►NAssetProcessor | |
CIToolsAssetCatalog | |
CToolsAssetCatalogComponent | |
►NAZ | |
►NDocumentPropertyEditor | |
CComponentAdapter | ComponentAdapter is responsible to listening for signals that affect each component in the Entity Inspector |
►CValueStringFilter | |
CStringMatchNode | |
►NPrefab | |
CPrefabDomData | |
CPrefabDomDataJsonSerializer | Registered to help read/write JSON for the PrefabDomData::m_prefabDom |
CProceduralPrefabAsset | |
CEnvironmentVariable | |
►NAzFramework | |
CComponentModeDelegateNotifications | Provides an interface to notify changes to ComponentModeDelegate state |
►NAZStd | |
Chash< AzToolsFramework::AssetDatabase::ProductDependencyDatabaseEntry > | |
Chash< AzToolsFramework::AssetDatabase::PathOrUuid > | |
Chash< AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::Data::AssetData > > | |
Chash< AzToolsFramework::Thumbnailer::SharedThumbnailKey > | |
Cequal_to< AzToolsFramework::Thumbnailer::SharedThumbnailKey > | |
►NAzToolsFramework | |
►NAssetBrowser | |
CAssetDatabaseLocationNotifications | |
CAssetBrowserComponentRequests | Sends requests to AssetBrowserComponent |
CAssetBrowserComponentNotifications | Sends notifications from AssetBrowserComponent |
CSourceFileOpenerDetails | |
CSourceFileCreatorDetails | |
CSourceFileDetails | |
CAssetBrowserInteractionNotifications | Bus for interaction with asset browser widget |
CAssetBrowserModelRequests | Sends requests to AssetBrowserModel |
CAssetBrowserModelNotifications | Notifies when AssetBrowserModel is updated |
CAssetBrowserViewRequests | Sends requests to the Asset Browser view |
CAssetBrowserPreviewRequest | Preview the currently selected Asset in a PreviewFrame |
CAssetBrowserFileCreationNotifications | Used for sending and/or recieving notifications regarding events related to files created through the Asset Browser |
CAssetBrowserFileActionNotifications | Used for sending and/or recieving notifications regarding source file manipulation through the Asset Browser |
CAssetBrowserFavoriteRequests | Sends requests to the Asset Browser Favorite system |
CAssetBrowserFavoritesNotifications | Used for sending/receiving notifications about changes in the favorites system |
CAssetBrowserComponent | AssetBrowserComponent caches database entries |
CAssetBrowserEntityInspectorWidget | |
CAssetBrowserListModel | |
CAssetBrowserModel | |
CAssetBrowserTableViewProxyModel | |
CAssetBrowserThumbnailViewProxyModel | |
CAssetBrowserTreeToTableProxyModel | |
CAssetEntryChange | |
CAddScanFolderChange | |
CAddFileChange | |
CRemoveFileChange | |
CAddSourceChange | |
CRemoveSourceChange | |
CAddProductChange | |
CRemoveProductChange | |
CAssetEntryChangeset | |
CAssetPickerDialog | |
CAssetSelectionModel | Used in combination with Asset Browser Picker to configure selection settings and store selection results |
CAssetBrowserEntry | AssetBrowserEntry is a base class for asset tree view entry |
CEntryCache | |
CFolderAssetBrowserEntry | FolderAssetBrowserEntry is a class for any folder |
CProductAssetBrowserEntry | ProductAssetBrowserEntry represents product entry |
CRootAssetBrowserEntry | RootAssetBrowserEntry is a root node for Asset Browser tree view, it's not related to any asset path |
CSourceAssetBrowserEntry | SourceAssetBrowserEntry represents source entry |
CAssetBrowserFavoriteItem | |
CAssetBrowserFavoritesManager | |
CAssetBrowserFavoritesModel | |
CAssetBrowserFavoritesView | |
CEntryAssetBrowserFavoriteItem | |
CFavoritesEntryDelegate | EntryDelegate draws a single item in AssetBrowser |
►CSearchAssetBrowserFavoriteItem | |
CSavedTypeFilter | |
CEmptyPreviewer | Widget displaying "no preview available" text |
CPreviewer | |
CPreviewerRequests | Public requests to previewer |
CPreviewerFactory | Handles creating concrete instances of previewers |
CPreviewerFrame | Widget managing previewers |
CAssetBrowserEntryFilter | |
CStringFilter | StringFilter filters assets based on their name |
CCustomFilter | CustomFilter filters assets based on a custom filter function |
CRegExpFilter | RegExpFilter filters assets based on a regular expression pattern |
CAssetTypeFilter | AssetTypeFilter filters products based on their asset type |
CAssetGroupFilter | AssetGroupFilter filters products based on their asset group |
CEntryTypeFilter | |
CCompositeFilter | CompositeFilter performs an AND/OR operation between multiple subfilters |
CInverseFilter | Inverse filter negates result of its child filter |
CCleanerProductsFilter | Filters out products that shouldn't be shown |
CEBusAggregateUniqueResults | |
CEBusAggregateAssetTypesIfBelongsToGroup | |
CFilterByWidget | |
CSearchAssetTypeSelectorWidget | |
CSearchParametersWidget | |
CFolderThumbnailKey | FolderAssetBrowserEntry thumbnail key |
CFolderThumbnail | |
CFolderThumbnailCache | FolderAssetBrowserEntry thumbnails |
CProductThumbnailKey | |
CProductThumbnail | |
CProductThumbnailCache | ProductAssetBrowserEntry thumbnails |
CSourceThumbnailKey | SourceAssetBrowserEntry thumbnail key |
CSourceThumbnail | |
CSourceThumbnailCache | SourceAssetBrowserEntry thumbnails |
CAssetBrowserFolderWidget | |
CAssetBrowserListView | List view that displays the asset browser entries in a list |
CTableViewDelegate | |
CAssetBrowserTableView | |
CAssetBrowserThumbnailView | |
CAssetBrowserTreeView | |
CAssetBrowserTreeViewDialog | |
CAssetBrowserViewUtils | |
CEntryDelegate | EntryDelegate draws a single item in AssetBrowser |
CSearchEntryDelegate | SearchEntryDelegate draws a single item in AssetBrowserListView |
►NAssetCatalog | |
CPlatformAddressedAssetCatalogBusTraits | |
►NAssetDatabase | |
CAssetDatabaseRequests | |
CAssetDatabaseNotifications | |
CDatabaseInfoEntry | |
CScanFolderDatabaseEntry | |
CSourceDatabaseEntry | |
CBuilderInfoEntry | |
CJobDatabaseEntry | |
CSourceFileDependencyEntry | |
CProductDatabaseEntry | |
CLegacySubIDsEntry | |
CProductDependencyDatabaseEntry | |
CMissingProductDependencyDatabaseEntry | |
CCombinedDatabaseEntry | |
CFileDatabaseEntry | |
CSourceAndScanFolderDatabaseEntry | |
CStatDatabaseEntry | |
CAssetDatabaseConnection | |
CPathOrUuid | |
►NAssetEditor | |
CAssetEditorWindowSettings | |
CAssetEditorRequests | |
CAssetEditorValidationRequests | |
CAssetEditorWidgetRequests | |
CAssetEditorNotifications | |
CAssetEditorTab | |
CAssetEditorWidgetUserSettings | |
CAssetEditorWidget | |
►NAssetSystem | |
CAssetSystemRequest | |
CAssetSystemNotifications | |
CJobInfo | This struct is used for responses and requests about Asset Processor Jobs |
CAssetSystemJobRequest | This Ebus will be used to retrieve all the job related information from AP |
CAssetFingerprintClearRequest | |
CAssetFingerprintClearResponse | |
CAssetJobsInfoRequest | Request the jobs information for a given asset from the AssetProcessor |
CAssetJobsInfoResponse | |
CAssetJobLogRequest | Request the log data for a given jobId from the AssetProcessor |
CAssetJobLogResponse | This will be sent in response to the AssetJobLogRequest request, and will contain the complete job log as a string |
CSourceFileNotificationMessage | Tools side message that a source file has changed or been removed |
CGetAbsoluteAssetDatabaseLocationRequest | |
CGetAbsoluteAssetDatabaseLocationResponse | |
CGetScanFoldersRequest | |
CGetScanFoldersResponse | |
CGetAssetSafeFoldersRequest | |
CGetAssetSafeFoldersResponse | |
CFileInfosNotificationMessage | |
CAssetProcessorPlatformStatusRequest | Request the enabled status of an asset platform |
CAssetProcessorPlatformStatusResponse | |
CAssetProcessorPendingPlatformAssetsRequest | Request the total number of pending jobs for an asset platform |
CAssetProcessorPendingPlatformAssetsResponse | |
CWantAssetBrowserShowRequest | |
CWantAssetBrowserShowResponse | |
CAssetBrowserShowRequest | |
CSourceAssetProductsInfoRequest | |
CSourceAssetProductsInfoResponse | |
CAssetSystemComponent | |
►NComponentModeFramework | |
CComponentModeCommand | Undo command to track entering and leaving ComponentMode |
CComponentModeCollection | Manages all individual ComponentModes for a single instance of Editor wide ComponentMode |
CComponentModeDelegate | |
CComponentData | Struct containing relevant information about component for the switcher |
CComponentModeSwitcher | Handles all aspects of the ViewportUi Switcher related to Component Mode |
CComponentModeViewportUi | Handles adding Viewport UI widgets from a specific ComponentMode onto the render viewport UI |
CComponentModeViewportUiRequests | Bus for interacting with the widget that handles Viewport UI for component mode |
CEditorBaseComponentMode | |
CComponentMode | |
CComponentModeBuilder | Holds a function object to create a ComponentMode for a specific type |
CEntityAndComponentMode | Encapsulates an Entity and its active ComponentMode |
CEntityAndComponentModeBuilders | Encapsulates a series of ComponentModeBuilders with a single Entity |
CComponentModeSystemRequests | Bus to control the overall editor ComponentMode state |
CComponentModeMouseViewportRequests | Bus traits for Individual ComponentMode mouse viewport requests |
CComponentModeDelegateRequests | |
CComponentModeRequests | Mouse viewport events to be intercepted by individual ComponentModes |
CEditorComponentModeNotifications | Used to notify other systems when ComponentMode events happen |
►NComponents | |
CEditorComponentAPIComponent | A System Component to reflect Editor operations on Components to Behavior Context |
CEditorLevelComponentAPIComponent | A System Component to reflect Editor operations on Components to Behavior Context |
CEditorEntityActionComponent | |
CEditorEntityModelComponent | |
CEditorEntitySearchComponent | A System Component to reflect Editor operations on Components to Behavior Context |
CEditorEntitySortComponent | |
CJsonEditorEntitySortComponentSerializer | |
CPropertyTreeEditorComponent | |
CEditorIntersectorComponent | |
CEditorComponentAdapter | |
CEditorComponentBase | |
CEditorDisabledCompositionComponentSerializer | Custom serializer to handle component data in the composition component |
CEditorDisabledCompositionComponent | Contains Disabled components to be added to the entity we are attached to |
CEditorEntityIconComponent | |
CEditorInspectorComponent | |
CEditorLockComponent | Controls whether an Entity is frozen/locked in the Editor |
CEditorNonUniformScaleComponent | Allows working with non-uniform scale in the editor |
CNonUniformScaleComponentMode | |
CEditorOnlyEntityComponent | |
CEditorPendingCompositionComponentSerializer | Custom serializer to handle component data in the composition component |
CEditorPendingCompositionComponent | Contains pending components to be added to the entity we are attached to |
CEditorSelectionAccentingRequests | |
CEditorSelectionAccentSystemComponent | |
CEditorVisibilityComponent | Controls whether an Entity is shown or hidden in the Editor |
CGenericComponentWrapper | |
►CScriptEditorComponent | |
CElementInfo | |
CSelectionComponent | |
CTransformComponent | |
CEditorTransform | |
CTransformComponentMessages | |
CJsonTransformComponentSerializer | |
CEditorEntityUiSystemComponent | A System Component to manage UI overrides for Editor Entities |
CPropertyManagerComponent | |
►NDebug | |
CTraceContextLogFormatter | |
CTraceContextMultiStackHandler | |
CTraceContextSingleStackHandler | |
►CTraceContextStack | |
CEntryInfo | |
CTraceContextStackInterface | |
►NEmbeddedPython | |
CPythonLoader | |
►NEntityOutliner | |
CDisplayOptionsMenu | |
►NEtcs | |
CPivotOrientationResult | |
►NFingerprinting | |
CTypeFingerprinter | |
►NLogging | |
►CLogEntry | |
CField | |
CLogLine | |
CLogTableItemDelegate | |
►NLogPanel | |
CGenericLogPanel | |
CGenericLogTab | |
CBaseLogView | |
CTabSettings | |
CBaseLogPanel | |
CRingBufferLogDataModel | |
CListLogDataModel | |
CFilteredLogDataModel | FilteredLogDataModel filters data based on whats in the TabSettings |
CLogPanelLayout | |
CLogPanelItemDelegate | |
CSavedState | |
CNewLogTabDialog | NewLogTabDialog - the dialog that pops up and asks you to configure a tab in a log control |
CStyledLogPanel | |
CStyledLogTab | |
CStyledTracePrintFLogPanel | |
CStyledTracePrintFLogTab | |
CTracePrintFLogPanel | |
CAZTracePrintFLogTab | |
►NPicking | |
CBoundShapeInterface | |
CBoundRequestShapeBase | An interface concrete shape types can implement to create specific BoundShapeInterfaces |
CBoundShapeBox | |
CBoundShapeSphere | |
CBoundShapeCylinder | |
CBoundShapeCone | |
CBoundShapeQuad | |
CBoundShapeLineSegment | The line segment consists of two points in 3D space defining a line the user can interact with |
CBoundShapeTorus | |
CBoundShapeSpline | |
CRaySelectInfo | Ray query for intersection against bounds |
CManipulatorBoundManager | |
CManipulatorBoundSphere | |
CManipulatorBoundBox | |
CManipulatorBoundCylinder | |
CManipulatorBoundCone | |
CManipulatorBoundQuad | |
CManipulatorBoundTorus | |
CManipulatorBoundLineSegment | |
CManipulatorBoundSpline | |
►NPrefab | |
►NPrefabConversionUtils | |
CAssetPlatformComponentRemover | |
CComponentRequirementsValidator | |
CEditorInfoRemover | |
CEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CUiEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CWorldEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CEntityAliasSpawnableLink | |
CEntityAliasPrefabLink | |
CEntityAliasStore | |
CEntityIdPathMapperInterface | |
CInMemorySpawnableAssetProcessor | |
CPrefabCatchmentProcessor | |
CPrefabConversionPipeline | |
CPrefabDocument | |
CPrefabInMemorySpawnableConverter | |
CPrefabProcessor | |
CAssetDependencyInfo | |
CPrefabProcessorContext | |
►CProcessedObjectStore | |
CAssetSmartPtrDeleter | |
CSpawnableMetaDataBuilder | |
►NPrefabDomUtils | |
CPatchesMetadata | The metadata about patches indicating information about the modified instance members |
CLinkIdMetadata | |
CInstanceDomMetadata | |
►NPrefabPropertyEditorNodes | |
CPrefabOverrideLabel | |
CPrefabAdapterInterface | |
CPrefabComponentAdapter | |
CPrefabOverrideLabelHandler | |
CEditorPrefabComponent | |
CInstance | Class that represents a prefab instance instantiated from a prefab template |
CInstanceDomGenerator | |
CInstanceDomGeneratorInterface | |
CInstanceEntityIdMapper | |
CInstanceEntityMapper | |
CInstanceEntityMapperInterface | |
CInstanceEntityScrubber | Collects the entities added during deserialization |
CJsonInstanceSerializer | |
CInstanceToTemplateInterface | |
CInstanceToTemplatePropagator | |
CInstanceUpdateExecutor | |
CInstanceUpdateExecutorInterface | Interface to handle instance update in template propagation |
CTemplateInstanceMapper | |
CTemplateInstanceMapperInterface | |
►CLink | |
CPrefabOverrideMetadata | |
CPrefabOverrideHandler | |
CPrefabOverridePublicHandler | |
CPrefabOverridePublicInterface | |
CPrefabOverridePublicRequests | |
CPrefabFocusHandler | Handles Prefab Focus mode, determining which prefab file entity changes will target |
CPrefabFocusInterface | Interface to handle internal operations related to the Prefab Focus system |
CPrefabFocusNotifications | Used to notify when the editor focus changes |
CPrefabFocusPublicInterface | |
CPrefabFocusPublicRequests | |
CPrefabFocusUndo | Undo node for prefab focus change operations |
CInstanceClimbUpResult | Defines climb-up result returned by climb-up operation |
CPrefabLoader | |
CPrefabLoaderInterface | |
CPrefabLoaderScriptingTraits | |
CPrefabPublicHandler | |
CPrefabPublicInterface | |
CPrefabPublicNotifications | |
CPrefabTemplateNotifications | Used to notify changes to a prefab template |
CPrefabPublicNotificationHandler | |
CPrefabPublicRequests | |
CPrefabPublicRequestHandler | |
CPrefabSystemComponent | |
CPrefabSystemComponentInterface | |
CPrefabSystemScriptingEbusTraits | |
CPrefabSystemScriptingHandler | |
CPrefabUndoCache | |
CProceduralPrefabSystemComponent | |
CProceduralPrefabSystemComponentInterface | |
CScriptingPrefabLoader | |
CPrefabToInMemorySpawnableNotifications | This EBus is used to send notifications during the conversion of a prefab template to an in-memory spawnable |
CTemplate | |
CPrefabUndoInstance | Handles the addition and removal of entities from instances |
CPrefabUndoAddEntityDoms | Undo class for handling addition of entity DOMs to a prefab template |
CPrefabUndoRemoveEntityDoms | Undo class for handling removal of entity DOMs to a prefab template |
CPrefabUndoEntityUpdate | Undo class for handling update of an entity to a prefab template |
CPrefabUndoInstanceLink | Handles link changes on instances |
CPrefabUndoAddEntity | Undo class for handling addition of an entity to a prefab instance |
CPrefabUndoAddEntityAsOverride | Undo class for handling addition of an entity to an instance as override of focused instance |
CPrefabUndoApplyOverrides | |
CPrefabUndoBase | |
CPrefabUndoComponentPropertyEdit | Undo class for handling updating component properties of the focused prefab (which is also the owning prefab) |
CPrefabUndoComponentPropertyOverride | Undo class for handling updating component properties of a prefab as overrides from focused prefab |
CPrefabUndoDeleteEntity | Undo class for handling deletion of entities to the focused instance |
CPrefabUndoDeleteAsOverride | Undo class for handling deletion of entities and prefab instances to an instance as override of focused instance |
CPrefabUndoEntityOverrides | Undo class for handling updating entities to an instance as override of focused instance |
CPrefabUndoRevertOverrides | |
CPrefabUndoUpdateLink | |
CPrefabInstanceContainerNotifications | |
CPrefabIntegrationInterface | |
CPrefabIntegrationManager | |
CPrefabUserSettings | Structure for saving/retrieving user settings related to prefab workflows |
CPrefabSaveHandler | Class to handle dialogs and windows related to prefab save operations |
CPrefabFocusPathWidget | |
CProceduralPrefabReadOnlyHandler | Ensures entities in a procedural prefab are correctly reported as read-only |
►NScript | |
CLuaEditorSystemComponent | |
CLuaPropertySymbol | |
CLuaMethodSymbol | |
CLuaClassSymbol | |
CLuaEBusSender | |
CLuaEBusSymbol | |
CLuaSymbolsReporterRequests | |
CLuaSymbolsReporterBusTraits | |
CLuaSymbolsReporterSystemComponent | System component for LuaSymbolsReporterRequestBus |
►NSliceUtilities | |
CSliceTransaction | |
CQuickPushMenuOptions | Options that can be passed to PupulateQuickPushMenu to affect appearance |
CSliceUserSettings | |
CDetachMenuActionWidget | |
CMoveToSliceLevelConfirmation | |
►NSQLite | |
CBoundColumn | |
CBoundColumnSet | |
CConnection | |
CStatement | |
CStatementAutoFinalizer | |
CScopedTransaction | |
CSqlBlob | Represents a binary data blob. Needed so that Bind can accept a pointer and size as a single type |
CSqlParam | Represents a single query parameter, where T is the type of the field |
CSqlQueryResultRunner | |
CSqlQuery | |
CSQLiteQueryLogEvents | |
►NThumbnailer | |
CLoadingThumbnail | |
CMissingThumbnail | |
CSourceControlThumbnailKey | |
CSourceControlThumbnail | |
CSourceControlThumbnailCache | Stores products' thumbnails |
CSourceControlThumbnailRequests | Notifications for source control thumbnail |
CThumbnailCache | ThumbnailCache manages thumbnails of specific type, derive your custom provider from this |
CThumbnailerRequests | Interaction with thumbnailer |
CThumbnailerRendererRequests | Request product thumbnail to be rendered |
CThumbnailerRendererNotifications | Notify that product thumbnail was rendered |
CThumbnailerComponent | |
CThumbnailerNullComponent | |
►NUndoSystem | |
CUndoCacheInterface | |
CIUndoNotify | |
CURSequencePoint | |
CBatchCommand | |
CUndoStack | |
►NViewportInteraction | Viewport related types that are used when interacting with the viewport |
CHelpers | |
CMouseViewportRequests | Interface for handling mouse viewport events |
CViewportDisplayNotifications | Interface for viewport selection behaviors |
CViewportSelectionRequests | |
CViewportEBusTraits | |
CViewportInteractionRequests | Requests that can be made to the viewport to query and modify its state |
CViewportNotificationsEBusTraits | The EBusTraits for ViewportInteractionNotifications |
CViewportInteractionNotifications | Notifications for a specific viewport relating to user input/interactions |
CViewportSettingsRequests | Interface to return only viewport specific settings (e.g. snapping) |
CViewportSettingNotifications | An interface to notify when changes to viewport settings have happened |
CMainEditorViewportInteractionRequests | Viewport requests that are only guaranteed to be serviced by the Main Editor viewport |
CEditorEntityViewportInteractionRequests | Editor entity requests to be made about the viewport |
CEditorModifierKeyRequests | An interface to query editor modifier keys |
CEditorViewportInputTimeNowRequests | |
CViewportMouseCursorRequests | Viewport requests for managing the viewport cursor state |
CKeyboardModifiers | Interface over keyboard modifier to query which key is pressed |
CMouseButtons | Interface over mouse buttons to query which button is pressed |
CInteractionId | Information relevant when interacting with a particular viewport |
CMousePick | Data representing a mouse pick ray |
CMouseInteraction | State relating to an individual mouse interaction |
CMouseInteractionEvent | |
CProjectedViewportRay | A ray projection, originating from a point and extending in a direction specified as a normal |
►NViewportUi | |
CViewportUiManager | |
CViewportUiRequests | |
CViewportUiBusTraits | The EBusTraits for ViewportInteractionRequests |
CApplicationWatcher | This class is used to mute KeyPress events that are triggered after a shortcut has fired |
CActionContextWidgetWatcher | |
CActionManager | |
CActionContextProperties | |
CActionProperties | |
CWidgetActionProperties | |
CActionManagerInterface | |
CActionManagerNotifications | Used to notify changes of state for Actions in the Action Manager |
CEditorAction | |
CEditorActionContext | |
CEditorWidgetAction | |
CActionManagerRegistrationNotifications | |
CActionManagerSystemComponent | System Component to handle the Action Manager system and subsystems |
CHotKeyManager | |
CHotKeyManagerInterface | |
CHotKeyWidgetRegistrationHelper | |
CHotKeyWidgetRegistrationInterface | |
CEditorMenu | |
CEditorMenuBar | |
CMenuManager | |
CMenuProperties | Provides additional properties to initialize a Menu upon registration |
CMenuManagerInterface | |
CToolBarExpanderWatcher | A watcher class to handle the expander menu for a toolbar |
CEditorToolBar | |
CEditorToolBarArea | |
CToolBarManager | |
CToolBarProperties | Provides additional properties to initialize a ToolBar upon registration |
CToolBarManagerInterface | |
CComponentEntityEditorRequests | |
CComponentEntityObjectRequests | |
CEditorComponentSelectionRequests | |
CEditorComponentSelectionNotifications | Bus that provides notifications about selection events of the parent Entity |
CComponentModeCollectionInterface | The AZ::Interface for component mode collection queries |
CEditorAnimationSystemRequests | |
CEditorEntityAPI | |
CEditorLevelNotifications | |
►CEditorPythonConsoleInterface | Interface into the Python virtual machine's data |
CGlobalFunction | Returns the known list of global functions inside a Python module |
CEditorPythonEventsInterface | Interface to signal the phases for the Python virtual machine |
►CEditorPythonConsoleNotifications | A bus to handle post notifications to the console views of Python output |
CBusHandlerOrderCompare | |
CEditorPythonRunnerRequests | |
CEditorPythonScriptNotifications | Provides a bus to notify when Python scripts are about to run |
►CEditorViewportIconDisplayInterface | An interface for loading simple icon assets and rendering them to screen on a per-viewport basis |
CDrawParameters | These draw parameters control rendering for a single icon to a single viewport |
CEditorWindowRequests | |
CEditorWindowUIRequests | |
CEditorWindowRequestBusImpl | |
CEntityCompositionNotifications | |
►CEntityCompositionRequests | |
CAddComponentsResults | |
CPendingComponentInfo | |
CRemoveComponentsResults | |
CEntityPropertyEditorNotifications | Provides a bus to notify when EntityPropertyEditor is interacted with |
CEntityPropertyEditorRequests | |
CToolsApplicationEvents | |
CToolsApplicationRequests | |
►CEntitySelectionEvents | |
CSelectionConnectionPolicy | |
CEditorPickModeRequests | |
CEditorPickModeNotifications | |
CEditorRequests | |
CEditorEvents | |
CViewPaneCallbacks | |
CScopedUndoBatch | |
CViewPaneOptions | |
CViewportEditorModeTrackerInterface | The AZ::Interface of the central editor mode tracker for all viewports |
CViewportEditorModeTrackerInfo | Viewport editor mode tracker identifier and other relevant data |
CViewportEditorModesInterface | Interface for the editor modes of a given viewport |
CViewportEditorModeNotifications | |
CEditorEntityManager | |
CTicker | |
►CToolsApplication | |
CPathAssetEntry | |
CArchiveCommands | |
CArchiveComponent | |
CAssetBundleSettings | |
►CAssetFileInfoListComparison | |
CComparisonData | |
CAssetFileDebugInfo | |
CAssetFileDebugInfoList | |
CAssetFileInfo | |
CAssetFileInfoList | |
CAssetSeedManager | |
CAssetSeedManagerRequests | |
CAssetBundleCommands | |
CAssetBundleComponent | |
CPlatformAddressedAssetCatalog | |
CPlatformAddressedAssetCatalogManager | Handle multiple AssetCatalogs with requests addressing each by platform |
CAzToolsFrameworkModule | |
CEditorManipulatorCommandUndoRedoRequests | Provide interface for Entity manipulator Undo/Redo requests |
►CEntityManipulatorCommand | Stores a manipulator transform change |
CPivotOverride | |
CState | |
CSelectionCommand | |
CEditorComponentAPIRequests | Exposes the Editor Component CRUD API; it is exposed to Behavior Context for Editor Scripting |
CEditorLevelComponentAPIRequests | |
CComponentModeActionHandler | |
CBaseShapeComponentMode | |
CBaseShapeViewportEdit | |
CBoxComponentMode | The specific ComponentMode responsible for handling box editing |
CBoxViewportEdit | |
CCapsuleComponentMode | The specific ComponentMode responsible for handling capsule editing |
CCapsuleViewportEdit | |
CCylinderComponentMode | The specific ComponentMode responsible for handling sphere editing |
CCylinderViewportEdit | |
CShapeComponentModeRequests | Bus used to communicate with shape component mode |
CShapeTranslationOffsetViewportEdit | Wraps translation manipulators for editing shape translation offsets |
CSphereComponentMode | The specific ComponentMode responsible for handling sphere editing |
CSphereViewportEdit | |
CContainerEntityInterface | |
CContainerEntityNotifications | Used to notify changes of state for Container Entities |
CContainerEntitySystemComponent | |
CEditorSettingsAPIRequests | Editor Settings API Bus |
CEditorPreferencesNotifications | Allows handlers to be notified when settings are changed to refresh accordingly |
CEditorEntityAPIRequests | Editor Entity API Bus |
CEditorEntityContextRequests | |
CEditorEntityContextNotification | |
CEditorLegacyGameModeNotifications | |
CEditorEntityContextComponent | |
CEditorEntityContextPickingRequests | |
CEditorEntityFixupComponent | |
CAddComponents | |
CFindComponent | |
CEditorEntityInfoRequests | |
CEditorEntityInfoNotifications | |
CEditorEntityModel | |
CEditorEntityModelRequests | |
CEditorEntityRuntimeActivationChangeNotifications | |
CEntitySearchFilter | Class storing the match conditions for an editor entity search |
CEditorEntitySearchRequests | Provides an API to search editor entity that match some conditions in the currently open level |
CEditorEntitySortRequests | |
CEditorEntitySortNotifications | |
CEditorTransformChangeNotifications | Notifications about entity transform changes from the editor |
CComponentDetails | |
CEntityUtilityTraits | |
CEntityUtilityComponent | |
CPrefabEditorEntityOwnershipInterface | |
CUnimplementedSliceEntityOwnershipService | |
CPrefabEditorEntityOwnershipService | |
CReadOnlyEntityPublicNotifications | Used to notify changes of state for read-only entities |
CReadOnlyEntityQueryRequests | Used by the ReadOnlyEntitySystemComponent to query the read-only state of entities as set by systems using the API |
CReadOnlyEntityPublicInterface | An entity registered as read-only cannot be altered in the editor |
CReadOnlyEntityQueryInterface | An entity registered as read-only cannot be altered in the editor |
CReadOnlyEntitySystemComponent | |
CFocusModeInterface | |
CFocusModeNotifications | Used to notify when the editor focus changes |
CFocusModeSystemComponent | System Component to handle the Editor Focus Mode system |
CQtEventToAzInputMapper | |
►CTraceLogger | Connects and disconnects TraceMessageBus and allows for logging for O3DE Tools Applications |
CLogMessage | |
►CAngularManipulator | |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback (wraps Start and Current manipulator state) |
CCurrent | The state of the manipulator during an interaction |
CFixed | Unchanging data set once for the angular manipulator |
CStart | The state of the manipulator at the start of an interaction |
CAngularManipulatorCircleViewFeedback | A visual segment indicator of how much rotation has occurred about an AngularManipulator using a ManipulatorCircleView |
CBaseManipulator | The base class for manipulators, providing interfaces for users of manipulators to talk to |
CManipulators | |
CBoxManipulatorRequests | |
CCapsuleManipulatorRequests | |
CCylinderManipulatorRequests | |
CEditorVertexSelectionActionManagement | |
CVariableVerticesVertexContainer | Concrete implementation of AZ::VariableVertices backed by an AZ::VertexContainer |
CFixedVerticesArray | Concrete implementation of AZ::FixedVertices backed by an AZStd::array |
CEditorVertexSelectionBase | |
CEditorVertexSelectionFixed | |
CEditorVertexSelectionVariable | |
CEditorVertexSelectionVariableRequests | Bus to request operations to the EditorVertexSelection classes |
CHoverSelection | |
CNullHoverSelection | |
►CLinearManipulator | |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback (wraps Fixed, Start and Current manipulator state) |
CCurrent | The state of the manipulator during an interaction |
CFixed | Unchanging data set once for the linear manipulator |
CStart | The state of the manipulator at the start of an interaction |
CStartTransition | Data passed between the initial press and first movement of the linear manipulator |
CLineSegmentHoverSelection | |
►CLineSegmentSelectionManipulator | A manipulator to expose where on a line a user is moving their mouse |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback |
CManipulatorManagerRequests | EBus interface used to send requests to ManipulatorManager |
CManipulatorManagerState | State of overall manipulator manager |
CManipulatorManager | |
CGridSnapParameters | Structure to encapsulate grid snapping properties |
CManipulatorInteraction | Structure to hold transformed incoming viewport interaction from world space to manipulator space |
CManipulatorSpace | Handles location for manipulators which have a global space but no local transformation |
CManipulatorSpaceWithLocalPosition | Handles location for manipulators which have a global space and a local position, but no local rotation |
CManipulatorSpaceWithLocalTransform | Handles location for manipulators which have a global space and a local transform (position and rotation) |
CManipulatorState | State of an individual manipulator |
CManipulatorView | |
CManipulatorViewQuad | Display a quad representing part of a plane, rendered as 4 lines |
CManipulatorViewQuadBillboard | A screen aligned quad, centered at the position of the manipulator, display filled |
CManipulatorViewLine | |
CManipulatorViewLineSelect | |
CManipulatorViewCone | |
CManipulatorViewBox | |
CManipulatorViewCylinder | Displays a filled cylinder along the axis provided |
CManipulatorViewSphere | |
CManipulatorViewProjectedCircle | Displays a wire circle that's projected and rotated into world space (useful for paint brush manipulators) |
CManipulatorViewCircle | |
CManipulatorViewSplineSelect | |
►CMultiLinearManipulator | |
CAction | |
CPaintBrushManipulator | |
►CPlanarManipulator | |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback (wraps Start and Current manipulator state) |
CCurrent | The state of the manipulator during an interaction |
CFixed | Unchanging data set once for the planar manipulator |
CStart | The state of the manipulator at the start of an interaction |
CRadiusManipulatorRequests | Interface for handling radius manipulator requests |
CRotationManipulators | |
CScaleManipulators | |
CSelectionManipulator | |
CShapeManipulatorRequests | Interface for handling shape offset manipulator requests |
CSplineHoverSelection | |
►CSplineSelectionManipulator | |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback |
►CSurfaceManipulator | |
CAction | Mouse action data used by MouseActionCallback (wraps Start and Current manipulator state) |
CCurrent | The state of the manipulator during an interaction |
CStart | The state of the manipulator at the start of an interaction |
CTranslationManipulatorsViewCreateInfo | Parameters to configure the appearance of the TranslationManipulators view(s) |
CTranslationManipulators | |
►CIndexedTranslationManipulator | |
CVertexLookup | Store vertex start position as manipulator event occurs, index refers to location in container |
CIMetadataRequests | |
CMetadataManager | |
CMetaUuidEntry | Structure used to store UUID information for an asset in the metadata file |
CIUuidUtil | |
CUuidUtilComponent | |
CGlobalPaintBrushSettings | |
CGlobalPaintBrushSettingsNotifications | GlobalPaintBrushSettingsNotificationBus is used to send out notifications whenever the global paintbrush settings have changed |
CGlobalPaintBrushSettingsRequests | This is used to get/set the global paintbrush settings |
CGlobalPaintBrushSettingsSystemComponent | GlobalPaintBrushSettingsSystemComponent owns the current global paintbrush settings for the Editor |
CPaintBrushSubModeCluster | Create and manage the Viewport UI SubMode cluster of buttons that enable the user to switch between paint modes |
CIdType | Provide unique type alias for AZ::u64 for manipulator, bounds and manager |
CPropertyTreeEditor | |
CHeaderView | |
CScriptHelpProxyModel | |
►CScriptHelpModel | |
CItem | |
CScriptTableView | |
CCScriptHelpDialog | |
CCScriptTermDialog | |
CEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CWorldEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CUiEditorOnlyEntityHandler | |
CSliceDataFlagsCommand | |
CClearSliceDataFlagsBelowAddressCommand | |
CSliceDependencyBrowserRequests | |
CSliceDependencyBrowserNotifications | |
CSliceDependencyBrowserComponent | |
CSliceMetadataEntityContextRequests | |
CSliceMetadataEntityContextNotifications | |
CSliceMetadataEntityContextComponent | |
►CSliceRelationshipNode | |
CHashSliceRelationshipNodeComparator | |
CHashSliceRelationshipNodeKey | |
CSliceRequests | Bus for making slice requests |
CSliceRequestComponent | Component in charge of listening for SliceRequestBus requests |
CLocalFileSCComponent | |
CPerforceJobRequest | |
CPerforceJobResult | |
CPerforceSettingResult | |
CPerforceComponent | |
CPerforceCommand | |
CPerforceConnection | |
CQtSourceControlNotificationHandler | |
CSourceControlFileInfo | |
CSourceControlSettingInfo | |
CSourceControlCommands | |
CSourceControlConnectionRequests | |
CSourceControlNotifications | |
CAzToolsFrameworkConfigurationSystemComponent | |
CComponentAssetMimeData | |
CComponentAssetMimeDataContainer | |
CComponentTypeMimeData | |
CComponentMimeData | |
CEditorAssetMimeData | |
CEditorAssetMimeDataContainer | |
CAssetReferenceBase | |
CEditorDisabledCompositionRequests | |
CEditorEntityIconComponentRequests | |
CEditorEntityIconComponentNotifications | |
CEditorEntityIdContainer | |
CEditorInspectorComponentRequests | |
CEditorInspectorComponentNotifications | |
CEditorLockComponentRequests | |
CEditorEntityLockComponentNotifications | |
CEditorOnlyEntityComponentRequests | |
CEditorOnlyEntityComponentNotifications | |
CEditorPendingCompositionRequests | |
CEditorVisibilityRequests | |
CEditorEntityVisibilityNotifications | |
CToolsAssetSystemRequests | This EBUS is used to tell the assetprocessor about an asset type that should be retrieved from the source instead of the cache |
CEntityHighlightMessages | |
CContainerActionButtonHandler | |
CDPELayout | |
►CDPERowWidget | |
CAttributeInfo | |
►CDocumentPropertyEditor | |
CHandlerInfo | |
CFilteredDPE | |
CGenericButtonHandler | |
CIPropertyEditor | |
CKeyQueryDPE | |
CPropertyEditorToolsSystem | Implementation of PropertyEditorToolsSystemInterface, |
►CPropertyEditorToolsSystemInterface | |
CHandlerData | |
CPropertyHandlerWidgetInterface | |
CPropertyHandlerWidget | |
CDPEModelNode | |
CDPEDebugModel | |
CDPEDebugTextView | |
CDPEDebugWindow | |
CEditorEntityUiHandlerBase | Defines a handler that can customize entity UI appearance and behavior in the Entity Outliner |
CEditorEntityUiInterface | |
CMainWindowSavedState | |
CHotkeyDescription | |
CMainWindowDescription | |
CFrameworkMessages | |
CToastNotifications | |
CToastRequests | |
CToastNotificationsView | A QWidget that displays and manages a queue of toast notifications |
CEntityOutlinerCacheRequests | |
CEntityOutlinerCacheNotifications | |
CEntityOutlinerModelNotifications | |
CEntityOutlinerDragAndDropContext | |
CEntityOutlinerRequests | Bus to request UI operations on the Entity Outliner widget |
CEntityOutlinerSearchTypeSelector | |
COutlinerCriteriaButton | |
CEntityOutlinerSearchWidget | |
CEntityOutlinerIcons | |
CEntityOutlinerSearchItemDelegate | |
CLevelRootUiHandler | |
CPrefabUiHandler | |
CProceduralPrefabUiHandler | Implements the Editor UI for Procedural Prefabs |
CEntityIdQLineEdit | |
CExeSelectPropertyCtrl | |
CExeSelectPropertyHandler | |
CGenericComboBoxHandler | |
CGenericComboBoxCtrlBase | |
CGenericComboBoxCtrl | |
CInstanceDataNode | |
►CInstanceDataHierarchy | |
CEditDataOverride | |
CInstanceData | |
CSupplementalEditData | |
CLabelHandler | Handler for showing a generic QLabel |
CAssetCompleterModel | Model storing all the files that can be suggested in the Asset Autocompleter for PropertyAssetCtrl |
CMultiLineTextEditHandler | |
CAudioControlSelectorRequests | |
CAudioControlSelectorWidget | |
CAudioControlSelectorWidgetHandler | |
CCReflectedVarAudioControl | |
CPropertyCRCCtrl | |
CCRC32HandlerCommon | |
CU32CRCHandler | |
CCRC32Handler | |
CPropertyHandler | |
CPropertyEditorGUIMessages | |
CGenericPropertyHandler | |
CPropertyTypeRegistrationMessages | |
CPropertyEditorEntityChangeNotifications | |
CPropertyEditorChangeNotifications | |
CIPropertyEditorNotify | |
CIndividualPropertyHandlerEditNotifications | |
CPropertyHandlerBase | |
CRpePropertyHandlerWrapper | |
CPropertyFilePathCtrl | |
CPropertyFilePathHandler | |
CToolTip | |
CIntWidgetHandler | |
CAssetCompleterDelegate | Delegate on the asset autocompleter that enables html styling (used to show highlight of searched word) |
CAssetCompleterListView | List View of suggestions in the Asset Autocompleter for PropertyAssetCtrl |
CSliceRelationshipRequests | |
CQWidgetSavedState | |
CActionOverride | |
CActionOverrideRequests | Bus to allow Actions to be added/removed from the currently bound override widget |
CEditorActionRequests | |
CEditorMenuRequests | Provide operations that can be performed on the EditMenu |
CEditorMenuNotifications | Provides notifications from EditorMenu |
CEditorContextMenu | State of when and where the right-click context menu should appear |
CLocalViewBookmarkComponent | Component that stores the name of the local View bookmark file associated to the prefab |
CLocalViewBookmarkLoader | Class used to load/store local ViewBookmarks from project/user/Registry/ViewBookmarks |
CEditorViewBookmarks | Struct that stores a vector of View bookmarks |
CSharedViewBookmarkComponent | Component that stores a vector of View bookmarks stored in the prefab. so they can be shared in version control easily |
CViewBookmark | Struct that store viewport camera properties that can be serialized and loaded |
CViewBookmarkInterface | |
CViewBookmarkPersistInterface | Provides the ability to override how the SettingsRegistry data is persisted |
CViewBookmarkSystemComponent | System Component that holds functionality for the ViewBookmarks |
CEditorBoxSelect | |
CEditorDefaultSelection | The default selection/input handler for the editor (includes handling ComponentMode) |
CCursorEntityIdQuery | < Represents the result of a query to find the id of the entity under the cursor (if any) |
CEditorHelpers | |
CEditorInteractionSystemComponent | |
CEditorInteractionSystemViewportSelectionRequests | |
CEditorInteractionSystemViewportSelection | |
CEditorPickEntitySelectionHelper | |
CEditorPickEntitySelection | |
CMidpointCalculator | |
CEntityIdManipulatorLookup | Entity related data required by manipulators during action |
CEntityIdManipulators | Generic wrapper to handle specific manipulators controlling 1-* entities |
CFrame | Store translation and orientation only (no scale) |
COptionalFrame | Temporary manipulator frame used during selection |
CSpaceCluster | Grouping of viewport ui related state for controlling the current reference space of the Editor |
CSnappingCluster | Grouping of viewport ui related state for aligning transforms to a grid |
CEditorTransformComponentSelection | |
CHandleAccentsContext | Bundles viewport state that impacts how accents are added/removed in HandleAccents |
CEditorTransformComponentSelectionRequests | Provide interface for EditorTransformComponentSelection requests |
CEditorVisibleEntityDataCacheInterface | |
CEditorVisibleEntityDataCache | |
CInvalidClick | An interface to provide invalid click feedback in the editor viewport |
CExpandingFadingCircles | Display expanding fading circles for every click of the mouse that is invalid |
CFadingText | |
CInvalidClicks | Interface to begin invalid click feedback (will run all added InvalidClick behaviors) |
CViewportEditorModes | The encapsulation of the editor modes for a given viewport |
CViewportEditorModeTracker | The implementation of the central editor mode state tracker for all viewports |
►NCamera | |
CEditorCameraRequests | |
CEditorCameraSystemRequests | |
CEditorCameraNotifications | |
CEditorCameraViewRequests | |
►NLegacyFramework | |
►NCustomMenusCommon | |
CWorldEditor | |
CLUAEditor | |
CViewport | |
CEditorContextMessages | |
CEditorContextClientMessages | |
CCoreMessages | |
CFrameworkApplicationMessages | |
CLogComponentAPI | |
CIPCCommandAPI | |
CApplicationDesc | |
CApplication | |
CIPCComponent | |
CCustomMenusMessages | |
CCustomMenusRegistration | |
CEBusFindAssetTypeByName | |
CQtViewOptions | |
CTraceContext | |
CViewBookmarkIntereface | Interface for saving/loading ViewBookmarks |