Open 3D Engine AzQtComponents API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzQtComponents Namespace Reference


class  AzQtApplication
 Base class for O3DE Tools Applications. More...
class  DragAndDropContextBase
class  CommonDragAndDropBusTraits
class  DragAndDropEvents
class  DragAndDropItemViewEvents
class  ShortcutDispatchTraits
class  AutoCustomWindowDecorations
class  ButtonDivider
class  ButtonStripe
struct  DockBarColors
class  DockBar
class  DockBarButton
class  DockMainWindow
class  DockTabBar
class  DockTabWidget
class  FancyDocking
class  FancyDockingDropZoneState
class  FancyDockingDropZoneWidget
class  FancyDockingGhostWidget
class  SelectionCountButton
class  FilterTextButton
class  FilterCriteriaButton
struct  SearchTypeFilter
class  SearchTypeSelector
class  SearchTypeSelectorFilterModel
class  FilteredSearchWidget
class  FilteredSearchItemDelegate
class  GlobalEventFilter
class  HelpButton
class  InputDialog
 An improved QInputDialog which allows a validator to be placed on the TextEdit line. More...
class  InteractiveWindowGeometryChanger
class  InteractiveWindowResizer
class  InteractiveWindowMover
class  O3DEStylesheet
class  RepolishMinimizer
class  SearchLineEdit
class  Style
class  StyledBusyLabel
class  StyledDetailsTableModel
class  StyledDetailsTableView
class  StyledDialog
class  StyledDockWidget
class  StyledLineEdit
class  StyledSliderPrivate
class  StyledDoubleSpinBox
class  StyledSpinBox
class  StyleManager
class  StyleSheetCache
class  StylesheetPreprocessor
class  TagWidget
class  TagWidgetContainer
class  TagSelector
class  TitleBar
class  TitleBarOverdrawHandler
class  TitleBarOverdrawHandlerWindows
class  TitleBarOverdrawScreenHandler
class  ToastNotification
class  ToastConfiguration
class  ToolBarArea
class  ToolButtonComboBox
class  ToolButtonLineEdit
class  ToolButtonWithWidget
class  VectorEditElement
class  VectorEdit
class  AssetFolderListView
class  AssetFolderTableView
class  AssetFolderThumbnailView
class  AssetFolderThumbnailViewDelegate
class  BreadCrumbs
class  BrowseEdit
 A widget combining a Line Edit and a Push Button. Use this widget when you want to extend a Line Edit with support for user interaction. More...
class  Card
class  CardHeader
class  CardNotification
class  CheckBox
class  ColorLabel
 A control to select color properties via a ColorPicker dialog. More...
class  ColorComponentEdit
class  HSLSliders
class  HSVSliders
class  RGBSliders
class  ColorGrid
class  ColorHexEdit
class  ColorPreview
class  ColorRGBAEdit
class  ColorValidator
class  RGBColorValidator
class  RGBALowRangeValidator
class  HueSaturationValidator
class  ColorWarning
class  GammaEdit
class  Palette
class  PaletteCardBase
class  PaletteCard
class  QuickPaletteCard
class  PaletteCardCollection
class  PaletteView
class  Swatch
class  ComboBoxValidator
 Default validator for the ComboBox control. Always returns true to all inputs. More...
class  ComboBox
 Adds functionality to ComboBox controls by offering configuration, styling and validation options. More...
class  DialogButtonBox
 Class to handle styling and painting of QToolButton controls. More...
class  DragAndDrop
class  ElidingLabel
class  Eyedropper
class  FileDialog
class  GradientSlider
class  LineEdit
 Class to handle styling and painting of QLineEdit widgets. More...
class  LogicalTabOrderingWidget
class  Menu
 Class to handle styling and painting of QMenu controls. More...
class  AzMessageBox
class  FixedWidthMessageBox
struct  OverlayWidgetButton
class  OverlayWidget
class  ProgressBar
 Class to handle styling of ProgressBar controls. More...
class  PushButton
 Class to handle styling and painting of QPushButton controls. More...
class  RadioButton
 Class to handle styling and painting of radio button controls. More...
class  ScrollBar
 Class to provide extra functionality for working with ScrollBar controls. More...
class  SegmentBar
 A control used to switch between different sections of associated information. More...
class  SegmentControl
 A container that uses a SegmentBar to switch between different sections of associated information. More...
class  CustomSlider
 Extends the slider component to add extra styling and behavior options. More...
class  Slider
 Base class for Slider components. Wraps a CustomSlider to provide additional styling options and functionality. More...
class  SliderInt
 Control to display a slider for integer value input. More...
class  SliderDouble
 Control to display a slider for double value input. More...
class  SliderCombo
class  SliderDoubleCombo
class  SpinBox
class  DoubleSpinBox
class  StatusBar
class  TableView
class  TableViewModel
class  TableViewItemDelegate
class  TabWidget
 A container for other widgets that provides a tab bar to switch between them. More...
class  TabWidgetActionToolBarContainer
 Container for the TabWidget action toolbar. More...
class  TabBar
 Allows switching between different content widgets in a TabWidget. More...
class  TabWidgetActionToolBar
 Displays custom buttons on the right side of the tab bar widget. More...
class  Text
class  ToolBar
 Class to provide extra functionality for working with ToolBar controls. More...
class  ToolButton
 Class to handle styling and painting of QToolButton controls. More...
class  TreeView
class  BranchDelegate
class  StyledTreeView
class  StyledTreeWidget
class  VectorElement
 All flexible vector GUI's are constructed using a number vector elements. Each Vector element contains a label and a double spin box which show the label and the value respectively. More...
class  VectorInput
 Qt Widget that control holds an array of VectorElements. This control can be used to display any number of labeled float values with configurable row(s) & column(s) More...
class  WindowDecorationWrapper
class  ViewportDragContext
class  PropertyInputDoubleWidget
class  AutoSettingsGroup
class  MouseHider
struct  MappedPoint
class  ScreenGrabber
class  SelectionProxyModel


using DragAndDropEventsBus = AZ::EBus< DragAndDropEvents >
using DragAndDropItemViewEventsBus = AZ::EBus< DragAndDropItemViewEvents >
using ShortcutDispatchBus = AZ::EBus< ShortcutDispatchTraits >
using SearchTypeFilterList = QVector< SearchTypeFilter >
using BreadCrumbButtonStates = bool[EnumToConstExprInt(NavigationButton::Count)]
using OverlayWidgetButtonList = QVector< const OverlayWidgetButton * >


enum class  ToastType { Information , Warning , Error , Custom }
enum class  NavigationButton { Back , Forward , Browse , Count }
 Enum listing the type of buttons. More...


static const QKeySequence RedoKeySequence (Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Z)
void MarkAsShortcutSearchBreak (QWidget *widget)
template<typename E >
constexpr auto EnumToConstExprInt (E e) noexcept
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &out, const Palette &palette)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &in, Palette &palette)
void registerMetaTypes ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QColor AdjustGamma (const QColor &color, qreal gamma)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API AZ::Color AdjustGamma (const AZ::Color &color, float gamma)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QBrush MakeAlphaBrush (const QColor &color, qreal gamma=1.0f)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QBrush MakeAlphaBrush (const AZ::Color &color, float gamma=1.0f)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API bool AreClose (const AZ::Color &left, const AZ::Color &right)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QString MakePropertyDisplayStringInts (const QColor &color, bool includeAlphaChannel)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QString MakePropertyDisplayStringFloats (const QColor &color, bool includeAlphaChannel)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QColor toQColor (const AZ::Color &color)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QColor toQColor (float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API AZ::Color fromQColor (const QColor &color)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QString toString (double value, int numDecimals, const QLocale &locale, bool showGroupSeparator=false, bool round=false)
QColor ToQColor (const AZ::Color &color)
AZ::Color FromQColor (const QColor &color)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void ShowFileOnDesktop (const QString &path)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QString fileBrowserActionName ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QPixmap ScalePixmapForScreenDpi (QPixmap pixmap, QScreen *screen, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode, Qt::TransformationMode transformationMode)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QPixmap CropPixmapForScreenDpi (QPixmap pixmap, QScreen *screen, QRect rect)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void PrepareQtPaths ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void SetWidgetInteractEnabled (QWidget *widget, bool on)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QRect GetTotalScreenGeometry ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void EnsureWindowWithinScreenGeometry (QWidget *widget)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void EnsureGeometryWithinScreenTop (QRect &geometry)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void SetClipRegionForDockingWidgets (QWidget *widget, QPainter &painter, QMainWindow *mainWindow)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void SetCursorPos (const QPoint &point)
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void SetCursorPos (int x, int y)
MappedPoint AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API MappedCursorPosition ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void bringWindowToTop (QWidget *widget)
bool isWin10 ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QRandomGenerator * GetRandomGenerator ()
AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void forceToolTipLineWrap (QWidget *widget)


constexpr const char * HasSearchAction = "HasSearchAction"
constexpr const char * HasError = "HasError"
constexpr const char * ClearAction = "_q_qlineeditclearaction"
constexpr const char * ClearToolButton = "ClearToolButton"
constexpr const char * ErrorToolButton = "ErrorToolButton"
constexpr const char * SearchToolButton = "SearchToolButton"
constexpr const char * StoredClearButtonState = "_storedClearButtonState"
constexpr const char * StoredHoverAttributeState = "_storedWaHoverState"
constexpr const char * ErrorMessage = "_errorMessage"
constexpr const char * ErrorIconEnabled = "_errorIconEnabled"
constexpr const char * Validator = "Validator"
constexpr const char * HasPopupOpen = "HasPopupOpen"
constexpr const char * HasExternalError = "HasExternalError"
constexpr const char * NoMargins = "NoMargins"
constexpr const char * ValidDropTarget = "ValidDropTarget"
constexpr const char * InvalidDropTarget = "InvalidDropTarget"
static const char * SHORTCUT_DISPATCHER_CONTEXT_BREAK_PROPERTY = "ShortcutDispatcherContextBreak"
static const QString MIME_TYPE_PALETTE = QStringLiteral("application/x-o3de-color-palette+xml")

Detailed Description

RAII-style class that will block unneeded polish requests when doing reparenting. When QWidget::setParent() is called that triggers all children to be repolished, which is expensive as all stylesheet rules have to be recalculated.

Repolishing is usually only needed if the stylesheet changed. You can use this class to save CPU cycles when you know you're going to trigger setParent() calls that you're sure wouldn't affect any styling.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ NavigationButton

Enum listing the type of buttons.


Back button - restores previous path when clicked.


Forward button - navigates to latest path before the back button was clicked.


Browse button - can be used to add browsing capabilities to select a path from disk.


Counter for the number of possible values.

Function Documentation

◆ forceToolTipLineWrap()

AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void AzQtComponents::forceToolTipLineWrap ( QWidget *  widget)

Forces the tooltip text on a QWidget to do line wrapping.

Qt will only line wrap tooltips if they are rich text / HTML so if Qt doesn't think this text is rich text, we throw on some unnecessary tags to make it think it is HTML. Also replaces
characters with

◆ MakeAlphaBrush()

AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API QBrush AzQtComponents::MakeAlphaBrush ( const QColor &  color,
qreal  gamma = 1.0f 

Make a pixmap brush from the alpha-checking pattern with the color we're interested filled over the top This is useful for drawRoundedRect calls because it prevents anti-aliasing and overlapped drawing issues without losing us anti-aliasing of and corner radius

◆ SetWidgetInteractEnabled()

AZ_QT_COMPONENTS_API void AzQtComponents::SetWidgetInteractEnabled ( QWidget *  widget,
bool  on 

Set the state of all widgets that should be enabled/disabled. When on is false, the widget is set to disabled and a graphics effect is applied to show the widget as inactive. The reverse of this is applied when on is true.