| AZ_RTTI (AZ::Render::TaaPass, "{AB3BD4EA-33D7-477F-82B4-21DDFB517499}", Base) |
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (TaaPass, SystemAllocator) |
| AZ_RTTI (ComputePass, "{61464A74-BD35-4954-AB27-492644EA6C2A}", RenderPass) |
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (ComputePass, SystemAllocator) |
void | SetTargetThreadCounts (uint32_t targetThreadCountX, uint32_t targetThreadCountY, uint32_t targetThreadCountZ) |
| Sets the target total number of threads to dispatch in each dimension.
Data::Instance< ShaderResourceGroup > | GetShaderResourceGroup () const |
| Returns the shader resource group.
Data::Instance< Shader > | GetShader () const |
| Return the shader.
void | SetComputeShaderReloadedCallback (ComputeShaderReloadedCallback callback) |
| AZ_RTTI (RenderPass, "{9441D114-60FD-487B-B2B7-0FBBC8A96FC2}", Pass) |
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (RenderPass, SystemAllocator) |
RHI::RenderAttachmentConfiguration | GetRenderAttachmentConfiguration () const |
RHI::MultisampleState | GetMultisampleState () const |
| Get MultisampleState of this pass from its output attachments.
Data::Instance< ShaderResourceGroup > | GetShaderResourceGroup () |
| Returns a pointer to the Pass ShaderResourceGroup.
ViewPtr | GetView () const |
void | BindSrg (const RHI::ShaderResourceGroup *srg) |
| AZ_RTTI (Pass, "{EA34FF66-631D-433B-B449-71F5647E7BB5}", AZStd::intrusive_base) |
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (Pass, SystemAllocator) |
const Name & | GetName () const |
| Returns the name of the pass (example: Bloom)
const Name & | GetPathName () const |
| Return the path name of the pass (example: Root.SwapChain.Bloom)
uint32_t | GetTreeDepth () const |
| Returns the depth of this pass in the tree hierarchy (Root depth is 0)
uint32_t | GetParentChildIndex () const |
| Returns the index in the parent's array of children that this pass occupies (used for sorting passes)
uint32_t | GetInputCount () const |
| Returns the number of input attachment bindings.
uint32_t | GetInputOutputCount () const |
| Returns the number of input/output attachment bindings.
uint32_t | GetOutputCount () const |
| Returns the number of output attachment bindings.
const PassTemplate * | GetPassTemplate () const |
void | SetEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | HasDrawListTag () const |
bool | HasPipelineViewTag () const |
bool | BindViewSrg () const |
PassAttachmentBinding * | FindAttachmentBinding (const Name &slotName) |
PassAttachmentBindingListView | GetAttachmentBindings () const |
| Return the set of attachment bindings.
ParentPass * | AsParent () |
| Casts the pass to a parent pass if valid, else returns nullptr.
const ParentPass * | AsParent () const |
bool | IsRootPass () const |
| Returns whether the pass is the root pass.
PassTree * | GetPassTree () const |
| Returns the PassTree from the pass's RenderPipeline (or nullptr if there isn't one)
void | QueueForBuildAndInitialization () |
| Queues the pass to have Build() and Initialize() called by the PassSystem on frame update.
void | QueueForRemoval () |
| Queues the pass to have RemoveFromParent() called by the PassSystem on frame update.
void | QueueForInitialization () |
| Queues the pass to have Initialize() called by the PassSystem on frame update.
void | AddAttachmentBinding (PassAttachmentBinding attachmentBinding) |
| Adds an attachment binding to the list of this Pass' attachment bindings.
PassAttachmentBinding & | GetInputBinding (uint32_t index) |
PassAttachmentBinding & | GetInputOutputBinding (uint32_t index) |
PassAttachmentBinding & | GetOutputBinding (uint32_t index) |
void | AttachBufferToSlot (AZStd::string_view slot, Data::Instance< Buffer > buffer) |
void | AttachBufferToSlot (const Name &slot, Data::Instance< Buffer > buffer) |
void | AttachImageToSlot (const Name &slot, Data::Instance< AttachmentImage > image) |
virtual void | GetPipelineViewTags (PipelineViewTags &outTags) const |
| Collect all different view tags from this pass.
virtual void | GetViewDrawListInfo (RHI::DrawListMask &outDrawListMask, PassesByDrawList &outPassesByDrawList, const PipelineViewTag &viewTag) const |
| Adds this pass' DrawListTags to the outDrawListMask.
virtual RHI::DrawListTag | GetDrawListTag () const |
| Check if the pass has a DrawListTag. Pass' DrawListTag can be used to filter draw items.
virtual void | SortDrawList (RHI::DrawList &drawList) const |
| Function used by views to sort draw lists. Can be overridden so passes can provide custom sort functionality.
virtual const PipelineViewTag & | GetPipelineViewTag () const |
| Check if the pass is associated to a view. If pass has a pipeline view tag, the rpi view assigned to this view tag will have pass's draw list tag.
virtual void | SetRenderPipeline (RenderPipeline *pipeline) |
| Set render pipeline this pass belongs to.
RenderPipeline * | GetRenderPipeline () const |
Scene * | GetScene () const |
virtual void | Validate (PassValidationResults &validationResults) |
virtual void | DebugPrint () const |
| Prints the pass.
TimestampResult | GetLatestTimestampResult () const |
| Return the latest Timestamp result of this pass.
PipelineStatisticsResult | GetLatestPipelineStatisticsResult () const |
| Return the latest PipelineStatistic result of this pass.
virtual void | SetTimestampQueryEnabled (bool enable) |
| Enables/Disables Timestamp queries for this pass.
virtual void | SetPipelineStatisticsQueryEnabled (bool enable) |
| Enables/Disables PipelineStatistics queries for this pass.
bool | ReadbackAttachment (AZStd::shared_ptr< AttachmentReadback > readback, uint32_t readbackIndex, const Name &slotName, PassAttachmentReadbackOption option=PassAttachmentReadbackOption::Output, const RHI::ImageSubresourceRange *mipsRange=nullptr) |
bool | IsTimestampQueryEnabled () const |
| Returns whether the Timestamp queries is enabled/disabled for this pass.
bool | IsPipelineStatisticsQueryEnabled () const |
| Returns whether the PipelineStatistics queries is enabled/disabled for this pass.
void | PrintIndent (AZStd::string &stringOutput, uint32_t indent) const |
| Helper function to print spaces to indent the pass.
void | PrintPassName (AZStd::string &stringOutput, uint32_t indent=0) const |
| Prints the name of the pass.
void | DebugPrintBinding (AZStd::string &stringOutput, const PassAttachmentBinding &binding) const |
| Prints the attachment binding at the given index.
void | DebugPrintBindingAndConnection (AZStd::string &stringOutput, uint8_t bindingIndex) const |
| Prints the attachment binding at the given index and its connection.
void | PrintErrors () const |
| Prints the pass name and all the errors accumulated during build and setup.
void | PrintWarnings () const |
| Prints the pass name and all the warnings accumulated during build and setup.
void | PrintMessages (const AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > &messages) const |
| Helper function to print an array of messages (like errors or warnings) for a pass.
void | PrintBindingsWithoutAttachments (uint32_t slotTypeMask) const |
| Prints the pass and all the list of inputs and input/outputs that are missing an attachment.
ParentPass * | GetParent () const |
| Returns pointer to the parent pass.
PassState | GetPassState () const |
virtual void | UpdateConnectedBindings () |
void | UpdateConnectedInputBindings () |
void | UpdateConnectedOutputBindings () |
| ScopeProducer (const ScopeId &scopeId) |
const ScopeId & | GetScopeId () const |
| Returns the scope id associated with this scope producer.
const Scope * | GetScope () const |
| Returns the scope associated with this scope producer.
using | ComputeShaderReloadedCallback = AZStd::function< void(ComputePass *computePass)> |
using | ChildPassIndex = RHI::Handle< uint32_t, class ChildPass > |
| ComputePass (const PassDescriptor &descriptor, AZ::Name supervariant=AZ::Name("")) |
void | CompileResources (const RHI::FrameGraphCompileContext &context) override |
void | MatchDimensionsToOutput () |
void | OnShaderReinitialized (const Shader &shader) override |
void | OnShaderAssetReinitialized (const Data::Asset< ShaderAsset > &shaderAsset) override |
void | OnShaderVariantReinitialized (const ShaderVariant &shaderVariant) override |
void | LoadShader (AZ::Name supervariant=AZ::Name("")) |
| RenderPass (const PassDescriptor &descriptor) |
void | SetupFrameGraphDependencies (RHI::FrameGraphInterface frameGraph) override |
void | BuildCommandList (const RHI::FrameGraphExecuteContext &context) final |
void | DeclareAttachmentsToFrameGraph (RHI::FrameGraphInterface frameGraph) const |
void | DeclarePassDependenciesToFrameGraph (RHI::FrameGraphInterface frameGraph) const |
void | BindPassSrg (const RHI::FrameGraphCompileContext &context, Data::Instance< ShaderResourceGroup > &shaderResourceGroup) |
void | CollectSrgs () |
void | ResetSrgs () |
void | SetSrgsForDraw (RHI::CommandList *commandList) |
void | SetSrgsForDispatch (RHI::CommandList *commandList) |
void | SetPipelineViewTag (const PipelineViewTag &viewTag) |
void | AddScopeQueryToFrameGraph (RHI::FrameGraphInterface frameGraph) |
| Pass (const PassDescriptor &descriptor) |
PassDescriptor | GetPassDescriptor () const |
void | ImportAttachments (RHI::FrameGraphAttachmentInterface attachmentDatabase) |
Ptr< Pass > | FindAdjacentPass (const Name &passName) |
const PassAttachmentBinding * | FindAttachmentBinding (const Name &slotName) const |
Ptr< PassAttachment > | FindOwnedAttachment (const Name &attachmentName) const |
Ptr< PassAttachment > | FindAttachment (const Name &slotName) const |
const PassAttachmentBinding * | FindAdjacentBinding (const PassAttachmentRef &attachmentRef, const char *attachmentSourceTypeDebugName="attachment") |
void | ProcessConnection (const PassConnection &connection, uint32_t slotTypeMask=0xFFFFFFFF) |
void | LogError (AZStd::string &&message) |
void | LogWarning (AZStd::string &&message) |
void | Reset () |
void | Build (bool calledFromPassSystem=false) |
void | Initialize () |
void | OnInitializationFinished () |
void | FrameBegin (FramePrepareParams params) |
void | FrameEnd () |
void | UpdateReadbackAttachment (FramePrepareParams params, bool beforeAddScopes) |
void | UpdateAttachmentCopy (FramePrepareParams params) |
bool | UpdateImportedAttachmentImage (Ptr< PassAttachment > &attachment, RHI::ImageBindFlags bindFlags=RHI::ImageBindFlags::Color|RHI::ImageBindFlags::ShaderReadWrite, RHI::ImageAspectFlags aspectFlags=RHI::ImageAspectFlags::Color) |
| ScopeProducer () |
void | SetHardwareQueueClass (HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass) |
| Sets the HardwareQueueClass on the scope.
void | SetScopeId (const ScopeId &scopeId) |
void | InitScope (const ScopeId &scopeId, HardwareQueueClass hardwareQueueClass=HardwareQueueClass::Graphics) |
Data::Instance< Shader > | m_shader = nullptr |
Data::Instance< RPI::ShaderResourceGroup > | m_drawSrg = nullptr |
RHI::DispatchItem | m_dispatchItem |
bool | m_isFullscreenPass = false |
PassDescriptor | m_passDescriptor |
ComputeShaderReloadedCallback | m_shaderReloadedCallback = nullptr |
Data::Instance< ShaderResourceGroup > | m_shaderResourceGroup = nullptr |
RHI::HardwareQueueClass | m_hardwareQueueClass = RHI::HardwareQueueClass::Graphics |
const Name | PassNameThis {"This"} |
const Name | PassNameParent {"Parent"} |
const Name | PipelineKeyword {"Pipeline"} |
const Name | PipelineGlobalKeyword {"PipelineGlobal"} |
AZStd::fixed_vector< PassAttachmentBinding, PassAttachmentBindingCountMax > | m_attachmentBindings |
AZStd::vector< Ptr< PassAttachment > > | m_ownedAttachments |
AZStd::vector< Pass * > | m_executeBeforePasses |
AZStd::vector< Pass * > | m_executeAfterPasses |
RenderPipeline * | m_pipeline = nullptr |
AZStd::shared_ptr< const PassTemplate > | m_template = nullptr |
PassRequest | m_request |
ParentPass * | m_parent = nullptr |
PipelineViewTag | m_viewTag |
struct { |
union { |
struct { |
uint64_t m_createdByPassRequest: 1 |
uint64_t m_enabled: 1 |
uint64_t m_parentEnabled: 1 |
uint64_t m_alreadyCreatedChildren: 1 |
uint64_t m_createChildren: 1 |
uint64_t m_partOfHierarchy: 1 |
uint64_t m_hasDrawListTag: 1 |
uint64_t m_bindViewSrg: 1 |
uint64_t m_timestampQueryEnabled: 1 |
uint64_t m_pipelineStatisticsQueryEnabled: 1 |
uint64_t m_isPipelineRoot: 1 |
uint64_t m_containsGlobalReference: 1 |
} | |
uint64_t m_allFlags = 0 |
} | |
} | m_flags |
AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > | m_errorMessages |
AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > | m_warningMessages |
uint32_t | m_errors = 0 |
uint32_t | m_warnings = 0 |
RHI::DrawListSortType | m_drawListSortType = RHI::DrawListSortType::KeyThenDepth |
AZStd::shared_ptr< AttachmentReadback > | m_attachmentReadback |
PassAttachmentReadbackOption | m_readbackOption |
AZStd::weak_ptr< ImageAttachmentCopy > | m_attachmentCopy |
AZStd::shared_ptr< PassData > | m_passData = nullptr |
| Optional data used during pass initialization.
static const size_t | MessageLogLimit = 256 |