Open 3D Engine GraphModel Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphModel::SlotDefinition Class Reference

#include <Slot.h>

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (SlotDefinition, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (SlotDefinition, "{917F9C1A-1513-4694-B25A-D6404A4991ED}")
 SlotDefinition (SlotDirection slotDirection, SlotType slotType, const AZStd::string &name, const AZStd::string &displayName, const AZStd::string &description={}, const DataTypeList &supportedDataTypes={}, const AZStd::any &defaultValue={}, int minimumSlots={}, int maximumSlots={}, const AZStd::string &addButtonLabel={}, const AZStd::string &addButtonTooltip={}, const AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > &enumValues={}, bool visibleOnNode=true, bool editableOnNode=true)
SlotDirection GetSlotDirection () const
SlotType GetSlotType () const
bool SupportsValues () const
 Returns true if this slot supports assigning values.
bool SupportsDataTypes () const
 Returns true if this slot supports data types.
bool SupportsConnections () const
 Returns whether this slot's configuration allows connections to other slots.
bool SupportsExtendability () const
 Returns whether or not this slot is configured to be extendable.
bool IsVisibleOnNode () const
 Return true if this slot is configured to appear on node UI, otherwise false.
bool IsEditableOnNode () const
 Returns true if the value of this slot should be editable on the node UI, otherwise false.
bool Is (SlotDirection slotDirection, SlotType slotType) const
 Returns whether this slot matches the given configuration.
const SlotName & GetName () const
 Valid for all slot configurations.
const AZStd::string & GetDisplayName () const
 Valid for all slot configurations.
const AZStd::string & GetDescription () const
 Valid for all slot configurations.
const DataTypeList & GetSupportedDataTypes () const
 Valid for Data and Property slots. Otherwise returns an empty DataTypeList.
AZStd::any GetDefaultValue () const
 Valid for Input Data and Property slots. Otherwise returns an empty AZStd::any.
const AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > & GetEnumValues () const
 Options exposed if this slot type is an enumeration with multiple values.
const int GetMinimumSlots () const
 These methods are only pertinent for extendable slots.
const int GetMaximumSlots () const
 Retrieve the maximum configured number of extendable slots (returns a default value if not configured)
const AZStd::string & GetExtensionLabel () const
 Retrieve the text for the label with the '+' sign for adding extendable slots.
const AZStd::string & GetExtensionTooltip () const
 Retrieve the hover tooltip for the label with the '+' sign for adding extendable slots.

Detailed Description

Provides static information about a Slot, like its name and data type. The set of features provided by this slot is determined by the combination of SlotDirection and SlotType, which is set depending on which Create* function is used to create the SlotDefinition.

This information will either be hard-coded for each Node type, or reflected from some other source, so it does not need to be saved with the Node data (i.e. it isn't added to a SerializeContext).

See the Node class documentation for more.

(We take the approach of using a single class with some features unused in specific configurations because it ends up being cleaner than a complex class hierarchy).

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetMinimumSlots()

const int GraphModel::SlotDefinition::GetMinimumSlots ( ) const

These methods are only pertinent for extendable slots.

Retrieve the minimum configured number of extendable slots (returns a default value if not configured)

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