virtual void | SetViewports (const Viewport *viewports, uint32_t count)=0 |
| Assigns a list of viewports to the raster stage of the graphics pipe.
virtual void | SetScissors (const Scissor *scissors, uint32_t count)=0 |
| Assigns a list of scissors to the raster stage of the graphics pipe.
void | SetScissor (const Scissor &scissor) |
| Assigns a scissor to the raster stage of the graphics pipe.
void | SetViewport (const Viewport &viewport) |
| Assigns a viewport to the raster stage of the graphics pipe.
virtual void | SetShaderResourceGroupForDraw (const ShaderResourceGroup &shaderResourceGroup)=0 |
virtual void | SetShaderResourceGroupForDispatch (const ShaderResourceGroup &shaderResourceGroup)=0 |
virtual void | Submit (const CopyItem ©Item, uint32_t submitIndex=0)=0 |
| Submits a single copy item for processing on the command list.
virtual void | Submit (const DrawItem &drawItem, uint32_t submitIndex=0)=0 |
| Submits a single draw item for processing on the command list.
virtual void | Submit (const DispatchItem &dispatchItem, uint32_t submitIndex=0)=0 |
| Submits a single dispatch item for processing on the command list.
virtual void | Submit (const DispatchRaysItem &dispatchRaysItem, uint32_t submitIndex=0)=0 |
| Submits a single dispatch rays item for processing on the command list.
virtual void | BeginPredication (const Buffer &buffer, uint64_t offset, PredicationOp operation)=0 |
| Starts predication on the command list.
virtual void | EndPredication ()=0 |
| End predication on the command list.
virtual void | BuildBottomLevelAccelerationStructure (const RHI::RayTracingBlas &rayTracingBlas)=0 |
| Builds a Bottom Level Acceleration Structure (BLAS) for ray tracing operations, which is made up of RayTracingGeometry entries.
virtual void | UpdateBottomLevelAccelerationStructure (const RHI::RayTracingBlas &rayTracingBlas)=0 |
| Updates a Bottom Level Acceleration Structure (BLAS) for ray tracing operations, which is made up of RayTracingGeometry entries.
virtual void | BuildTopLevelAccelerationStructure (const RHI::RayTracingTlas &rayTracingTlas, const AZStd::vector< const RHI::RayTracingBlas * > &changedBlasList)=0 |
void | SetSubmitRange (const SubmitRange &submitRange) |
| Sets the submit range for this command list.
void | ValidateSubmitIndex (uint32_t submitIndex) |
| Validates a submit index against the range for this command list, and tracks the total number of submits.
void | ValidateTotalSubmits (const ScopeProducer *scopeProducer) |
| Validates the total number of submits against the expected number.
void | ResetTotalSubmits () |
| Resets the total number of submits.
virtual void | SetFragmentShadingRate (ShadingRate rate, const ShadingRateCombinators &combinators=DefaultShadingRateCombinators)=0 |