Open 3D Engine VirtualGamepad Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
VirtualGamepad::VirtualGamepadThumbStickComponent Class Reference

Inherits AZ::Component, UiInteractableBus::Handler, and VirtualGamepadThumbStickRequestBus::Handler.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_COMPONENT (VirtualGamepadThumbStickComponent, "{F3B59A92-BD6F-9CEC-A751-2EBC699992C5}", AZ::Component)

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetProvidedServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &provided)
static void GetIncompatibleServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &incompatible)
static void GetRequiredServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &required)
static void GetDependentServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &dependent)
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Protected Member Functions

void Init () override
void Activate () override
void Deactivate () override
bool CanHandleEvent (AZ::Vector2 point) override
bool HandlePressed (AZ::Vector2 point, bool &shouldStayActive) override
bool HandleReleased (AZ::Vector2 point) override
bool HandleMultiTouchPressed (AZ::Vector2 point, int multiTouchIndex) override
bool HandleMultiTouchReleased (AZ::Vector2 point, int multiTouchIndex) override
void InputPositionUpdate (AZ::Vector2 point) override
void MultiTouchPositionUpdate (AZ::Vector2 point, int multiTouchIndex) override
void HandleHoverStart () override
void HandleHoverEnd () override
bool GetIsAutoActivationEnabled () override
void SetIsAutoActivationEnabled (bool) override
AZ::Vector2 GetCurrentAxisValuesNormalized () const override
bool OnAnyTouchPressed (AZ::Vector2 viewportPositionPixels, int touchIndex)
bool OnAnyTouchReleased (AZ::Vector2 viewportPositionPixels, int touchIndex)
void OnAnyTouchPositionUpdate (AZ::Vector2 viewportPositionPixels, int touchIndex)
AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > GetAssignableInputChannelNames () const
 Get all potentially assignable input channel names.
AZStd::vector< AZStd::pair< AZ::EntityId, AZStd::string > > GetChildEntityIdNamePairs () const
 Get all child entity id/name pairs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnAnyTouchPositionUpdate()

void VirtualGamepad::VirtualGamepadThumbStickComponent::OnAnyTouchPositionUpdate ( AZ::Vector2  viewportPositionPixels,
int  touchIndex 

Called when any touch position is updated

[in]viewportPositionPixelsThe viewport position of the touch in pixels
[in]touchIndexThe touch index (0 based)

◆ OnAnyTouchPressed()

bool VirtualGamepad::VirtualGamepadThumbStickComponent::OnAnyTouchPressed ( AZ::Vector2  viewportPositionPixels,
int  touchIndex 

Called when any touch is pressed

[in]viewportPositionPixelsThe viewport position of the touch in pixels
[in]touchIndexThe touch index (0 based)
True if the touch was handled, false otherwise

◆ OnAnyTouchReleased()

bool VirtualGamepad::VirtualGamepadThumbStickComponent::OnAnyTouchReleased ( AZ::Vector2  viewportPositionPixels,
int  touchIndex 

Called when any touch is released

[in]viewportPositionPixelsThe viewport position of the touch in pixels
[in]touchIndexThe touch index (0 based)
True if the touch was handled, false otherwise

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