAME)
                    [-ohf OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER]


Returns the first path of an engine that has the specified engine_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --engine-name ENGINE_NAME

Returns the first path of a project that has the specified project_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --project-name PROJECT_NAME

Returns the first path of a Gem that has the specified gem_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --gem-name GEM_NAME

Returns the first path of a template that has the specified template_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME

Returns the first path of a restricted directory that has the specified restricted_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --restricted-name RESTRICTED_NAME

Returns the first URI for a repository that has the specified repo_name value.

o3de.bat get-registered --repo-name REPO_NAME

Returns the default engine folder that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat get-registered --default-folder engines

Returns the default projects folder that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat get-registered --default-folder projects

Returns the default Gems folder that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat get-registered --default-folder gems

Returns the default templates folder that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat get-registered --default-folder templates

Returns the default restricted folder that is registered in the o3de_manifest.json file.

o3de.bat get-registered --default-folder restricted

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -en ENGINE_NAME, --engine-name ENGINE_NAME

    The name of an engine.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of a project.

  • -gn GEM_NAME, --gem-name GEM_NAME

    The name of a Gem.

  • -tn TEMPLATE_NAME, --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME

    The name of a template.

  • -df {engines,projects,gems,templates,restricted}, --default-folder {engines,projects,gems,templates,restricted}

    The default folders for engines, projects, Gems, templates, and restricted folders in O3DE.

  • -rn REPO_NAME, --repo-name REPO_NAME

    The name of a repository.

  • -rsn RESTRICTED_NAME, --restricted-name RESTRICTED_NAME

    The name of a restricted folder.

  • -ohf OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER, --override-home-folder OVERRIDE_HOME_FOLDER

    Overrides the default home folder with the specified folder. By default, the home folder is the user folder.


Enables the specified Gem in your project, so that you can use the assets or code that the Gem provides. When you enable a Gem, this command adds its name to your project’s Code/enabled_gems.cmake file, which adds the Gem as a build and load dependency of your project’s Game Launcher, the Editor, and Asset Processor.


enable-gem [-h] [-v] (-pp PROJECT_PATH | -pn PROJECT_NAME)
                          (-gp GEM_PATH | -gn GEM_NAME | -agp [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...]) [-f | -dry]   


o3de.bat enable-gem -gp GEM_PATH -pp PROJECT_PATH

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -v

    Additional logging verbosity, can be -v or -vv

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to the project.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of the project.

  • -gp GEM_PATH, --gem-path GEM_PATH

    The path to the Gem.

  • -gn GEM_NAME, --gem-name GEM_NAME

    The name of the Gem (e.g. “atom”). May also include a version specifier, e.g. “atom>=1.2.3”

  • agp [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...], --all-gem-paths [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...]

    Explicitly activates all gems in the path recursively.

  • -f, --force

    Bypass version compatibility checks

  • -dry, --dry-run

    Performs a dry run, reporting the result without changing anything.

  • -o, --optional

    Marks the gem as optional so a project can still be configured if not found.


Disables the specified Gem in your project. When you disable a Gem, this command removes it from the project’s Code/enabled_gems.cmake file, which removes the Gem as a build and load dependency of your project’s Game Launcher, the Editor, and Asset Processor.


disable-gem [-h] [-v] (-pp PROJECT_PATH | -pn PROJECT_NAME)
            (-gp GEM_PATH | -gn GEM_NAME | -agp [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...])
            [-egf ENABLED_GEM_FILE]


o3de.bat disable-gem -gp GEM_PATH -pp PROJECT_PATH

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to the project.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of the project.

  • -gp GEM_PATH, --gem-path GEM_PATH

    The path to the Gem.

  • -gn GEM_NAME, --gem-name GEM_NAME

    The name of the Gem.

  • -agp [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...], --all-gem-paths [ALL_GEM_PATHS ...]

    Removes explicit activation of all gems in the path recursively.

  • -egf ENABLED_GEM_FILE, --enabled-gem-file ENABLED_GEM_FILE

    The CMake file that manages the list of enabled Gems. When disabling a Gem, this command removes it from the specified file. If not specified, this command uses the Code/enabled_gem.cmake file.


Edits the specified engine’s properties by modifying the engine.json file.


edit-engine-properties [-h] 
                        [-ep ENGINE_PATH | -en ENGINE_NAME]
                        [-enn ENGINE_NEW_NAME] [-ev ENGINE_VERSION]
                        [-edv ENGINE_DISPLAY_VERSION] [-agn [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...] |
                        -dgn [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...] | -rgn
                        [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...]] [-aav [ADD_API_VERSIONS ...] |  
                        -dav [DELETE_API_VERSIONS ...] | -rav
                        [REPLACE_API_VERSIONS ...]]


Updates the engine_name field in the engine.json file located in the specified engine’s folder.

o3de.bat edit-engine-properties --engine-path ENGINE_PATH --engine-new-name ENGINE_NEW_NAME

// or

o3de.bat edit-engine-properties --engine-name ENGINE_NAME --engine-new-name ENGINE_NEW_NAME

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -ep ENGINE_PATH, --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

    The path to the engine.

  • -en ENGINE_NAME, --engine-name ENGINE_NAME

    The name of the engine.

  • -agn [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...], --add-gem-names [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Adds gem name(s) to gem_names field. Space delimited list, for example: -agn A B C`

  • -dgn [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...], --delete-gem-names [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Removes gem name(s) from the gem_names field. Space delimited list, for example: -dgn A B C

  • -rgn [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...], --replace-gem-names [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Replace entirety of gem_names field with space delimited list of values

  • -aav [ADD_API_VERSIONS ...], --add-api-versions [ADD_API_VERSIONS ...]

    Adds api verion(s) to the api_versions field, replacing existing version if the api entry already exists. Space delimited list of key=value pairs, for example: -aav framework=1.2.3

  • -dav [DELETE_API_VERSIONS ...], --delete-api-versions [DELETE_API_VERSIONS ...]

    Removes api entries from the api_versions field. Space delimited list, for example: -dav framework

  • -rav [REPLACE_API_VERSIONS ...], --replace-api-versions [REPLACE_API_VERSIONS ...]

    Replace entirety of api_versions field with space delimited list of
    key=value pairs, for example: -rav framework=1.2.3

Engine properties:

The following parameters modify the specified engine’s properties.

  • -enn ENGINE_NEW_NAME, --engine-new-name ENGINE_NEW_NAME

    Sets the engine’s name.

  • -ev ENGINE_VERSION, --engine-version ENGINE_VERSION

    Sets the engine’s version.

  • -edv ENGINE_DISPLAY_VERSION, --engine-display-version ENGINE_DISPLAY_VERSION

    Sets the display version for the engine.


Edits the specified project’s properties by modifying the project.json file.


edit-project-properties [-h] 
                        (-pp PROJECT_PATH | -pn PROJECT_NAME)
                        [-pv PROJECT_VERSION] [-pnn PROJECT_NEW_NAME]
                        [-pid PROJECT_ID] [-en ENGINE_NAME]
                        [-efcp ENGINE_FINDER_CMAKE_PATH] [-ep ENGINE_PATH]    
                        [-po PROJECT_ORIGIN] [-pd PROJECT_DISPLAY]
                        [-ps PROJECT_SUMMARY] [-pi PROJECT_ICON] [--user]     
                        [-at [ADD_TAGS ...] | -dt [DELETE_TAGS ...] | -rt     
                        [REPLACE_TAGS ...]] [-agn [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...] | -dgn  
                        [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...] | -rgn [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...]]
                        [-aev [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...] | 
                        -dev [DELETE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...] | 
                        -rev [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]]
                        [-aav [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...] | 
                        -dav [DELETE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...] | 
                        -rav [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]]


Updates the project_name field in the gem.json file located in the supplied project path or at the path of the registered project.

o3de.bat edit-project-properties --project-path PROJECT_PATH --project-new-name PROJECT_NEW_NAME
o3de.bat edit-project-properties --project-name PROJECT_NAME --project-new-name PROJECT_NEW_NAME

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -pp PROJECT_PATH, --project-path PROJECT_PATH

    The path to the project.

  • -pn PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME

    The name of the project.

  • -at [ADD_TAGS [ADD_TAGS ...]], --add-tags [ADD_TAGS [ADD_TAGS ...]]

    Adds tags to the user_tags property. To add multiple tags, use a space-delimited list. For example: -at A B C.

  • -dt [DELETE_TAGS [DELETE_TAGS ...]], --delete-tags [DELETE_TAGS [DELETE_TAGS ...]]

    Removes tags from the user_tags property. To delete multiple tags, use a space-delimited list. For example: -dt A B C.

  • -rt [REPLACE_TAGS [REPLACE_TAGS ...]], --replace-tags [REPLACE_TAGS [REPLACE_TAGS ...]]

    Replaces the user_tags property with the specified space-delimited list of values.

  • -agn [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...], --add-gem-names [ADD_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Adds gem name(s) to gem_names field. Space delimited list, for example: -agn A B C

  • -dgn [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...], --delete-gem-names [DELETE_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Removes gem name(s) from the gem_names field. Space delimited list, for example: -dgn A B C

  • -rgn [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...], --replace-gem-names [REPLACE_GEM_NAMES ...]

    Replace entirety of gem_names field with space delimited list of values

  • -aev [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --add-compatible-engines [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Add engine version(s) this project is compatible with. Space delimited
    list, for example: -aev o3de>=1.2.3 o3de-sdk~=2.3.

  • -dev [DELETE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --delete-compatible-engines [DELETE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Removes engine version(s) from the compatible_engines property. Space
    delimited list, for example: -dev o3de>=1.2.3 o3de-sdk~=2.3.

  • -rev [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --replace-compatible-engines [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Replace entirety of compatible_engines field with space delimited list
    of values.

  • -aav [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --add-engine-api-dependencies [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Add engine api dependencies this gem is compatible with. Can be specified multiple times.

  • -dav [DELETE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --delete-engine-api-dependencies [DELETE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Removes engine api dependencies from the compatible_engines property.
    Can be specified multiple times.

  • -rav [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --replace-engine-api-dependencies [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Replace engine api dependencies in the compatible_engines property. Can
    be specified multiple times.

Project properties:

The following parameters modify the specified project’s properties.

  • -pv PROJECT_VERSION, --project-version PROJECT_VERSION

    Sets the project version.

  • -pnn PROJECT_NEW_NAME, --project-new-name PROJECT_NEW_NAME

    Sets the name for the project.

  • -pid PROJECT_ID, --project-id PROJECT_ID

    Sets the ID for the project.

  • -en ENGINE_NAME, --engine-name ENGINE_NAME

    Sets the engine name for the project.

  • -efcp ENGINE_FINDER_CMAKE_PATH, --engine-finder-cmake-path ENGINE_FINDER_CMAKE_PATH

    Sets the path to the engine finder cmake file for this project.

  • -ep ENGINE_PATH, --engine-path ENGINE_PATH

    Sets the engine path for the project.

    This setting is only allowed with the --user argument to avoid adding local paths to the shared project.json

  • -po PROJECT_ORIGIN, --project-origin PROJECT_ORIGIN

    Sets description or url for project origin (such as project host,
    repository, owner…etc).

  • -pd PROJECT_DISPLAY, --project-display PROJECT_DISPLAY

    Sets the project display name.

  • -ps PROJECT_SUMMARY, --project-summary PROJECT_SUMMARY

    Sets the summary description of the project.

  • -pi PROJECT_ICON, --project-icon PROJECT_ICON

    Sets the path to the projects icon resource.

  • --user

    Make changes to the <project>/user/project.json only. This is useful to
    locally override settings in <project>/project.json which are shared.

  • -pnn PROJECT_NEW_NAME, --project-new-name PROJECT_NEW_NAME

    Sets the project’s name.

  • -po PROJECT_ORIGIN, --project-origin PROJECT_ORIGIN

    Sets the description or URL for the project origin, such as the project host, repository, or owner.

  • -pd PROJECT_DISPLAY, --project-display PROJECT_DISPLAY

    Sets the project’s display name.

  • -ps PROJECT_SUMMARY, --project-summary PROJECT_SUMMARY

    Sets the project’s summary description.

  • -pi PROJECT_ICON, --project-icon PROJECT_ICON

    Sets the path to the project’s icon resource.


Edits the specified Gem’s properties by modifying the gem.json file.


edit-gem-properties [-h] 
                    (-gp GEM_PATH | -gn GEM_NAME) [-gnn GEM_NEW_NAME]        
                    [-gd GEM_DISPLAY] [-go GEM_ORIGIN] [-gt {Code,Tool,Asset}]    
                    [-gs GEM_SUMMARY] [-gi GEM_ICON] [-gr GEM_REQUIREMENTS]       
                    [-gdu GEM_DOCUMENTATION_URL] [-gl GEM_LICENSE]
                    [-glu GEM_LICENSE_URL] [-gv GEM_VERSION]
                    [-aev [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...] | 
                    -dev [REMOVE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...] | 
                    -rev [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]]
                    [-aav [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...] | 
                    -dav [REMOVE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...] | 
                    -rav [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]] 
                    [-at [ADD_TAGS ...] | -dt [REMOVE_TAGS ...] | -rt [REPLACE_TAGS ...] | 
                    -apl [ADD_PLATFORMS ...] | -dpl [REMOVE_PLATFORMS ...] | -rpl [REPLACE_PLATFORMS ...]]


Updates the gem_name field in the gem.json file located in the specified Gem’s folder.

o3de.bat edit-gem-properties --gem-path GEM_PATH --gem-new-name GEM_NEW_NAME

// or

o3de.bat edit-gem-properties --gem-name GEM_NAME --gem-new-name GEM_NEW_NAME

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Shows the help message.

  • -gp GEM_PATH, --gem-path GEM_PATH

    The path to the Gem.

  • -gn GEM_NAME, --gem-name GEM_NAME

    The name of the Gem.

  • -aev [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --add-compatible-engines [ADD_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Add engine version(s) this gem is compatible with. Can be specified
    multiple times.

  • -dev [REMOVE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --remove-compatible-engines [REMOVE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Removes engine version(s) from the compatible_engines property. Can be
    specified multiple times.

  • -rev [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...], --replace-compatible-engines [REPLACE_COMPATIBLE_ENGINES ...]

    Replace engine version(s) in the compatible_engines property. Can be
    specified multiple times.

  • -aav [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --add-engine-api-dependencies [ADD_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Add engine api dependency version(s) this gem is compatible with. Can
    be specified multiple times.

  • -dav [REMOVE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --remove-engine-api-dependencies [REMOVE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Removes engine api dependency version(s) from the compatible_engines
    property. Can be specified multiple times.

  • -rav [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...], --replace-engine-api-dependencies [REPLACE_ENGINE_API_DEPENDENCIES ...]

    Replace engine api dependency(s) in the compatible_engines property.
    Can be specified multiple times.

  • -at [ADD_TAGS [ADD_TAGS ...]], --add-tags [ADD_TAGS [ADD_TAGS ...]]

    Adds tags to the user_tags property. To add multiple tags, use a space-delimited list. For example: -at A B C.

  • -dt [DELETE_TAGS [DELETE_TAGS ...]], --delete-tags [DELETE_TAGS [DELETE_TAGS ...]]

    Removes tags from the user_tags property. To delete multiple tags, use a space-delimited list. For example: -dt A B C.

  • -rt [REPLACE_TAGS [REPLACE_TAGS ...]], --replace-tags [REPLACE_TAGS [REPLACE_TAGS ...]]

    Replaces the user_tags property with the specified space-delimited list of values.

  • -apl [ADD_PLATFORMS ...], --add-platforms [ADD_PLATFORMS ...]

    Adds platform(s) to platforms property. Can be specified multiple

  • -dpl [REMOVE_PLATFORMS ...], --remove-platforms [REMOVE_PLATFORMS ...]

    Removes platform(s) from the platforms property. Can be specified
    multiple times.

  • -rpl [REPLACE_PLATFORMS ...], --replace-platforms [REPLACE_PLATFORMS ...]

    Replace platform(s) in platforms property. Can be specified multiple

Gem properties:

The following parameters modify the specified Gem’s properties.

  • -gnn GEM_NEW_NAME, --gem-new-name GEM_NEW_NAME

    Sets the Gem’s name.

  • -gd GEM_DISPLAY, --gem-display GEM_DISPLAY

    Sets the Gem’s display name.

  • -go GEM_ORIGIN, --gem-origin GEM_ORIGIN

    Sets the description or URL for the Gem’s origin, such as the Gem host, repository, or owner.

  • -gt {Code,Tool,Asset}, --gem-type {Code,Tool,Asset}

    Sets the Gem type to either Code, Tool, or Asset.

  • -gs GEM_SUMMARY, --gem-summary GEM_SUMMARY

    Sets the Gem’s summary description.

  • -gi GEM_ICON, --gem-icon GEM_ICON

    Sets the path to the Gem’s icon resource.

  • -gr GEM_REQUIREMENTS, --gem-requirements GEM_REQUIREMENTS

    Sets the description of the requirements that are needed to use the Gem.

  • -gdu GEM_DOCUMENTATION_URL, --gem-documentation-url GEM_DOCUMENTATION_URL

    Sets the url for documentation of the gem.

  • -gl GEM_LICENSE, --gem-license GEM_LICENSE

    Sets the name for the license of the gem.

  • -glu GEM_LICENSE_URL, --gem-license-url GEM_LICENSE_URL

    Sets the url for the license of the gem.

  • -gv GEM_VERSION, --gem-version GEM_VERSION

    Sets the version of the gem.


Downloads engines, projects, gems or templates from remote repositories.

Format download [-h]
              (--engine-name ENGINE_NAME | --project-name PROJECT_NAME | --gem-name GEM_NAME | --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME)
              [--dest-path DEST_PATH] [--skip-auto-register] [--force]


o3de.bat download --project-name "CustomProject" --dest-path "C:/projects"

Will result in CustomProject being downloaded to C:/projects/CustomProject. If --dest-path is not provided, CustomProject will download to default project folder.

o3de.bat download --gem-name "CustomGem==2.0.0"

Will download the Gem named CustomGem version 2.0.0 if available. If only the gem name is provided, the highest version available will be downloaded.

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help

    Show help message and exit

  • --engine-name ENGINE_NAME, -e ENGINE_NAME

    Downloadable engine name.

  • --project-name PROJECT_NAME, -p PROJECT_NAME

    Downloadable project name with optional version specifier e.g. project==1.2.3 If no version specifier is provided, the most recent
    version will be downloaded.

  • --gem-name GEM_NAME, -g GEM_NAME

    Downloadable gem name with optional version specifier e.g. gem==1.2.3 If no version specifier is provided, the most recent version will be downloaded.

  • --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME, -t TEMPLATE_NAME

    Downloadable template name with optional version specifier e.g. template==1.2.3 If no version specifier is provided, the most recent version will be downloaded.

  • --dest-path DEST_PATH, -dp DEST_PATH

    Optional destination folder to download into.

  • --skip-auto-register, -sar

    Skip the automatic registration of new object download

  • --force, -f

    Force overwrite the current object

  • --use-source-control, --src

    Acquire from source control instead of downloading a .zip archive.
    Requires that the object has a valid source_control_uri.


Updates metadata, activates and deactivates remote repositories.


repo [-h] [-ar ACTIVATE_REPO | -dr DEACTIVATE_REPO | -r REFRESH_REPO | -ra] 


o3de.bat repo --refresh-all-repos

Updates the metadata from all known remote repositories.

o3de.bat repo --deactivate-repo

Deactivates the remote repository so that its content no longer appears in searches and is no longer available for download.

Optional parameters

  • -ar ACTIVATE_REPO, --activate-repo ACTIVATE_REPO

    Activate the specified remote repository, allowing searching and
    downloading of objects from it.

  • -dr DEACTIVATE_REPO, --deactivate-repo DEACTIVATE_REPO

    Deactivate the specified remote repository, preventing searching or downloading any objects from it.

  • -r REFRESH_REPO, --refresh-repo REFRESH_REPO

    Fetch the latest metadata for the specified remote repository.

  • -ra, --refresh-all-repos

    Fetch the latest metadata from all known remote repository.


Creates a hash value for an O3DE object using SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256). This command outputs the specified file path and writes the value to the sha256 field in the specified JSON file.


sha256 [-h] -f FILE_PATH [-j JSON_PATH]


o3de.bat sha256 --file-path FILE_PATH --json-path JSON_PATH

Optional parameters

  • -f FILE_PATH, --file-path FILE_PATH

    The path to the O3DE object.

  • -j JSON_PATH, --json-path JSON_PATH

    The path to the O3DE object’s JSON file that you want to add the sha256 hash value to.