Open 3D Engine GraphCanvas Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphCanvas::GraphData Struct Reference

#include <GraphCanvasGraphData.h>

Public Member Functions

 AZ_TYPE_INFO (GraphData, "{B2E32DB8-B436-41D0-8DF4-98515D936653}")
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (GraphData, AZ::SystemAllocator)
void Clear ()
void CollectItemIds (AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::EntityId > &itemIds) const
void CollectEntities (AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Entity * > &entities) const

Public Attributes

AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Entity * > m_nodes
AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Entity * > m_connections
AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Entity * > m_bookmarkAnchors
AZStd::any m_userData
 AZStd::any object which can be used to serialize any type of user data(i.e could be used by another canvas system for serializing out its data).
AZStd::unordered_multimap< Endpoint, Endpointm_endpointMap
 Endpoint map built at edit time based on active connections.

Detailed Description

Data structure that fully represents a GraphCanvas scene This structure can be used to create new scenes as well as serialize scenes to streams

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: