Open 3D Engine GraphCanvas Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphCanvas::ViewRequests Class Referenceabstract

#include <ViewBus.h>

Inherits AZ::EBusTraits.

Public Types

using BusIdType = ViewId

Public Member Functions

virtual void SetEditorId (const EditorId &editorId)=0
virtual EditorId GetEditorId () const =0
virtual void SetScene (const AZ::EntityId &)=0
 Set the scene that the view should render.
virtual AZ::EntityId GetScene () const =0
 Get the scene the view is displaying.
virtual void ClearScene ()=0
 Clear the scene that the view is rendering, so it will be empty.
virtual AZ::Vector2 GetViewSceneCenter () const =0
virtual AZ::Vector2 MapToGlobal (const AZ::Vector2 &scenePoint)=0
 Map a scene coordinate to the global coordinate space.
virtual AZ::Vector2 MapToScene (const AZ::Vector2 &viewPoint)=0
 Map a view coordinate to the scene coordinate space.
virtual AZ::Vector2 MapFromScene (const AZ::Vector2 &scenePoint)=0
 Map a scene coordinate to the view coordinate space.
virtual void SetViewParams (const ViewParams &viewParams)=0
 Sets the View params of the view.
virtual void DisplayArea (const QRectF &viewArea)=0
 Changes the scene to display only the view area.
virtual void CenterOnArea (const QRectF &viewArea)=0
virtual void CenterOn (const QPointF &posInSceneCoordinates)=0
 Move the view center to posInSceneCoordinates.
virtual void CenterOnStartOfChain ()=0
virtual void CenterOnEndOfChain ()=0
virtual void CenterOnSelection ()=0
 Will adjust the view params so that the currently selected nodes are entirely in view.
virtual QRectF GetCompleteArea ()=0
 Get, in scene coordinates, the QRectF of the area covered by the entire content of the scene.
virtual void WheelEvent (QWheelEvent *ev)=0
 Send a wheelEvent to the CanvasGraphicsView.
virtual QRectF GetViewableAreaInSceneCoordinates ()=0
 Get, in scene coordinates, the QRectF of the area presented in the view.
virtual GraphCanvasGraphicsViewAsGraphicsView ()=0
 Get the view as a CanvasGraphicsView.
virtual QImage * CreateImageOfGraph ()=0
 Renders out the entire graph into a newly created QPixmap.
virtual QImage * CreateImageOfGraphArea (QRectF area)=0
 Renders out the specified area of the graph into a newly created QPixmap.
virtual qreal GetZoomLevel () const =0
 Returns the 'zoom' aka scale of the GraphCanvasGraphicsView object.
virtual void ScreenshotSelection ()=0
 Takes a screenshot of the current selection inside of the graph.
virtual void EnableSelection ()=0
 Enables the current selection inside of the graph.
virtual void DisableSelection ()=0
 Disable the current selection inside of the graph.
virtual void ShowEntireGraph ()=0
 Zooms the graph in order to display all of the nodes currently on the graph.
virtual void ZoomIn ()=0
 Zooms in the current graph by a single step.
virtual void ZoomOut ()=0
 Zooms out the current graph by a single step.
virtual void PanSceneBy (QPointF repositioning, AZStd::chrono::milliseconds duration)=0
 Pans the displayed scene by the specific amount in the specified time.
virtual void PanSceneTo (QPointF scenePoint, AZStd::chrono::milliseconds duration)=0
 Pans the display scene to the specificed point in the specified time.
virtual void RefreshView ()=0
 Refreshes the entire display to clear up any caching artifacts.
virtual void HideToastNotification (const AzToolsFramework::ToastId &toastId)=0
 Toast Notifications.
virtual AzToolsFramework::ToastId ShowToastNotification (const AzQtComponents::ToastConfiguration &toastConfiguration)=0
virtual AzToolsFramework::ToastId ShowToastAtCursor (const AzQtComponents::ToastConfiguration &toastConfiguration)=0
virtual AzToolsFramework::ToastId ShowToastAtPoint (const QPoint &screenPosition, const QPointF &anchorPoint, const AzQtComponents::ToastConfiguration &)=0
virtual bool IsShowing () const =0

Static Public Attributes

static const AZ::EBusAddressPolicy AddressPolicy = AZ::EBusAddressPolicy::ById

Detailed Description

ViewRequests Requests that are serviced by the View component.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CenterOnArea()

virtual void GraphCanvas::ViewRequests::CenterOnArea ( const QRectF &  viewArea)
pure virtual

Ensures that the specified area is centered and fully displayed. Tries to not change the scale value unless necessary.

◆ CenterOnEndOfChain()

virtual void GraphCanvas::ViewRequests::CenterOnEndOfChain ( )
pure virtual

Move the view center to the end of the currently select chain of nodes. Will do nothing if there are multiple chains selects.

◆ CenterOnStartOfChain()

virtual void GraphCanvas::ViewRequests::CenterOnStartOfChain ( )
pure virtual

Move the view center to the start of the currently selected chain of nodes. Will do nothing if there are multiple chains selected.

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