Open 3D Engine AtomLyIntegration Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::AtomBridge::AtomDebugDisplayViewportInterface Class Referencefinal

Inherits AzFramework::DebugDisplayRequestBus::Handler, and AZ::RPI::ViewportContextIdNotificationBus::Handler.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_RTTI (AtomDebugDisplayViewportInterface, "{09AF6A46-0100-4FBF-8F94-E6B221322D14}", AzFramework::DebugDisplayRequestBus::Handler)
 AtomDebugDisplayViewportInterface (AZ::RPI::ViewportContextPtr viewportContextPtr)
 AtomDebugDisplayViewportInterface (uint32_t defaultInstanceAddress, RPI::Scene *scene)
void ResetRenderState ()
void SetColor (const AZ::Color &color) override
void SetAlpha (float a) override
void DrawQuad (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2, const AZ::Vector3 &p3, const AZ::Vector3 &p4) override
void DrawQuad (float width, float height, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawWireQuad (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2, const AZ::Vector3 &p3, const AZ::Vector3 &p4) override
void DrawWireQuad (float width, float height) override
void DrawQuadGradient (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2, const AZ::Vector3 &p3, const AZ::Vector3 &p4, const AZ::Vector4 &firstColor, const AZ::Vector4 &secondColor) override
void DrawQuad2dGradient (const Vector2 &p1, const Vector2 &p2, const Vector2 &p3, const Vector2 &p4, float z, const Color &firstColor, const Color &secondColor) override
void DrawTri (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2, const AZ::Vector3 &p3) override
void DrawTriangles (const AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &vertices, const AZ::Color &color) override
void DrawTrianglesIndexed (const AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &vertices, const AZStd::vector< AZ::u32 > &indices, const AZ::Color &color) override
void DrawWireBox (const AZ::Vector3 &min, const AZ::Vector3 &max) override
void DrawSolidBox (const AZ::Vector3 &min, const AZ::Vector3 &max) override
void DrawWireOBB (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axisX, const AZ::Vector3 &axisY, const AZ::Vector3 &axisZ, const AZ::Vector3 &halfExtents) override
void DrawSolidOBB (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axisX, const AZ::Vector3 &axisY, const AZ::Vector3 &axisZ, const AZ::Vector3 &halfExtents) override
void DrawPoint (const AZ::Vector3 &p, int nSize=1) override
void DrawLine (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2) override
void DrawLine (const AZ::Vector3 &p1, const AZ::Vector3 &p2, const AZ::Vector4 &col1, const AZ::Vector4 &col2) override
void DrawLines (const AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &lines, const AZ::Color &color) override
void DrawPolyLine (const AZ::Vector3 *pnts, int numPoints, bool cycled=true) override
void DrawPolyLine (AZStd::span< const AZ::Vector3 >, bool cycled=true) override
void DrawWireQuad2d (const AZ::Vector2 &p1, const AZ::Vector2 &p2, float z) override
void DrawLine2d (const AZ::Vector2 &p1, const AZ::Vector2 &p2, float z) override
void DrawLine2dGradient (const AZ::Vector2 &p1, const AZ::Vector2 &p2, float z, const AZ::Vector4 &firstColor, const AZ::Vector4 &secondColor) override
void DrawWireCircle2d (const AZ::Vector2 &center, float radius, float z) override
void DrawArc (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius, float startAngleDegrees, float sweepAngleDegrees, float angularStepDegrees, int referenceAxis=2) override
void DrawArc (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius, float startAngleDegrees, float sweepAngleDegrees, float angularStepDegrees, const AZ::Vector3 &fixedAxis) override
void DrawCircle (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius, int nUnchangedAxis=2) override
void DrawHalfDottedCircle (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius, const AZ::Vector3 &viewPos, int nUnchangedAxis=2) override
void DrawWireCone (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 &dir, float radius, float height) override
void DrawSolidCone (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 &dir, float radius, float height, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawWireCylinder (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius, float height) override
void DrawSolidCylinder (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius, float height, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawWireCylinderNoEnds (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius, float height) override
void DrawSolidCylinderNoEnds (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius, float height, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawWireCapsule (const AZ::Vector3 &center, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius, float heightStraightSection) override
void DrawWireSphere (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius) override
void DrawWireSphere (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 radius) override
void DrawWireHemisphere (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 &axis, float radius) override
void DrawWireDisk (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 &dir, float radius) override
void DrawBall (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float radius, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawDisk (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const AZ::Vector3 &dir, float radius, bool drawShaded) override
void DrawArrow (const AZ::Vector3 &src, const AZ::Vector3 &trg, float headScale=1.0f, bool dualEndedArrow=false) override
void DrawTextLabel (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, float size, const char *text, const bool bCenter=false, int srcOffsetX=0, int srcOffsetY=0) override
void Draw2dTextLabel (float x, float y, float size, const char *text, bool bCenter=false) override
void DrawTextOn2DBox (const AZ::Vector3 &pos, const char *text, float textScale, const AZ::Vector4 &TextColor, const AZ::Vector4 &TextBackColor) override
void SetLineWidth (float width) override
bool IsVisible (const AZ::Aabb &bounds) override
float GetLineWidth () override
float GetAspectRatio () override
void DepthTestOff () override
void DepthTestOn () override
void DepthWriteOff () override
void DepthWriteOn () override
void CullOff () override
void CullOn () override
bool SetDrawInFrontMode (bool on) override
AZ::u32 GetState () override
AZ::u32 SetState (AZ::u32 state) override
void PushMatrix (const AZ::Transform &tm) override
void PopMatrix () override
void PushPremultipliedMatrix (const AZ::Matrix3x4 &matrix) override
AZ::Matrix3x4 PopPremultipliedMatrix () override

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