Open 3D Engine AzToolsFramework API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzToolsFramework::EditorEntityContextNotification Class Reference

#include <EditorEntityContextBus.h>

Inherits AZ::EBusTraits.

Public Member Functions

virtual void OnPrepareForContextReset ()
 Called before the context is reset.
virtual void OnContextReset ()
 Fired after the context is reset.
virtual void OnEditorEntityCreated (const AZ::EntityId &)
 Fired when an Editor entity is created.
virtual void OnEditorEntityDeleted (const AZ::EntityId &)
 Fired when an Editor entity is deleted.
virtual void OnEditorEntityDuplicated (const AZ::EntityId &, const AZ::EntityId &)
virtual void OnStartPlayInEditorBegin ()
 Fired when the editor begins going into 'Simulation' mode.
virtual void OnStartPlayInEditor ()
 Fired when the editor finishes going into 'Simulation' mode.
virtual void OnStopPlayInEditorBegin ()
 Fired when the editor begins coming out of 'Simulation' mode.
virtual void OnStopPlayInEditor ()
 Fired when the editor comes out of 'Simulation' mode.
virtual void OnEntityStreamLoadBegin ()
 Fired when the entity stream begins loading.
virtual void OnEntityStreamLoadSuccess ()
 Fired when the entity stream has been successfully loaded.
virtual void OnEntityStreamLoadFailed ()
 Fired when the entity stream load has failed.
virtual void OnFocusInEntityOutliner (const EntityIdList &)
 Fired when the entities needs to be focused in Entity Outliner.
virtual void OnSaveStreamForGameBegin (AZ::IO::GenericStream &, AZ::DataStream::StreamType, AZStd::vector< AZStd::unique_ptr< AZ::Entity > > &)
 Fired before the EditorEntityContext exports the root level slice to the game stream.
virtual void OnSaveStreamForGameSuccess (AZ::IO::GenericStream &)
 Fired after the EditorEntityContext exports the root level slice to the game stream.
virtual void OnSaveStreamForGameFailure (AZStd::string_view)
 Fired after the EditorEntityContext fails to export the root level slice to the game stream.
virtual void SetForceAddEntitiesToBackFlag (bool)
 Preserve entity order when re-parenting entities.

Detailed Description

Bus for receiving events/notifications from the editor entity context component.

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