Open 3D Engine Multiplayer Gem API Reference
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
►CAZ::BehaviorEBusHandler | |
►CAZ::Component | |
►CAZ::ComponentBus | |
►CAZ::EBusTraits | |
►CAZ::EntityBus::Handler | |
►CAZ::EntitySystemBus::Handler | |
►CAZ::Interface::Registrar | |
►CAZ::Module | |
►CAZ::RPI::ViewportContextNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CAZ::TickBus::Handler | |
►CAzFramework::LevelLoadBlockerBus::Handler | |
►CAzFramework::RootSpawnableNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CAzFramework::SpawnableAssetEventsBus::Handler | |
►CAzNetworking::IConnectionListener | |
►CAZStd::array | |
CAZStd::hash< Multiplayer::ConstNetworkEntityHandle > | |
CAZStd::hash< Multiplayer::NetworkEntityHandle > | |
►CAzToolsFramework::ActionManagerRegistrationNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CAzToolsFramework::EditorEntityContextNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CAzToolsFramework::EditorEvents::Bus::Handler | |
►CAzToolsFramework::Prefab::PrefabConversionUtils::PrefabProcessor | |
►CAzToolsFramework::Prefab::PrefabToInMemorySpawnableNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CEMotionFX::Integration::ActorComponentNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CIEditorNotifyListener | |
►CINetworkTimeRequestBus::Handler | |
►CLocalPredictionPlayerInputComponentBase | |
►CLocalPredictionPlayerInputComponentControllerBase | |
CMultiplayer::AcceptMatchRequest | |
CMultiplayer::AuditTrailInput | |
►CMultiplayer::ConstNetworkEntityHandle | This class provides a wrapping around handle ids. It is optimized to avoid using the hashmap lookup unless the hashmap has had an item removed |
CMultiplayer::CreateSessionRequest | |
CMultiplayer::EntityMigrationMessage | |
CMultiplayer::EntityReplicationData | |
CMultiplayer::EntityReplicationManager | Handles replication of relevant entities for one connection |
►CMultiplayer::IConnectionData | |
►CMultiplayer::IEntityDomain | A class that determines if an entity should belong to a particular INetworkEntityManager |
CMultiplayer::IFilterEntityManager | IFilterEntityManager provides an interface for filtering entities out from replication down to clients |
CMultiplayer::IMatchmakingAsyncRequests | |
CMultiplayer::IMatchmakingRequests | |
►CMultiplayer::IMultiplayer | IMultiplayer provides insight into the Multiplayer session and its Agents |
►CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerAuditingDatum | IMultiplayerAuditingDatum provides an interface for datums of a given auditing event |
CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerComponentInput | |
CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerDebug | IMultiplayerDebug provides access to multiplayer debug overlays |
►CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerSpawner | IMultiplayerSpawner routes spawning requests for connecting players from the Muliplayer Gem to game logic utilizing it |
►CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerStatSystem | |
►CMultiplayer::IMultiplayerTools | IMultiplayerTools provides interfacing between the Editor and Multiplayer Gem |
►CMultiplayer::INetworkEntityManager | The interface for managing all networked entities |
►CMultiplayer::INetworkSpawnableLibrary | The interface for managing network spawnables |
CMultiplayer::INetworkTime | This is an AZ::Interface<> for managing multiplayer specific time related operations |
►CMultiplayer::IReplicationWindow | |
►CMultiplayer::IRpcParamStruct | |
CMultiplayer::ISessionAsyncRequests | |
►CMultiplayer::ISessionHandlingClientRequests | |
CMultiplayer::ISessionHandlingProviderRequests | |
CMultiplayer::ISessionRequests | |
►CMultiplayer::ISimplePlayerSpawner | The SimplePlayerSpawnerRequest event-bus exposes helper methods regarding network player spawners. Although the Multiplayer System automatically spawns in players, it's common for game specific server logic to retrieve valid spawn locations when respawning a player |
CMultiplayer::JoinSessionRequest | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerAgentDatum | Payload detailing aspects of a Connection other services may be interested in |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerAuditingElement | MultiplayerAuditingElement contains a list of datums for a given auditing event |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerComponentRegistry | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerComponentRegistry::ComponentData | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerController | A base class for all multiplayer component controllers responsible for running local prediction logic |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerDebugAuditTrail | |
►CMultiplayer::MultiplayerDebugByteReporter | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerDebugMultiplayerMetrics | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerDebugNetworkMetrics | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerDebugPerEntityReporter | Multiplayer traffic live analysis tool via ImGui |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerStats | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerStats::ComponentStats | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerStats::EventHandlers | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerStats::Events | |
CMultiplayer::MultiplayerStats::Metric | |
CMultiplayer::NetworkEntityAuthorityTracker | |
CMultiplayer::NetworkEntityRpcMessage | Remote procedure call data |
CMultiplayer::NetworkEntityTracker | This class allows entity netEntityIds to be looked up |
CMultiplayer::NetworkEntityUpdateMessage | Property replication packet |
CMultiplayer::NetworkHitVolumesComponent::AnimatedHitVolume | |
CMultiplayer::NetworkInput | A single networked client input command |
CMultiplayer::NetworkInputArray | An array of network inputs. Used to mitigate loss of input packets on the server. Compresses subsequent elements |
CMultiplayer::NetworkInputChild | |
CMultiplayer::NetworkInputHistory | A list of input commands, used for bookkeeping on the client |
CMultiplayer::NetworkInputMigrationVector | A variable sized array of input commands, used specifically when migrate a clients inputs |
CMultiplayer::NetworkSpawnable | Structure for edit context to select network spawnables and cull out spawnables aren't networked |
CMultiplayer::PlayerConnectionConfig | |
CMultiplayer::PrefabEntityId | Structure for identifying a specific entity within a spawnable |
CMultiplayer::PropertyPublisher | Private helper class for the EntityReplicator to serialize and track entity adds/updates/deletes. The EntityReplicator owns the actual sending of the records. This class tracks the acknowledgement state of all the published records so that it can aggregate and reserialize changes for any updates or deletes that occur before previous records have been acknowledged. This also tracks whether or not it has ever received an acknowledgement and stores it in IsRemoteReplicatorEstablished as a way to know if the receiver has created the replicated entity |
CMultiplayer::PropertySubscriber | Private helper class for the EntityReplicator to help manage applying entity adds/updates/deletes to subscribers |
CMultiplayer::ReplicationRecord | |
CMultiplayer::ReplicationRecordStats | |
CMultiplayer::RewindableFixedVector< TYPE, SIZE > | Data structure that has a compile-time upper bound, provides vector semantics and supports network serialization |
CMultiplayer::RewindableObject< BASE_TYPE, REWIND_SIZE > | A simple serializable data container that keeps a history of previous values, and can fetch those old values on request |
CMultiplayer::ScopedAlterTime | This is a wrapper that temporarily adjusts global program time for backward reconciliation purposes |
CMultiplayer::SearchSessionsRequest | |
CMultiplayer::SearchSessionsResponse | |
CMultiplayer::ServerToClientReplicationWindow::PrioritizedReplicationCandidate | |
CMultiplayer::SessionConfig | |
CMultiplayer::SessionConnectionConfig | |
CMultiplayer::StartMatchmakingRequest | |
CMultiplayer::StopMatchmakingRequest | |
►CMultiplayerEditorLayerPythonRequestBus::Handler | |
►CMultiplayerEditorServerNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CMultiplayerEditorServerRequestBus::Handler | |
►CNetworkCharacterComponentBase | |
►CNetworkCharacterComponentControllerBase | |
►CNetworkCharacterRequestBus::Handler | |
►CNetworkDebugPlayerIdComponentBase | |
►CNetworkDebugPlayerIdComponentControllerBase | |
►CNetworkHierarchyChildComponentBase | |
►CNetworkHierarchyRequestBus::Handler | |
►CNetworkHierarchyRootComponentBase | |
►CNetworkHierarchyRootComponentControllerBase | |
►CNetworkHitVolumesComponentBase | |
►CNetworkRigidBodyComponentBase | |
►CNetworkRigidBodyComponentControllerBase | |
►CNetworkRigidBodyRequestBus::Handler | |
►CNetworkTransformComponentBase | |
►CNetworkTransformComponentControllerBase | |
►CPhysics::CharacterNotificationBus::Handler | |
►CPhysics::RigidBodyNotificationBus::Handler | |
CMultiplayer::RewindableObject< AZ::Transform, Multiplayer::RewindHistorySize > | |
CMultiplayer::RewindableObject< uint32_t, Multiplayer::RewindHistorySize > | |
►CScriptCanvas::Nodeable | |
►CSessionNotificationBus::Handler |