Open 3D Engine GraphCanvas Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphCanvas::Styling::StyleHelper Class Reference

#include <StyleHelper.h>

Inherits GraphCanvas::StyleManagerNotificationBus::Handler.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (StyleHelper, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 StyleHelper (const AZ::EntityId &styledEntity)
 StyleHelper (const AZ::EntityId &realStyledEntity, const AZStd::string &virtualChildElement)
void OnStylesUnloaded () override
void SetEditorId (const EditorId &editorId)
void SetScene (const AZ::EntityId &sceneId)
void SetStyle (const AZStd::string &style)
void SetStyle (const AZ::EntityId &styledEntity)
void SetStyle (const AZ::EntityId &parentStyledEntity, const AZStd::string &virtualChildElement)
bool HasAttribute (Styling::Attribute attribute) const
void RemoveAttributeOverride (Styling::Attribute attribute)
QColor GetColor (Styling::Attribute color, QColor defaultValue=QColor()) const
QFont GetFont () const
QString GetFontStyleSheet () const
QPen GetPen (Styling::Attribute width, Styling::Attribute style, Styling::Attribute color, Styling::Attribute cap, bool cosmetic=false) const
QPen GetBorder () const
QBrush GetBrush (Styling::Attribute color, QBrush defaultValue=QBrush()) const
QSizeF GetSize (QSizeF defaultSize) const
QSizeF GetMinimumSize (QSizeF defaultSize=QSizeF(0, 0)) const
QSizeF GetMaximumSize (QSizeF defaultSize=QSizeF(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)) const
QMarginsF GetMargins (QMarginsF defaultMargins=QMarginsF()) const
bool HasTextAlignment () const
Qt::Alignment GetTextAlignment (Qt::Alignment defaultAlignment) const
void AddSelector (const AZStd::string_view &selector)
void RemoveSelector (const AZStd::string_view &selector)
CandyStripeConfiguration GetCandyStripeConfiguration () const
PatternedFillGenerator GetPatternedFillGenerator () const
PatternFillConfiguration GetPatternFillConfiguration () const
void PopulatePaletteConfiguration (PaletteIconConfiguration &configuration) const
template<typename Value >
void AddAttributeOverride (Styling::Attribute attribute, const Value &defaultValue=Value())
template<typename Value >
Value GetAttribute (Styling::Attribute attribute, const Value &defaultValue=Value()) const

Detailed Description

Convenience wrapper for a styled entity that resolves its style and then provides easy ways to get common Qt values out of the style for it.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetFontStyleSheet()

QString GraphCanvas::Styling::StyleHelper::GetFontStyleSheet ( ) const

Helper method which constructs a stylesheet based on the calculated font style. We need this too pass along to certain Qt widgets because we use our own custom style parsing system.

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