| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (Device, AZ::SystemAllocator) |
| AZ_RTTI (Device, "C77D578F-841F-41B0-84BB-EE5430FCF8BC", Base) |
VkDevice | GetNativeDevice () const |
const GladVulkanContext & | GetContext () const |
uint32_t | FindMemoryTypeIndex (VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags, uint32_t memoryTypeBits) const |
VkMemoryRequirements | GetImageMemoryRequirements (const RHI::ImageDescriptor &descriptor) |
VkMemoryRequirements | GetBufferMemoryRequirements (const RHI::BufferDescriptor &descriptor) |
const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures & | GetEnabledDevicesFeatures () const |
VkPipelineStageFlags | GetSupportedPipelineStageFlags () const |
VkImageUsageFlags | GetImageUsageFromFormat (RHI::Format format) const |
CommandQueueContext & | GetCommandQueueContext () |
const CommandQueueContext & | GetCommandQueueContext () const |
SemaphoreAllocator & | GetSemaphoreAllocator () |
SwapChainSemaphoreAllocator & | GetSwapChainSemaphoreAllocator () |
const AZStd::vector< VkQueueFamilyProperties > & | GetQueueFamilyProperties () const |
AsyncUploadQueue & | GetAsyncUploadQueue () |
BindlessDescriptorPool & | GetBindlessDescriptorPool () |
RHI::Ptr< Buffer > | AcquireStagingBuffer (AZStd::size_t byteCount, AZStd::size_t alignment=1) |
void | QueueForRelease (RHI::Ptr< RHI::Object > object) |
RHI::Ptr< RenderPass > | AcquireRenderPass (const RenderPass::Descriptor &descriptor) |
RHI::Ptr< Framebuffer > | AcquireFramebuffer (const Framebuffer::Descriptor &descriptor) |
RHI::Ptr< DescriptorSetLayout > | AcquireDescriptorSetLayout (const DescriptorSetLayout::Descriptor &descriptor) |
RHI::Ptr< Sampler > | AcquireSampler (const Sampler::Descriptor &descriptor) |
RHI::Ptr< PipelineLayout > | AcquirePipelineLayout (const PipelineLayout::Descriptor &descriptor) |
RHI::Ptr< CommandList > | AcquireCommandList (uint32_t familyQueueIndex, VkCommandBufferLevel level=VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY) |
RHI::Ptr< CommandList > | AcquireCommandList (RHI::HardwareQueueClass queueClass, VkCommandBufferLevel level=VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY) |
uint32_t | GetCurrentFrameIndex () const |
NullDescriptorManager & | GetNullDescriptorManager () |
BufferCreateInfo | BuildBufferCreateInfo (const RHI::BufferDescriptor &descriptor) const |
| Fills a vulkan buffer create info with the provided descriptor.
ImageCreateInfo | BuildImageCreateInfo (const RHI::ImageDescriptor &descriptor) const |
| Fills a vulkan image create info with the provided descriptor.
ShadingRateImageMode | GetImageShadingRateMode () const |
RHI::Ptr< BufferPool > | GetConstantBufferPool () |
VmaAllocator & | GetVmaAllocator () |
| Returns the VMA allocator used by this device.
| AZ_RTTI (Device, "{C7E70BE4-3AA5-4214-91E6-52A8ECC31A34}", Object) |
bool | IsInitialized () const |
| Returns whether the device is initialized.
ResultCode | Init (int deviceIndex, PhysicalDevice &physicalDevice) |
ResultCode | BeginFrame () |
ResultCode | EndFrame () |
ResultCode | WaitForIdle () |
ResultCode | CompileMemoryStatistics (MemoryStatistics &memoryStatistics, MemoryStatisticsReportFlags reportFlags) |
ResultCode | UpdateCpuTimingStatistics () const |
const PhysicalDevice & | GetPhysicalDevice () const |
| Returns the physical device associated with this device.
int | GetDeviceIndex () const |
| Returns the device index.
const DeviceDescriptor & | GetDescriptor () const |
| Returns the descriptor associated with the device.
const DeviceFeatures & | GetFeatures () const |
| Returns the set of features supported by this device.
const DeviceLimits & | GetLimits () const |
| Returns the set of hardware limits for this device.
const ResourcePoolDatabase & | GetResourcePoolDatabase () const |
| Returns the resource pool database.
ResourcePoolDatabase & | GetResourcePoolDatabase () |
| Returns the mutable resource pool database.
FormatCapabilities | GetFormatCapabilities (Format format) const |
| Returns a union of all capabilities of a specific format.
Format | GetNearestSupportedFormat (Format requestedFormat, FormatCapabilities requestedCapabilities) const |
| Return the nearest supported format for this device.
ResultCode | InitBindlessSrg (RHI::Ptr< RHI::ShaderResourceGroupLayout > bindlessSrgLayout) |
virtual RHI::ResultCode | CompactSRGMemory () |
| Allows the back-ends to compact SRG related memory if applicable.
bool | WasDeviceRemoved () |
void | SetDeviceRemoved () |
void | SetLastExecutingScope (const AZStd::string_view scopeName) |
AZStd::string_view | GetLastExecutingScope () const |
| AZ_RTTI (Object, "{E43378F1-2331-4173-94B8-990ED20E6003}") |
void | SetName (const Name &name) |
| Sets the name of the object.
const Name & | GetName () const |
| Returns the name set on the object by SetName.
uint32_t | use_count () |
| Returns the current use count of the object.