| AZ_RTTI (Scope, "{DE4C74AA-FD4C-4BC3-80DC-F405B72E4327}", Base) |
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (Scope, AZ::SystemAllocator) |
void | Begin (CommandList &commandList, uint32_t commandListIndex, uint32_t commandListCount) const |
void | End (CommandList &commandList, uint32_t commandListIndex, uint32_t commandListCount) const |
const bool | IsStateSupportedByQueue (D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES state) const |
void | QueuePrologueTransition (const D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER &transitionBarrier, const BarrierOp::CommandListState *state=nullptr) |
void | QueueEpilogueTransition (const D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER &transitionBarrier, const BarrierOp::CommandListState *state=nullptr) |
void | QueueAliasingBarrier (const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALIASING_BARRIER &aliasingBarrier, const BarrierOp::CommandListState *state=nullptr) |
void | QueueResolveTransition (const D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER &transitionBarrier, const BarrierOp::CommandListState *state=nullptr) |
void | QueuePreDiscardTransition (const D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER &transitionBarrier, const BarrierOp::CommandListState *state=nullptr) |
bool | HasSignalFence () const |
bool | HasWaitFences () const |
void | SetSignalFenceValue (uint64_t fenceValue) |
uint64_t | GetSignalFenceValue () const |
void | SetWaitFenceValueByQueue (RHI::HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass, uint64_t fenceValue) |
uint64_t | GetWaitFenceValueByQueue (RHI::HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) const |
const FenceValueSet & | GetWaitFences () const |
bool | IsResourceDiscarded (const RHI::ImageScopeAttachment &scopeAttachment) const |
bool | IsResourceDiscarded (const RHI::BufferScopeAttachment &scopeAttachment) const |
| AZ_RTTI (Scope, "{C9EB500A-EF31-46E2-98DE-62396CDBAFB1}", Object) |
bool | IsInitialized () const |
| Returns whether the scope is currently initialized.
bool | IsActive () const |
| Returns whether the scope is currently active on a frame.
const ScopeId & | GetId () const |
| Returns the scope id associated with this scope.
AZStd::string_view | GetMarkerLabel () const |
| Returns the string view to the gpu marker.
uint32_t | GetIndex () const |
const GraphGroupId & | GetFrameGraphGroupId () const |
| Returns the id of the graph group this scope belongs.
const FrameGraph * | GetFrameGraph () const |
| Returns the frame graph instance which owns this scope.
HardwareQueueClass | GetHardwareQueueClass () const |
| Returns the hardware queue class for this scope.
void | SetHardwareQueueClass (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) |
| Sets the hardware queue class for this scope.
uint32_t | GetEstimatedItemCount () const |
Scope * | GetProducerByQueue (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) const |
| Returns the scope for the given hardware queue which must be scheduled immediately prior to this scope (can be null).
Scope * | GetProducerOnSameQueue () const |
| Returns the scope for the producer on the same hardware queue as us.
Scope * | GetConsumerByQueue (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) const |
| Returns the scope for the given hardware queue which must be scheduled immediately after this scope (can be null).
Scope * | GetConsumerOnSameQueue () const |
| Returns the scope for the consumer on the same hardware queue as us.
const AZStd::vector< ScopeAttachment * > & | GetAttachments () const |
| Returns a list of attachments on this scope.
const AZStd::vector< ScopeAttachment * > & | GetTransientAttachments () const |
| Returns a list of attachments which reference transient resources on this scope.
const AZStd::vector< ImageScopeAttachment * > & | GetImageAttachments () const |
| Returns a list of all image scope attachments.
const AZStd::vector< ResolveScopeAttachment * > & | GetResolveAttachments () const |
| Returns a list of all resolve scope attachments.
const AZStd::vector< BufferScopeAttachment * > & | GetBufferAttachments () const |
| Returns a list of all buffer scope attachments.
const AZStd::vector< ResourcePoolResolver * > & | GetResourcePoolResolves () const |
| Returns a list of resource pools requiring a resolve operation.
const AZStd::vector< SwapChain * > & | GetSwapChainsToPresent () const |
| Returns a list of swap chains which require presentation at the end of the scope.
const AZStd::vector< Ptr< Fence > > & | GetFencesToSignal () const |
| Returns a list of fences to signal on completion of the scope.
const AZStd::vector< Ptr< Fence > > & | GetFencesToWaitFor () const |
| Returns a list of fences to wait for before start of the scope.
void | Init (const ScopeId &scopeId, HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass=HardwareQueueClass::Graphics) |
| Initializes the scope.
void | Activate (const FrameGraph *frameGraph, uint32_t index, const GraphGroupId &groupId) |
| Activates the scope for the current frame.
void | Compile (Device &device) |
| Called when the scope is being compiled at the end of the graph-building phase.
void | Deactivate () |
| Deactivates the scope for the current frame.
void | Shutdown () override final |
| Shuts down the scope.
void | QueueResourcePoolResolves (ResourcePoolDatabase &resourcePoolDatabase) |
Scope * | FindCapableCrossQueueProducer (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) |
| Finds a producer for this scope that is at least as capable as the provided queue class.
Scope * | FindMoreCapableCrossQueueProducer () |
| Finds a producer for this scope from a more capable queue.
Scope * | FindCrossQueueProducer (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) |
| Finds a producer for this scope from a specific queue class.
void | AddFenceToSignal (Ptr< Fence > fence) |
| Adds a fence that will be signaled at the end of the scope.
| AZ_RTTI (Object, "{E43378F1-2331-4173-94B8-990ED20E6003}") |
void | SetName (const Name &name) |
| Sets the name of the object.
const Name & | GetName () const |
| Returns the name set on the object by SetName.
uint32_t | use_count () |
| Returns the current use count of the object.