Open 3D Engine Atom Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::Null::ImageView Class Referencefinal

Inherits AZ::RHI::ImageView.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (ImageView, AZ::ThreadPoolAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (ImageView, "{4960F7E4-1B2D-4F35-97B3-7B21A5E1C516}", Base)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::ImageView
 AZ_RTTI (ImageView, "{F2BDEE1F-DEFD-4443-9012-A28AED028D7B}", ResourceView)
ResultCode Init (const Image &image, const ImageViewDescriptor &viewDescriptor)
 Initializes the image view.
const ImageViewDescriptorGetDescriptor () const
 Returns the view descriptor used at initialization time.
const ImageGetImage () const
 Returns the image associated with this view.
bool IsFullView () const override final
 Returns whether the view covers the entire image (i.e. isn't just a subset).
HashValue64 GetHash () const
 Returns the hash of the view.
virtual uint32_t GetBindlessReadIndex () const
virtual uint32_t GetBindlessReadWriteIndex () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::ResourceView
const ResourceGetResource () const
 Returns the resource associated with this view.
bool IsStale () const
 AZ_RTTI (ResourceView, "{7F50934E-A2F3-4989-BB8C-F3AFE33BEBDD}", Object)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::DeviceObject
 AZ_RTTI (DeviceObject, "{17D34F71-944C-4AF5-9823-627474C4C0A6}", Object)
bool IsInitialized () const
 Returns whether the device object is initialized.
DeviceGetDevice () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::Object
 AZ_RTTI (Object, "{E43378F1-2331-4173-94B8-990ED20E6003}")
void SetName (const Name &name)
 Sets the name of the object.
const Name & GetName () const
 Returns the name set on the object by SetName.
uint32_t use_count ()
 Returns the current use count of the object.

Static Public Member Functions

static RHI::Ptr< ImageViewCreate ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from AZ::RHI::ImageView
static constexpr uint32_t InvalidBindlessIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::ResourceView
ResultCode Init (const Resource &resource)
 The derived class should call this method at Init time.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::DeviceObject
void Init (Device &device)
 The derived class should call this method to assign the device.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AZ::RHI::Object
void add_ref () const
void release () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from AZ::RHI::ImageView
HashValue64 m_hash = HashValue64{ 0 }
- Protected Attributes inherited from AZ::RHI::Object
AZStd::atomic_int m_useCount = 0

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