Open 3D Engine EMotionFX Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType > Class Template Reference

#include <KeyTrackLinearDynamic.h>

Public Member Functions

 AZ_TYPE_INFO_WITH_NAME (KeyTrackLinearDynamic, "EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinear", "{8C6EB52A-9720-467B-9D96-B4B967A113D1}", StorageType)
 KeyTrackLinearDynamic (size_t nrKeys)
void Reserve (size_t numKeys)
size_t CalcMemoryUsage (bool includeMembers=true) const
void Init ()
void Shrink ()
MCORE_INLINE ReturnType Interpolate (size_t startKey, float currentTime) const
MCORE_INLINE void AddKey (float time, const ReturnType &value, bool smartPreAlloc=true)
MCORE_INLINE void AddKeySorted (float time, const ReturnType &value, bool smartPreAlloc=true)
MCORE_INLINE void RemoveKey (size_t keyNr)
void ClearKeys ()
MCORE_INLINE bool CheckIfIsAnimated (const ReturnType &initialPose, float maxError) const
ReturnType GetValueAtTime (float currentTime, size_t *cachedKey=nullptr, uint8 *outWasCacheHit=nullptr, bool interpolate=true) const
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetKey (size_t nr)
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetFirstKey ()
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetLastKey ()
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetKey (size_t nr) const
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetFirstKey () const
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * GetLastKey () const
MCORE_INLINE float GetFirstTime () const
MCORE_INLINE float GetLastTime () const
MCORE_INLINE size_t GetNumKeys () const
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * FindKey (float curTime) const
MCORE_INLINE size_t FindKeyNumber (float curTime) const
void MakeLoopable (float fadeTime=0.3f)
size_t Optimize (float maxError)
void SetNumKeys (size_t numKeys)
MCORE_INLINE void SetKey (size_t keyNr, float time, const ReturnType &value)
MCORE_INLINE void SetStorageTypeKey (size_t keyNr, float time, const StorageType &value)
MCORE_INLINE AZ::Quaternion Interpolate (size_t startKey, float currentTime) const
MCORE_INLINE AZ::Quaternion Interpolate (size_t startKey, float currentTime) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Protected Attributes

AZStd::vector< KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > > m_keys

Detailed Description

template<class ReturnType, class StorageType = ReturnType>
class EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >

The dynamic linear keyframe track. The difference between the standard and dynamic one is that the dynamic one can reserve memory and grow its contents more efficiently, with far less reallocations. For that reason the dynamic version is more efficient for adding and removing keys dynamically. This is a class holding a set of keyframes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KeyTrackLinearDynamic()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::KeyTrackLinearDynamic ( size_t  nrKeys)
nrKeysThe number of keyframes which the keytrack contains (preallocates this amount of keyframes).

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddKey()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::AddKey ( float  time,
const ReturnType &  value,
bool  smartPreAlloc = true 

Add a key to the track (at the back).

timeThe time of the keyframe, in seconds.
valueThe value of the keyframe.
smartPreAllocSet to true if you wish to automatically pre-allocate space for multiple keys if we run out of space. This can make adding more keys faster.

◆ AddKeySorted()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::AddKeySorted ( float  time,
const ReturnType &  value,
bool  smartPreAlloc = true 

Adds a key to the track, and automatically detects where to place it. NOTE: you will have to call the Init() method again when you finished adding keys.

timeThe time value of the keyframe, in seconds.
valueThe value of the keyframe at that time.
smartPreAllocSet to true if you wish to automatically pre-allocate space for multiple keys if we run out of space. This can make adding more keys faster.

◆ CalcMemoryUsage()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
size_t EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::CalcMemoryUsage ( bool  includeMembers = true) const

Calculate the memory usage, in bytes.

includeMembersSpecifies whether to include member variables of the keytrack class itself or not (default=true).
The number of bytes used by this keytrack.

◆ CheckIfIsAnimated()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE bool EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::CheckIfIsAnimated ( const ReturnType &  initialPose,
float  maxError 
) const

Check if a given keytrack is animated or not.

initialPoseThe base or initial pose to compare to. If the keyframe values are different from this value, the keytrack is considered to be animated.
maxErrorThe maximum error/difference between the specified initial pose and the keyframes.
True in case the keytrack is animated, otherwise false is returned.

◆ ClearKeys()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::ClearKeys

Clear all keys.

◆ FindKey()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::FindKey ( float  curTime) const

Find a key at a given time.

curTimeThe time of the key.
A pointer to the keyframe.

◆ FindKeyNumber()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE size_t EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::FindKeyNumber ( float  curTime) const

Find a key number at a given time. You will need to interpolate between this and the next key.

curTimeThe time to retreive the key for.
Returns the key number or MCORE_INVALIDINDEX32 when not found.

◆ GetFirstKey() [1/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetFirstKey

Returns the first keyframe.

A pointer to the first keyframe.

◆ GetFirstKey() [2/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetFirstKey

Returns the first keyframe.

A pointer to the first keyframe.

◆ GetFirstTime()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE float EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetFirstTime

Returns the time value of the first keyframe.

The time value of the first keyframe, in seconds.

◆ GetKey() [1/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetKey ( size_t  nr)

Get a given keyframe.

nrThe index, so the keyframe number.
A pointer to the keyframe.

◆ GetKey() [2/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetKey ( size_t  nr) const

Get a given keyframe.

nrThe index, so the keyframe number.
A pointer to the keyframe.

◆ GetLastKey() [1/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetLastKey

Returns the last keyframe.

A pointer to the last keyframe.

◆ GetLastKey() [2/2]

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE const KeyFrame< ReturnType, StorageType > * EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetLastKey

Returns the last keyframe.

A pointer to the last keyframe.

◆ GetLastTime()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE float EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetLastTime

Return the time value of the last keyframe.

The time value of the last keyframe, in seconds.

◆ GetNumKeys()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE size_t EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetNumKeys

Returns the number of keyframes in this track.

The number of currently stored keyframes.

◆ GetValueAtTime()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
ReturnType EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::GetValueAtTime ( float  currentTime,
size_t *  cachedKey = nullptr,
uint8 *  outWasCacheHit = nullptr,
bool  interpolate = true 
) const

Return the interpolated value at the specified time.

currentTimeThe time in seconds.
cachedKeyThe keyframe number that should first be checked before finding the keyframes to interpolate between using the keyframe finder. If this value is nullptr (default), this cached key is ignored. The cached value will also be overwritten with the new cached key in case of a cache miss.
outWasCacheHitThis output value will contain 0 when this method had an internal cache miss and a value of 1 in case it was a cache hit.
interpolateShould we interpolate between the keyframes?
Returns the value at the specified time.

◆ Init()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::Init

Initialize all keyframes in this keytrack. Call this after all keys are added and setup, otherwise the interpolation won't work and nothing will happen.

◆ Interpolate()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE ReturnType EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::Interpolate ( size_t  startKey,
float  currentTime 
) const

Perform interpolation between two keyframes.

startKeyThe first keyframe index. The interpolation will take place between this keyframe and the one after this one.
currentTimeThe global time, in seconds. This time value has to be between the time value of the startKey and the one after that.
The interpolated value.

◆ MakeLoopable()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::MakeLoopable ( float  fadeTime = 0.3f)

Make the keytrack loopable, by adding a new keyframe at the end of the keytrack. This added keyframe will have the same value as the first keyframe.

fadeTimeThe relative offset after the last keyframe. If this value is 0.5, it means it will add a keyframe half a second after the last keyframe currently in the keytrack.

◆ Optimize()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
size_t EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::Optimize ( float  maxError)

Optimize the keytrack by removing redundant frames. The way this is done is by comparing differences between the resulting curves when removing specific keyframes. If the error (difference) between those curve before and after keyframe removal is within a given maximum error value, the keyframe can be safely removed since there will not be much "visual" difference. The metric of this maximum error depends on the ReturnType of the keytrack (so the return type values of the keyframes). For vectors this will be the squared length between those two vectors. Partial template specialization needs to be used to add support for optimizing different types, such as quaternions. You can do this by creating a specialization of the MCore::Compare<ReturnType>::CheckIfIsClose(...) method. You can find it in the MCore project in the file Compare.h. We provide implementations for several different types, such as vectors, quaternions and floats.

maxErrorThe maximum allowed error value. The higher you set this value, the more keyframes will be removed.
The method returns the number of removed keyframes.

◆ RemoveKey()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::RemoveKey ( size_t  keyNr)

Remove a given keyframe, by number. Do not forget that you have to re-initialize the keytrack after you have removed one or more keyframes. The reason for this is that the possible tangents inside the interpolators have to be recalculated when the key structure has changed.

keyNrThe keyframe number, must be in range of [0..GetNumKeys()-1].

◆ Reserve()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::Reserve ( size_t  numKeys)

Reserve space for a given number of keys. This pre-allocates data, so that adding keys doesn't always do a reallocation.

numKeysThe number of keys to reserve space for. This is the absolute number of keys, NOT the number to reserve extra.

◆ SetKey()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::SetKey ( size_t  keyNr,
float  time,
const ReturnType &  value 

Set the value of a key. Please note that you have to make sure your keys remain in sorted order! (sorted on time value).

keyNrThe keyframe number.
timeThe time value, in seconds.
valueThe value of the key.

◆ SetNumKeys()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::SetNumKeys ( size_t  numKeys)

Pre-allocate a given number of keys. Please keep in mind that any existing keys will remain unchanged. However, newly created keys will be uninitialized.

numKeysThe number of keys to allocate.

◆ SetStorageTypeKey()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
MCORE_INLINE void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::SetStorageTypeKey ( size_t  keyNr,
float  time,
const StorageType &  value 

Set the storage type value of a key. Please note that you have to make sure your keys remain in sorted order! (sorted on time value).

keyNrThe keyframe number.
timeThe time value, in seconds.
valueThe storage type value of the key.

◆ Shrink()

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType >
void EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::Shrink

Shrink the memory usage of this track to as small as possible. This removes any possible pre-allocated data for the array.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_keys

template<class ReturnType , class StorageType = ReturnType>
AZStd::vector<KeyFrame<ReturnType, StorageType> > EMotionFX::KeyTrackLinearDynamic< ReturnType, StorageType >::m_keys

The collection of keys which form the track.

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