Open 3D Engine OpenXRVk Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
OpenXRVkAssetsValidator Namespace Reference


AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > ValidateInteractionProfilesAsset (const OpenXRVk::OpenXRInteractionProfilesAsset &interactionProfilesAsset)
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > ValidateActionSetsAsset (const OpenXRVk::OpenXRActionSetsAsset &actionSetsAsset, const OpenXRVk::OpenXRInteractionProfilesAsset &interactionProfilesAsset)

Detailed Description

API that validates the content of InteractionProfiles assets and ActionSets assets. In principle, this API doesn't belong in the main OpenXRVk Runtime, instead, it should be private to the Asset Builders. BUT, at the moment we rely on the Asset Editor as a means to provide the application developer with an UI to create these kind of assets. We need to make sure the assets are valid before the user can save them from Asset Editor -> Save menu option to prevent asset build failure which would cause these assets to become uneditable in the Asset Editor. TODO: Develop a custom tool, either in C++ or Python to edit InteractionProfiles assets and ActionSets assets and move this API to the OpenXRVk.Builders.Static target.